Nanci Kuykendall

>My father says that almost the whole world is asleep.
>Everybody you know. Everybody you see. Everybody
>you talk to. He says that only a few pople are awake
>and they live in a state of constant total amazement.
>From Joe Versus the Volcano (1990)

I totally agree with this, and I try so hard to be
awake all of the time. I do live in a constant state
of amazement. I sometimes feel twinges of
embarrassment or regret when I let my enthusiasm carry
me away, worrying that I have talked to much or
something. Then I shake myself, laugh and say "who
cares!" Better to live with that kid at Disneyland
look on your face, in love with the world at all
times. I try so hard to live in the moment, with that
kind of passion, every day.

On another note, I agree with Deb. I love to write
and recieve long letters. The internet is great for
information and for instant contact with larger
groups. But for meaningful, sustained, intimate
contact with friends at a distance, I prefer to use my
own script and write long letters by hand. I love to
get them even more. I wish I had more friends who
wrote me.

Nanci K.

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