[email protected]

I just wanted to let everyone know that I cannot keep this project going! I just don't have the time or energy to do it right now. If someone has the interest to partner with the blog carnival, or start up a podcast, I really encourage you to do it! I started this one because I was wishing there was one and there wasn't. It's at least a couple hours per podcast to put together, but for someone that isn't working full time as I am, it would not be too much of a commitment.

Thanks a lot for the encouragement, and the positive comments from everyone who listened! I hope that someone will take the idea and run with it!

aka Sarah

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Sandra Dodd

Will those you've already done remain available where they are?


--- In [email protected], Sandra Dodd <Sandra@...> wrote:
> Will those you've already done remain available where they are?

Yes, they will.
