[email protected]

> http://www.home-ed-magazine.com/HEM/206/ndunschool.html

Thanks for the link, Sandra. It's a great article. It is difficult to
explain just "how" that learning is taking place in the family - as we live our
lives. You did a great job of it.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[email protected]

In a message dated 11/17/03 9:08:52 AM, conniecolten@... writes:

<< Thanks for the link, Sandra. It's a great article. It is difficult to
explain just "how" that learning is taking place in the family - as we live
lives. You did a great job of it.

It IS a really hard thing to explain, and the best I've found to do is gather
with others who explain it differently so that people who are figuring it out
can get a fuller picture because they get MORE pictures, and if one person's
analogies or examples are baffling, someone else can reword it or come to it
from a different angle and they might get it!

THANK YOU all of you who post and help others, and THANK YOU those who come
and lurk and take good parts away and live them, because the collective set of
all that we're all doing is changing the world, maybe just a little, but in a
profound little way.
