Mark Shields

We watched what was on NBC (about an hour's worth) and my 11 yod watched Clinton's speech (no coercion :)). She really likes him!

-----Original Message-----
From: Elizabeth Hill [SMTP:ecsamhill@...]
Anyone watching the convention?

Anyone have a kid watching, without coercing them to do so?

[email protected]

We watched a bit including Clinton's speech. Brenna (14) is a huge Kerry
supporter and just got a bumper sticker she ordered which she put on our van.
She was online but kept walking in and out of the room with a smile on her face
as Clinton made several of his points. Logan (11) asked alot of questions
and it all led to a conversation about how you get to go to the convention.

Logan mostly noticed things like...."all the people up front have signs but
fewer of the people in the back have signs."

Brenna has asked if we can go to a local restaurant on Thursday night that is
having an event to celebrate Kerry accepting the nomination. Sounds like fun
and I wrote it down so I wouldn't forget.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]