J. Stauffer

<<I'd say discourage him from setting goals he can't reach for now>>

I agree with Sandra. I posted about Adriane and her gymnastics meets. She
tends to freak herself out over them and somehow injure herself. She has
brought on asthma prior to meets, missed landings on apparatus right before,
etc.. Never fails its something. I have pointed out this pattern,
suggested perhaps the stress is a problem, asked if she wanted to quit the
team and just take classes, etc. She is adamant that she wants to be on the
team. OK.

She is at a meet with her Dad right now. I picked her up from class on
Thursday and she was grumpy. I asked what was wrong and she began to cry.
Adriane is 12 by the way. She had injured her foot and it was quite painful
and she was sure that she wouldn't do well in the meet. She said "everyone
says your'e doing great but I know I'm not." And she cried and I hugged

After awhile I suggested that perhaps, in her mind, she should just ignore
the meets, ignore the competition, just do gymnastics because she loves it
and for no other reason than that. It seemed to help and she was happy when
she went to bed that night.
