Noemi Hiraishi

Very brave of you Sandra!

When I was in Brazil, 2 months ago, dd run over a gardening tool and had to
have 3 stiches. (If I were brave and have asked the doctor to do 5 stiches
instead, would have saved me worries as after I took the stiches off 7 days
later, we saw blood coming out the next morning. It was on Saturday and the
emergency room of that small city hospital were full. I thought that our
case were not that "emergency".)

Any way the doctor only prescribe soap. Only soap? No antibiotics cream,
no disinfectant? No, the doctor said; "just wash the area with soap every

A friend, and neighbor that is a nurse told me the wonder of the aloe to
"seal" the wound/cut. I tried it. I would cut the aloe and spread that
sticky fluid over the cut. IT REALLY WORKED.

On the 8th day after the emergency room visit, mother, sister, dd and I were
at the beach. The week long vacation were just beginning. 7 days fm that,
anybody did not have to guess hard to see that we had been on a vacation.

love and peace