[email protected]

When the first T-shirts came out that said "I'm Bart Simpson -- who the hell
are you?" my mom was appalled. (She's still believes, without watching, that
the Simpsons is appalling and is likely to degrade social standards.)

***Years ago my mom, dad, and my whole family were on a vacation trip up to
Canada, from my parent's home in northern MN. My mom and I had split off in
a big store - and we saw these kids' shirts with a big sign that said "Where
the HELL is Thunder Bay?" (We were in Thunder Bay). We had a little
conversation wondering who would buy a kid a shirt that said that.

Right after we met up with my husband, father and the kids. Shawn was
wearing his brand new shirt that said ---- You guessed it! We thought it was very


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[email protected]

In a message dated 10/2/05 10:59:38 AM, conniecolten@... writes:

> "Where 
> the HELL is Thunder Bay?" (We were in Thunder Bay).  We had a little 
> conversation wondering who would buy a kid a shirt that said that.

FUNNY story.

I actually have been to Thunder Bay. Not many other places in Canada.
Bonfield. <G>

In my early 20's I had a "Nuke the Whales" t-shirt with an elegant piece of
art. It was funny at the time, in the context of the day. But later people
made shirts that said "Nuke a baby gay whale for Jesus" and that much stuff
piled all in one pile just stunk. No clever turn, no simplicity.

I wonder if some people with absolutely no sense of humor and not much habit
of thinking looked at that shirt and thought about real nuclear weapons and
real live whales, rather than the weird political snork it was. Keith had one
then too, with a drawing of a bear holding a rifle, and it said "Defend your
right to arm bears." His was funny because in the SCA his heraldic charge
was a big golden bear, standing with one forepaw raised. Kinda like the bear
in the drawing, and people who knew him knew all that.


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