susan bundlie

Well, as far as my friend is concerned, it's now a moot point. Her cat
died yesterday. She said she thought he hadn't been in his body for
quite awhile--that he came back periodically to "check in" and then
left again.

She lives in a mobile home court that has restrictions against burying
animals (may be a state law, although it never stopped us), so she's
planning to start her garden early and plant a few bulbs VERY deep.

<< But that last few minutes of her life, putting her out on the table
and getting the shots were not nice.>>

When Tiger, one of our cats, needed to die last summer (we just knew it
about a day in advance) none of our usual vets (three in the practice)
were available to come to our home, so they gave me a pill that relaxed
him for the car ride and we took him in. They ushered us into one of
the treatment rooms where the lights had been dimmed and a candle was
burning. We gathered around Tiger and my daughter held him when the
injection was given. He (Tiger) gave one last long moan and left. Even
the vet cried.

One of our remaining cats is 16 and our dog is almost 13, so I guess we
have some sad times ahead.
