
As a mother who has been there and done that. I can ask when these
moments occur have you had your nap that day? LOL

Actually I learned something from another support group called HALT,
it works for so many aspects of life. Hungry,Angry, Lonely and Tired.
All of which apply to a mother with young children on any given day
of the week. The bottom line, when you are feeling irritable stop and
allow yourself the luxury of checking in with your body. Are you
tired? Has it been more than 4 hours since you have spoken with
someone on your own adult level? When was the last time you met your
physical, emotional or spiritual needs?

I can trace my every impatient moment back to one of these. Then too
I read a book called positive parenting, can't remember off the top
of my head who the author was, however, she talked about these
moments and called them, low energy moments. It was the first time I
entertained the thought that just maybe i didn't have to be in a
wonderful high energy mood all day long. Just acknowledging I felt
low allowed me to pull into myself like a turtle, speak as few as
words as necessary and just give myself time to turtle until my
energy level came back up or I had time to do something for myself.

To only have a few of these moments you are really doing great and
trust me when I say this is the most challenging task you will ever
face however, no other success compares!

