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In the midst of our breastfeeding discussion....
~Elissa Cleaveland
"It is nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction
not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry." A. Einstein

>Here is a letter from famed Dr. Jay Gordon, longtime supporter of
>LLLI and breastfeeding moms. Bear with the technical glitches in
>the letter. If you have a few minutes for advocacy this month, this
>would be a great place to put your time.
>>From: Jay Gordon <JNGMD@...>
>>Please pardon the pretentious title to this post but there is a very large
>>problem brewing. (Also pardon the caps. I wanted to emphasize a few
>>This is NOT a rumor.
>>The American Academy of Pediatrics "New Mother's Guide to
>>(sic on the hyphenation) has been purchased by ROSS LABORATORIES in large
>>quantities to be distributed WITH THEIR NAME AND LOGO to "give"
>>to hospitals
>>so that they may be given to new mothers with their discharge pack.
>>I repeat, this is NOT a rumor and may be confirmed by writing to either
>>Crase (BCrase@...) or to Maureen DeRosa, Director, Department of
>>Marketing and Publications at American Academy of Pediatrics
>>I do not know Ms. DeRosa, but I have certainly known and loved Betty for
>>years. She is one of the finest LLLI people I have ever met and has been
>>"inside" the AAP for some time now. Her job is important to us
>>I would assume that La Leche's plan to also put this book into their
>>catalogue will be canceled.
>>Not only will LLL not be "two clicks away" from formula
>>marketing, LLL will
>>be selling a book, favorably reviewing a book and supporting a book which
>>will be in the hands of tens of thousands of new mothers looking at
>>LOGO on the cover.
>>I appreciate the response I get from many of you when I write tongue in
>>or make my feeble attempts at humor. Although this seems stranger and
>>of a parody than anything I could ever have imagined or written, I have
>>been more serious. I would like to repeat, this is not a rumor and I have
>>confirmed all the facts in this post.
>>I would ask that you all urgently email the AAP and Betty to stop this
>>stunningly deceptive plan.
>>I am disgusted that the AAP would allow this.
>>This bizarre between breastfeeding's biggest enemies and the AAP and La
>>League has to be protested by each and every one of us.
>>(I will be posting this to BFMed, Lactnet and elsewhere. I am sorry if
>>receive this twice. Actually, I hope you receive this at least twice.)
>>Jay Gordon, MD, FAAP, IBCLC
>>LLLI Professional Advisory Board
>> ***********************************************