[email protected]

In a message dated 11/21/05 8:48:59 AM, elfmama_2@... writes:

> -=-  My fave movie about the French Revolution is The Scarlett Pimpernel. I
> like the one with Anthony Andrews and Jane Seymor the best. The book is good
> but I like the movie better. :) -=-
I am SO glad you stirred this topic, because I meant to come and post that in
the current flyer for Greathall Productions (Jim Weiss's company--he's a
storyteller, and has started making audio books too), there's a listing for "In
the Reign of Terror, a book by G.A. Henty. We have "Wulf the Saxon," of that
series, and it's good. I listened to it while sewing medieval clothes for
Christmas gifts last year, and then Marty listened to it at his book-making job.

In the Reign of Terror is $32.95 for a 7-CD set. It's nine hours long,
and more details are here:
(the website lists the price as $29.65--I don't know what to say about

Canadians should check here:


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