[email protected]

>>>you can let this woman know that
there is an eclectic group of homeschoolers in
Asheville called H.O.M.E. (Homeschooling Opens Minds
Everyday) and she can try looking for their website or
emailing my friend Sarah Scott at sgss@....
You can tell her to tell Sarah that I referred her<<<

This is from DiAna, who lives in Asheville (and also Pagan/Wicca?). DiAna has
two delightful youngish girls. Her address is seaturtles4@...

There is also the Upstate Homeschoolers Unlimited (UHU)---they "cover"
Greenville-Spartanburg and everywhere around there. Asheville would probably be
close enough.
They are a REALLY fun bunch of women--again inclusive, but a lot of
unschoolers in the bunch. Priss at Priss1000@... would be your contact person

Good luck!
