Sandra Dodd

Activity comes and goes, and this is probably the quietest season for
lists, but because we do (as usual) have new members, I wanted to
provide a link to this:

and to let those who've seen it already know that there is some news
there. HEM plans to put old issues of Growing Without Schooling online.

At this point, there are some things that are way more current,
lively and colorful than Growing Without Schooling (GWS), but
still... it's nice to see some of the early enthusiasm AND to have it
as a contrast to the ease of information these days.

I have a new link here, too
in the lower left—links to the Blog Carnival topic for last month,
and information on how to get in on the next one. Following some of
those links might lead you to unschooling sites you've never seen.

Knowledge is power and information is wealth! Ideas fall somewhere
on that mysterious scale of priceless to worthless, depending how
valuable the idea is to you yourself. But there are a lot of ideas
to be had through those two links.

AlwaysLearning listowner