[email protected]

On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 12:58:29 EST PSoroosh@... writes:

> Noticing and allowing a kid's interest in insects seems kinder than
> saying,
> "You don't get to study insects this year, that's not until 3rd
> grade." Major
> improvement.

Yes! I didn't mean don't notice.<g> My son is wild about insects and
can name and tell something interesting about almost every bug he sees.
When we saw that he really was fascinated we showed him where the field
guide was and how to use it. He takes it everywhere with him, but we
didn't make him sit down and label all the parts of a mosquito. (
although I'd bet he can! ) When I notice someone giving a talk on bugs I
tell him about it and if he wants to go, we do. When the museum in
Bozeman had a bug show and giant robot bugs, ( very cool!) there we were.
If I find a book I think he'd like, I get it. But there are no
requirements. That's much different from the spelling words and essays.
We don't squash spiders, we take them to Dylan to find out what they are.
He identified the mosquito's we grew in a backyard bucket.

Deb L