[email protected]

In a message dated 12/19/2001 12:31:45 PM Eastern Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:

> And - just asking - isn't it an irritation to many because most
> homeschoolers
> in MA are perfectly happy with existing law/case law since they are able to
> do any kind of homeschooling and they consider the requirements to be
> perfunctory? Aren't many MA homeschoolers concerned about increased
> publicity
> as the Bryant case spreads across the country and people get involved who
> don't live in MA and don't necessarily fully understand the subtleties and
> don't have to live, themselves, with the repercussions of any changes in
> homeschooling legalities that they might bring about there?

Yes, yes, yes....and the truth is, some of us (like me) don't have any moral
outrage about having to do the yearly proposal. I don't want Salem to start
worrying they should require MORE, since they've actually always been
supportive and positive.

And my OTHER truth: I don't think I could ever risk my son's well-being on
those grounds.


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