Kim H

Hi Sandra,

I just wanted to let you know how very much I appreciate the way you respond
to everyone at this group. I lvoe that you don't beat around the bush -
there's not enough time to waste when it comes to helping others understand
unschooling better. I thank you for the way you stand up for our children
and the lifestyle we are all aspiring to. I have come to a much, much better
understanding of many, many thnigs since being in this group and hearing
your words of wisdom. I think there's much to be said about having mentors
and I for one, feel that in many ways you are mine.

I understand that you're in a position where you feel under attack at
times - that's because you say it how it is and say it so well. I so
appreciate your stance and I hope that you can continue to be exactly who
you are.


Sandra Dodd

-=-I understand that you're in a position where you feel under attack at
times - that's because you say it how it is and say it so well. -=-


Of course I think about why people get so defensive, but I don't lose
sleep over it. I might've when I was in my 20's and 30's, but with
age comes confidence and focus, I think.

While it's probably instinctive with many women to try to make
friends with other women (in gatherer terms, I guess, they don't want
to be shunned when root gathering trips come or some damned thing),
but we're on the internet, google can be used for gathering, and I
only want friendships with those who are as eager about radical
unschooling as I am.

I already know what I want to do and have been doing it for a while.
I don't want to help moms feel better about being angsty, indecisive
moms. I want kids to feel better, be freer, feel more empowered.

I do realize that many moms are not themselves whole enough not to be
needy of attention and mothering, but there are codependency and
inner child sites for that. It's not my direct interest to soothe
and groom moms and hear their tales of woe. I'm VERY willing to
soothe and groom parents whose goal is to unschool and who aren't
just around to get the kind of attention they should be giving to
their children.

Not everyone can unschool. I feel no duty or obligation to comfort
those who can't or don't want to. It's not a party, but some people
see the discussions as a party instead of as people processing
information they need for the task at hand.

Although it can be really fun to discuss it, that doesn't mean we're
just goofing around discussing whatever. Because we can talk about
what SEEMS like all kinds of things, doesn't mean that every single
thing is appropriate. And lots of people think education-related is
more "on topic" than things like... once we discussed Alan Rickman
for a while. That's more on topic, to my thinking, than justification
of labelling kids ADHD. With ADHD, you wound children. With Alan
Rickman movies, you don't.

I could give lots of examples, and some people reading what's above
might be less clear about my intentions for this list and others
might be less clear. <g>


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