
Last month I had a stressful evening when my husband brought home a 1st
grade curriculum book for my oldest dd(7). He said he would work on it
with her. I said she wouldn't like it if he made her and what would he
tell the other dd's? They would want to be with him, too. He let it
drop. But it made me mad. I know all he sees is them watching tv and
movies all the time. I see this: they can remember actors and what
movies they have been in or done voice-overs for, especially Tom Hanks.
There's this one obscure character in The Fifth Element that I couldn't
remember what else he'd been in, but Aislinn knew he was from Something
About Mary. It might not be stuff out of a curriculum book, but I'm
impressed. Two weeks ago Aislinn made up a game. It's sort of an I-spy
with words. Each person must find a written word in the room and spell
it, then the others must find the word. Even Soleille (3) was playing
but with her own special rules. Right now Aislinn is playing a Reader
Rabbit game with Soleille on her lap, teaching her letters and numbers
while Elysia (5) has Leiren (15m) on the dining room table teaching her
how to scribble with crayons. People who think these children can't
learn without it being forced have never really watched them...never let
them alone to do what they want.

My dh is worried about Aislinn not knowing how to read. Aislinn is
worried about it, too, because she sees Hooked-On-Phonics commercials
that show parents so upset about their kids not reading. I told her to
relax. That she's learning to read every day, a little at a time. I told
her breaking a code can be like that. It can be a struggle or it can be
easy if you just keep yourself open to it and let it flow. She's still
worrying over it. But then again, she's a worrier.

In the meantime, she's built herself a house on top of our refrigerator.
Elysia's is on top of the piano. Soleille goes between the two as a
houseguest. You're all welcome, too, if your not afraid of heights!

All in all, things are going great. Dh and others will see it
eventually. How could they not. Have a great day, everyone. Heidi Case