How and why does unschooling work? What kind of parents and parenting does it take? What will help, and what will hinder?
This is a list for the examination of the philosophy of unschooling and attentive parenting and a place for sharing examined lives based on the principles underlying unschooling.
Always Learning will focus on how people learn no matter where in the world they are, rather than on what’s legal in any particular country or jurisdiction.
This is a moderated group, with trapdoors for the uncooperative. (Not moderated in the advance-approval way, but in the be-nice-to-play way. New members’ posts are moderated, and it’s good to read several dozen posts before jumping in.)
If you’ve never read any John Holt, his thoughts and writing are behind unschooling. There is a link on that page, too.
I can honestly say that I’ve grown more as a person, parent and unschooler due to the discussions on this list than on any other list I’ve been on.
Moving to
This group will not continue long
help inspire child
About a nine year old and R- and X-rated movies
Perhaps a post is lost
Big Book of Unschooling, new edition
One more month to learn
Changing the past (at my site, anyway)
Volunteer work, beliefs (compromising them, or not)
Food and weight (was Changing the Past)
What if my website disappeared?
Who helped you "get" unschooling?
Teens and society’s timeline
Neural Pathways
"the ancient history of unschooling
Re: Twins
School vs. unschooling
Passing the hat
Combinations of intelligences
Site news—Dishes, smells
a story about a grown up unschooler
Fwd: LJ | unschooling encourages us to let more of the world in! 🌍
About "I before E" spelling and English and stuff
Site news
Fwd: Marriage Moats- Where Does It Hurt?
New audio interview, me
Five years ago, this group
Using principles to guide children who choose school
Tv movie series Game of trones
New writing from Deb Lewis, commissioned
Tv movie series Game of Thrones
Preventing neediness
Site news and improvements
Site news / additions / early days of unschooling
Candy, Chemical, Condemnation
Nose picking/thumb sucking/rudeness
Good new unschooling article
Good teachers, bad teachers, real world
Karen James, particular voices, chats
Something new from Pam Laricchia
This forum.... some people's forums.... :-)
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Digest Number 6641
A good example of bad negativity
Reading age - more data please!
Returning (sort-of) to unschooling, and moving
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Digest Number 6642
Age and reading levels (something crazy)
Real Writing
Sorting by images, on Just Add Light
Indignation, negativity
Updating reading age graph
Parental anxiety
Not junk / how's this group?
Phones, and discussions
some site news
Infants, Babies, Toddlers
Site news
Gaze without speaking and/or explore connections
Video of me and Kirby, with transcript
New to watch, hear, read, at
Looking for some advice about focusing close and less broadly.
"Lazy and spoiled"
Scissors, mom-reactions, lots of questions
Look at me, quoted in this list
Anniversary of this group
Defend a guy if you can
Translating American to European
Speaking about radical unschooling at a homeschooling conference
My website
Family peace, religious beliefs
New writing about parents as light
Old stuff, some good stuff
what to think about for teens traveling
Titles of posts at Just Add Light and Stir
Am I missing something?
Giving up, maybe
Fwd: Don't make things look like magic. Instead, live transparently.
REALLY fresh post
Article on schools backing off of university goals
Nice, new writing on my site
New Interview
Marriage - Falling out of love
Request for a little help from some people
Relationship info for teens (some sex-ed related info)
A thank you and some nice stuff
7 years old thinks he is dumb and can´t learn.
Re: [AlwaysLearning] 7 years old thinks he is dumb a nd can´t learn.
Not seeing basic skill development
A game, for fun
An enlightening failure
School curious (part 2)?
Learn Nothing Day, Monday, 24 July 2017
Something old, something new
Afraid to grow up
Too introverted to give my kids what they need?
"the unschooling spectrum"
My schedule for the next fifteen years
Re: Learn Nothing Day, Monday, 24 July 2017
School curious
Two more weeks to Learn Nothing Day, and a new video
Lack of confidence around school friends
"Screen time shaming"
Family dynamics help request
This discussion, love, exhaustion
One-month until vacation
Hiring video game help
Positive body image
My parents worry
Pam Laricchia's podcasts
Love and Respect
Neighborhood Friends
collaboration and partnership
Website news
New interview, me by Pam Laricchia
dyslexia and unschooling
Food stories outside the food topic
What is the parent's role in child's nutrition
Toenail cutting
Child watching porn
Making Excuses with Friends
I want to leave but my kids want to stay
a necessary struggle?
A letter, a testimonial
Finding friends
Just Add Light subscriptions
Zombies and a mortgage
Help With Sister
"Best of" Just Add Light and Stir
Learning curves
Project based homeschooling by lori pickert
Relax into learning and peace
Career ideas
playing with children
Gender issues and unschooling
Infectious fads
Fwd: [AlwaysLearning] Career ideas
when partner is not interested in the unschooling paradigm
Need Input On How to View Child's (Lack of) Interests in a Positive Way
What is unschooling?
Perspective on one of my son's friendships
Taking it personally
Claiming studies without proof
Opinions and politeness
Family separation—ideas wanted
Positivity, considerations, a new sound file
Gratitude and personality
Giving my older child some space
Older unschoolers and wanting to test for unversity/ stress
Beware your prejudices
music and drama
The benefit of being critiqued
Halloween Candy
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Digest Number 6435
Being too generous with money
Losing friends
almost-11 year old getting physical when angry
Real support
3 year old goes naked
A tiny bit of writing by Holly
How to respond to this sibling dynamic
Really read, really think
Hitting Sibling
Marriage problem assistance
Uplifting surprises about teens
Temporary slumps, and ideas about that
Reading science; food, and instinct
I'm speaking in Phoenix in a few weeks
I'm speaking on Sunday, September 18, 2016 —London
child crying and screaming when losing a game or video game
internet connections for my unschooling children?
Advanced topics
More than one child, balancing
vision therapy question
Questioning Education - A Documentary About Natural Learning - Being and Becoming - North America Release Info
England, me, twice, soon
Comparing your beliefs with other parents' beliefs
Janis Joplin
Limits at in-laws' house
Progress Report Required for Daughter returning to school after unschooling
Learn Nothing Day, Sunday, 24 July 2016
Learn this name: Alison Gopnik
Fun way to develop easy to replicate signature
Switching Off the Fury
Helping my daughter to sleep
Reading age in unschooled children
Reading age graph
Reading age data
Reassuring well-intentioned, concerned friends and family about later readers?
Writing samples (grown unschoolers)
What age did your unschooler learn to read?
Coloring page for Learn Nothing Day
Sleeping habits
Balancing priorites/chronic health issues
Books for Unschoolers
Coaching for Interviews.
10 years in, unschooling works
finding balance regarding dental care
Relationship between stepfather and stepson: issues and solutions
Side curses, and clarity
Shyness and fears
trivia, about school—reading, mostly
Halfway through the series on Multiple Intelligences
Doing what you enjoy / Fending for yourself
Grandma's house
Feeling stuck
Posts to the group (I edited a couple and sent one back)
Sandra Dodd in London, 18 September 2016
Speech Therapy, Apraxia and the Unschooled Child
Re: Re[2]: [AlwaysLearning] Marriage problem assistance
Levelling up, and new members
helping my daughter with writing and spelling in an unschool-y way?
"Get to" (vs. "you've got to")
The Always Learning list is different
weekly unschooling chat
Punished by video games?
ideas about structure
Seeing learning
The value of a marshmallow and other tests
Update on my oldest, Kirby
Can I afford Unschooling?
a side trip into "science" and critical thought
About marriage, attitude, hope?
Being happier and more positive
Your own kind of unschooling
Parenting Literature
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Parenting Literature
Releasing controls
tips for moving house
Another food question
Text chats, Thursdays
Something important about unschooling
When you can't unschool
Help with unschooling application
spelling letters out
Chat, March 10, on Joy
Abundance—feeling rich and full
Using this group well
"MY thing" and feeling like one of the kids
Am I putting my kids at a disadvantage?
Jumping through hoops
Son wants to be an architect
Thursday chats, reminder
How to learn about unschooling
Push against
Finding balance between gaming and other activities
is it ok to persuade/motivate/convince?
Creating abundance
siblings/different interests
FW: [AlwaysLearning] Re: Swimming versus reading
Swimming versus reading
Thank you, Always Learning Members
An outside article about partnership
Survey by a professor doing research on unschooling
Article today about unschooling
minimalism encouraging creativity?
Chats resuming
Toys and Gratitude
An odd request, about a podcast
Organization and Storage
Am I too boring to unschool?
Daughter wants to try curriculum
Re: minimalism encouraging creativity?
Negativity and stress (news!)
Pam Laricchia interviewed me
Non neuro-typical kids & screen time
About The Big Book of Unschooling
My kid always says : I'll do it tomorrow....
Need help with how I view waking up in the morning
How unschooling changes lives
Job and money problems
Film: Being and Becoming
Materials, Tips, Software, Advice on Helping an Older Child Learn to Read
New members
Labels and their aftermath
New on my site, Success, abundance, empathy
Adopted daughter
What is woven into our lives
Ipads for Christmas
Becoming My Child's Champion (Long Testimonial)
How and/or why to discuss terrorism
An unschooling success story
How writing here can help
Family travel
5 Year Old's Hair
Apraxia of Speech?
Requesting your thoughts
Re: 5 Year Old's Hair
Re: [AlwaysLearning] "Bedtime"
Ages of Freedoms
Finding Joy in Servitude
Siblings & hitting
responsibilities - how much is too much?
A thank-you to share
Help with being present
Annual request for assistance
14th Anniversary of Always Learning
Social Skills Training ?
Articles about children wanting to try school
General group info!
Preparing for college
kids finding adult videos online
Knowledge that makes no money
Earning money
Re[2]: [AlwaysLearning] Earning money
A short(ish) story of possible interest
Unschooling Moments collection
Unwanted vs wanted instruction
Home schooled guests who have strict limitations in their own homes coming to our joyously peaceful unschooled home
off my game
Occupational Therapy
A question about older teens
Photographs and Inspiration
The Big Book of Unschooling
Dealing with obsessive behavior.
Food and Guests
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Digest Number 6150
Need some quick advice regarding how to handle writing issue
Learn Nothing Day, Friday, 24 July 2015
Meeting needs and supporting grieving
Easy-to-Make Paint
Not knowing what normal looks like
Young unschoolers
"Self care"
Physical and Occupational Therapy
Community guidelines for activity group?
Clear, Sincere, Honest
Dealing with kids who aren't as nice
Emotional health (and health)
"If I let him/her..." content fears
Unschooling Large Families
Introduction and Questions
"Class Dismissed" is now available on DVD
Work and Radical unschooling
Bedtime Stories
Public behavior
Rough play and little boys
7 year-old with speech, pronunciation difficulties
How to respond to shooting near our neighborhood playground
3 year old telling adults to "go away"
Engaging Respectfully
Helping my son make and keep friends
back again now with teens
Labels for methods for philosophies we don't need
Re : [AlwaysLearning] back again now with teens
Question from Dena, for ideas during stroke recovery
Crediting inspirations
Re: AlwaysLearning] Re: Question from Dena, for ideas during stroke recovery
Please help - living with relatives for an extended period
Pre-teens/early-teens and cocooning
File - Email for AlwaysLearning Members.txt
Article about saving a marriage
Single parent working full time
lacking confidence and inspiration
Mom stuck or daughter stuck or both?
Helping my children write resumes
Transcripts, Diplomas, GED ?
Criticism of discussion
joking around/hurtful words
plan b
Generosity, Selflessness (Deep Topic #1)
Safely and lovingly supporting trans children
FURY and progress
Other unschooling discussion groups
Principles and progress
Vaccinations and older children
Sexual feelings in a young girl
my reaction to their choice of activity being movies
Unschoolers who have reached adulthood, or "the proof is in the pudding"
talking to concerned doctors, and dentists
Marriage and a happy home
not feeling 'qualified' to unschool
Help with my 17 year old son
Sneaking Food
How to act in the best interests of our children?
Radical Unschooling and being vegetarian.
words, terms, dead ends
Gaming and Screen Time
Please help me respond with kindness and effective guidance
New behavior and parenting advice from family while camping
People you have met online
"no, thanks..." to birthday cake...
Getting angry at people who are helping
Feeling conflicted
Cursing and frustration with sibling
Violence and Video Games
Strong Emotions (Deep Topic #2)
Only bad moments
No food restrictions update.
math for my daughter
Lists and learning
Late update and Old and New Year thanks.
Technology and Connection
Change for the better
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Simpson's video game
Control and worry
How a family changed
Re: Violence and Video Games (about learning rather than teaching)
"Mature" Video Games
Please help (or: What I want for Christmas)
Thanks for the help!
I need help for my daughter.....
A small Christmas moment of joy
Labels and unorganized learning, oh my.
Pledge on the brain and Windex in the eyes...I got it!
Mindful kindness
previously schooled kids and social expectations
Advice about no food restrictions with a child with food insecurities.
Not personable or sociable children
Hearing Voices - A Ted Talk
Re: Advice about no food restrictions with a child with food insecur
Computer game control
Deschooling for a teen
Online games for 3-6 age ranges
How people change, from unschooling
Pausing video to say hi and embarrassment b/c of 180 degree change of parenting attitude
One month to the Symposium!
"stuck" or bored--Ideas requested anonymously
Question about addressing behavior
Unschooling Topics to download
Is there such a thing as too much choice?
Short video that describes unschooling?
My daughter is asking for help learning to read
Unschooling in the UK
Helping young kids with anger and frustration
Sleepless 3yo
Why would they ever choose to do anything unpleasant?
ways to help with spelling
balancing home duties with being with one's children
childish, child-like, inner child
Partners, not adversaries
Waking up at the same time each day
Subscribe, please, to my blog
Don't be gullible!!
Children and their sexuality
Building or breaking
Family upset about our son not reading yet
Re: Unschooling vs. Hand in Hand/Parenting by Connection/Gordon Neuf
Writing, and whether it can be "just learned"
Shared Kids and Resistant Ex-Spouse
Big Jar of Jelly Beans
math in an unschooled family over years
Re: Keeping records in such a way that does not divide life into subject
park day tips (ages 5-7)
Albuquerque ALLive (and one more Maine sympoisum reminder)
Unpicking weight loss.
Unschooling vs. Hand in Hand/Parenting by Connection/Gordon Neufeld/Aha Parenting
Keeping records in such a way that does not divide life into subjects
Disturbing images
Seeing things
A child hearing voices (possibly ptsd?)
Plans too big, mom feels bad
Expansive lives
Improving marriages
I like this group
Hi to this nice group, starting new daycare important question
Explaining unschooling to in-laws
Perfect Father with Messy Kids
No such thing as a fish
The potential of unschooling to transform lives
Re: Former Homeschooled Dancer to perform on America's Got Talent this Tuesday night in the Semi-Finals!
A dad angry about kids making messes
"Getting" Games - Whether, when and how to intervene?
New baby
Improving unschooling
Archives / Working
Crazy school
From The Prophet
Maine in September (and NH one night)
thanks to this group
Peripheral ideas, side issues
Two questions about foods: No limits vs. waste
Play structures
"its not fair on her"!
Very early morning in a week
A change in the air?
Angry 6 year old
how to help daughter though her frustration
Learn Nothing Day, 7/24/2014, 12:00 am
Apathy and fear
Daughter excited to try school, son wants to stay home
Need help to find more peaceful options
Kinder people, who would look at me
Helping my daughter with her teeth
Supporting a child who's being excluded
Negativity, and sleeping
"Must" lists
Happily Ever After
Need help with Minecraft Mods
School question
Practical question
Self Regulation, usage
Toddler food choices
Ideas for changing sleep cycle
Dead Poets Society
Re: Too much yes and tandem nursing (was Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: Relati
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Relationships
Dealing with anxiety
Pam Laricchia's #3 book
Kindle book free for a few days
About this list -- Please read!
Not getting out much
[AlwaysLearning] HELP!!!
How to talk to my son about incest...
Birthday Party Difficulties
Stuck again
You'll be sorry...
Bad moments not bad days
Separation - ramp up or not?
Phony hierarchy
Strewing (misused horribly)
An unschoolers's family's Monday morning ....
seeking guidance
Learn Nothing Day Countdown 2014
Coping with emotional recovery, and hormones
Most controversial Wikipedia pages
"You don't care what I wear"
"If you want to be pedantic..."
Other people's words
"My mom doesn't care what I wear"
Staying up very late
helping kids through stress of cancer treatment
Looking for ideas to support my kids through a difficult time
Video Game Development
Pam Laricchia, new book #3 at Minnesota ALLive
A wish for a comfortable life
How many days of learning?
If you want to come to a symposium, plan right now.
ALLIVE Minnesota Unschooling Symposium 2014
History, connections, joy
How to handle a tricky interpersonal issue with another family
Video games evidence for detractors
When children don't make healthy choices
Supporting my 3 year old with patience
"Fear does not prevent death..."
Young Children Discussing Sex
Unschooling after death/trauma
Unconference Ideas
Picking apart a couple of 'issues'
Minnesota event SOON!
How to appreciate TV, games, movies
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Picking apart a couple of 'issues'
special-guest chats (transcripts)
History of the discussion, and family changes
Children's Bodies
Re: [AlwaysLearning] "autonomous" vs. unschooling
"autonomous" vs. unschooling
Still Injured Spouse
Risky Play
Getting to a conference
Finding a good partnership
proof and evidence of learning for the "authorities"
Learning from Barbie
Reasons not to limit young children
Learning a new language
mainstream advice
Answers to the Most Repeated Unschooling Questions of All Time
Want to get hubby onboard
Spirituality and Unschooling
This discussion has events
Unschooled, goes to work...
How to keep my mouth shut long enough to create peace!
Oh the guilt
help please
"Informed Decision"
Parent Guilt: A Silent Epidemic - The Natural Child Project
A good bad example
Will you help me learn?
Crediting Jill Parmer (and stuff…)
tween/teen perspective
Some help please
small ways for children to feel more powerful?
Who knew? Monkey platters are sometimes good for teens too.
Relatives concerned about my daughter's writing ability
OT: new yahoo email
Virtue, vice, and mathematics
Rudeness and a 4 yr old
My daughter says she's stupid
Deschooling support
Fun use of internet
Reluctance to go out
"The great gluten panic"
Nose picking and family hygiene
Movies that got you thinking about Unschooling..
schooling to deschooling to homeschooling to unschooling
feedback please : )
tonight took the edge off my fears
waking up at night
More sparkle and more perspective needed
Back & forthing, school & unschooling
NOT unschooling, but they think they are
Keeping the peace with hot-tempered 5 y.o.
breakfast, lunch and tea and quite time and...
How to tell when screens are being used to escape
Nighttime mostly, anonymous, several questions,
A daring question about intimacy
Teen with conflicting motivations/desires
Schooled friend talks and wants "sex" with our daughter.
What to say after I mess up?
Social Media
Art School Application
OCD behaviors
Reading it isn't getting it (was Re: OCD behaviors)
8yo doesn't know how old he is
need help to view "insatiable" through an unschooling lens
Jobs, and kids
old chats, new chats
Video games and upset
Spelling Anxiety
How to handle friends online that say they are going to commit suicide.
Re: Have a son that goes to conventional school and other children are h
supporting a spouse feeling uncomfortable with you tube content
Have a son that goes to conventional school and other children are home...
May I please ask your assistance?
Unschooling and home daycare
cleaning teeth
When sound bothers a mom
injured spouse
liver problems and makeup for a girl—ideas ne eded!
screen time and meeting everyone's needs
De-coding and problem solving in Gravity Falls (off topic slightly)
Liver problems and make up for a girl- ideas
Screen time and meeting everyone's needs
Sucking thumb
Re: [AlwaysLearning] liver problems and makeup for a g irl—ideas
New here, looking for help
asd evaluation
The importance of individual words
ATLANTA: Next Step Unschool Conference
Good for you
Embracing our kid's passions
Seeking some input
Things to reassure relatives at holiday gatherings
New on
delayed gratification
Encouraging mystery
word choices
"I have read and understand..."
Sandra's schedule for 2014
Bedtime blowout
Bedtime blow out :(
About the Always Learning list PLEASE READ
My Big Book, half price at Amazon
Spouses struggling to get unschooling
List of Internet sites
family of six
Unschooling one sibling while the other is in school
trying school
Unschooling perspective on "Kids need structure"
Fw: [AlwaysLearning] Brain development and parenting
I made someone's list of 101 sites; interesting list
Maybe meet some people from this discussion
Brain development and parenting
the need or not to introduce video games to your children
Twelth Anniversary of Always Learning
Learning from catalogs
Happy 12th Anniversary and so many thanks!
Pam Laricchia's introductory emails
Jobs, skills, college costs
Santa (previous discussions, to gather, to mine)
Questions and answers for a school project
Skills and Experience ("What do you do?")
School in the cloud
Peter Grey on fear-based deprivation of children
Emf radiation from
An unschooled kid learning/using math
Do I have to stay at home to unschool?
Why I don't like people to write "LOL" here
Bored Son, not sure what to do next
Just learning!
Games and Learning
a list of jobs
"full time education"
fine arts
Tiny request for donations
Learning History
Children and Money Fun
Medical choices for a 5 year old
Support and community
Daughter feels controlled
Always Learning, October 2013 announcements
Giving children a choice?
Choosing not to eat chicken and asking us to do the same
Chats, weekly, text-based
Question about children in a divorce
2 of my kids went to school
Unschooling and Intolerance
Restaurants with company and my small kids
A kid learning grammar
"Receiving an education"
Teaching, Semantics, and Posting to Always Learning
Talking about people behind their backs
managing allergies and intolerance.
looking back at 12 years of public school
Word Swords: "Gay", Eavesdropping
Teen girl, unschooling later, larger factors
In case you're on a game show...
Teen unschooling discussion thread
Unawares unschooling
Introverted and shy
Toddler, iPad, observations, and request!
A story from a mom who changed
Help with adjusting sleep times
Computer usage and physical activity
Messages messed up
Posting to Always Learning
the way this list functions
Fostering learning
Reading - When phonics doesn't make sense..?
BBC article on Minecraft
Seeds of a wonderful fruit
support when things are going too fast and position on school
Keep Calm and Carry On - unschooling alternatives?
creating a space for "making"
Toolbox cards
Next Step Unschool Conference
RE: Creating a space for "making"
Sleep (and wake up) more peacefully!!
Studies, and reading studies, and "research"
New unschooling blog popped up
The boy who won't leave the house
Flashback, nearly 24 years ago
Connect and disconnect
Re: Recovering from emotional abuse from my own parents -Book?
Recovering from emotional abuse from my own parents -Book?
Recording Wii games from the TV
seeking advice (silliness at dinner table is driving me crazy)
Re: Unschooling or child-led learning.
Late December, Symposium in Albuquerque
Making choices about school
Learning Styles and living big
"End of Year Reports" sent in to schools, for life learners
Positive Experience With Taking Medication
Questions about Culture/ Freedom to Learn
learning and TV, Computers and technology.
Principles over "unschooling"
Just Add Light, and a mistake, and the morning
Preparing to answer questions
Not sure if I'm doing enough
friendship/girlfriend/long distance friendship
Untidy bedrooms
Swimming lessons
Learned something today
A slogan and a chat
Reality show heads up
Question about animation
sharing thanks
Choices, choices!!!!
My Birthday (a dignified observance)
Fear, withholding, mucking it up, figuring it out
Kids fighting over things
Schuyler Waynforth, interviewed by Sandra Dodd
How kids who have never been controlled by food respond to the idea of bribery
Fun Connection
Brother unhappy and wants control
Effortlessly and beautifully (Joyce Fetteroll)
Odd philosophical questions
Partners, not Adversaries (and antagonism)
Book about unschooling "special needs" children?
How to Introduce The Unschooling Concept
Altijd Leren Live Unschooling Symposium - June 29th, 2013
Staying up all night
Unschooling and education authorities...
Responsibilities of parents
Earning extra money
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Jo's child's sweets preference [was (unknown)]
Teeth and food choice freedom
Son Wants to Go to School
Joy and hope instead of shame
Deeply sensitive/feeling child and parent
Grandparents concerned about young kids not reading yet
Stay at hom skid
War toys
Unschooling in a small home and/or with a toddler
Re: Caring for Marriage (Worldwide Marriage Encounter = Retrouvaille, b
Re: Too schooly...? Re: Concerned about 7 year old not knowing the n
Concerned about 7 year old not knowing the name of letters
Worldwide Marriage Encounter = Retrouvaille, but for "not in distrses" couples
Boys hitting in group settings
What To Do When THEY Ask To "Stop Unschooling"?
Partner problems
About dietary fears and fads
partner problems
Violent outbursts in a 9 year old boy
Bedtime and Food (related to Minecraft support and Preferences conversation)
Thank you! Was Re: Rules vs. Principle: literally playing with fire
Thank you! Was Re: Fun with diapers and dressing
Successful Homeschooling interview
Insidious conventional parenting messages
Friendship building
How do you know you're doing enough?
Roya's new blog
Looking for advice
Minecraft support
Learning some Latin?
Need Input On A Blog Post Explaining Unschooling
Swearing/sexual content in gaming videos
a lesson from Minecrafting
help with sleep in older kids
unschooling is like Vegemite?
Conferences based on this discussion
Food as religion; Decisions; a kid and a melon
A thank-you note
society & the idea of school
a new blog
new recordings, and new things on my site
Rules vs Principles: Literally playing with fire
Thank you for sharing your songs...
Learning nice manners from The Simpsons
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Appropriating the word Unsc hooling
Fun with diapers and dressing
Appropriating the word Unschooling
*Radical* unschooling
Need advice and support
Feeling Controlled
Always Learning Live, in Minnesota
re: feeling controlled
A new website for critics?
learning about not-learning
Self control
Help with manners and family relationships
fantasies and slight possibilities
Coming across porn on youtube...
Mushy Monkey Platter!!
"Looks matter" (for food, for real)
yahoo/google groups
My Child Refuses Constipation Treatments
newbie with questions
working full-time
My always radically unschooled 7 year old is reading!
Essential John Holt Recommendation?
deschooling and food
Rat Park Study Psychologist Interview
Re: [AlwaysLearning] a new 'democratic' school, & influences & fears
How to Deal with Highly Structured Periods of Time
4 year old refuses to eat
Limitations on food
Food choice backed by research (and Google)
The effect in older kids
Removing negativity
Chats (food excerpt, and an old one and a future chat)
Trusting Our Children and Trusting Other People With Our Children
Moving from rules to principles
More Unexpected Benefits of Unschooling
Coming of Age Celebration for Boys
Free Range Kids & Campground Toilets
self esteem?
Commentary On...
a new 'democratic' school
from babies to adults
RE: [AlwaysLearning] Re: Commentary on unschooling - "unschooler-worthy"
Commentary on unschooling
Pam Laricchia, interview, new book
Do unschooled kids end up feeling superior?
"native speaker learning assistant" at alternative school in Germany
Re: Not a private conversation
Why we send out links and discuss unschooling
Believe nothing ....
Unschooling as music (and learning to hear it)
questions about a "lazy eye"
Happier Marriages
Unschooling 3 young children.
how long is too long for deschooling?
Thanks to share
homeschooling to unschooling with teenagers
Kids and surgery
Deschooling; Ferris Bueller
brief video of Dodd and Sorooshian (grown) kids)
Help with family happiness
Trusting my child, waiting, and other adults step in
don't settle for better
Cocooning by teenagers
I want to break out of this pattern.
Ideas for things to do with words
a look back at the mainstream
Any advice for late readers
Helping son navigate social/gaming situations
Making friends
help supporting daughter with letting go
my husband's illness
More peace, in this discussion
Video games. When does it become one of the many things they do?
Re: Peace of Unschooling was: Re: help supporting daughter with lett
Freedom (problems with "freedom")
Peace of Unschooling was: Re: help supporting daughter with letting go
Unschooling, Life and the Afterlife
Mixing it or is it blending?
Video games and real-world violence
"Mostly Unschooling"
Glory and blame
Ideas for creating an atmosphere of abundance with little money
Give me some ideas how to support my sensitive son
Getting it
Albuquerque done; Minneapolis is up!
Control and opposition
Negotiating frinedships with "non-unschoolers"
Giving birthday presents before birthdays
Limited interests.
Siblings calling each other bad names
Unschooling with Down syndrome
[AlwaysLearning] Deschooling
What words can reveal
Answering other questions
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Happy New Year
Unschooling since pregnancy, was family decisions
Help with Defooding
Video game/TV viewing
family decisions
table manners
Older kids...was de-fooding
Saying sorry, iPad
Looking for help with anxiety
"…a martyr"
Suggestions on peacefully fixing a parental error.
RE: [AlwaysLearning] Saying sorry, iPad *correcting typo
TV Show Suggestions
We bought a zoo was anxiety
A joyful attitude is your best duck.
Ipad apps for 12 year old
Was business idea for older mama/ Community Support
Anthropology mini-thesis on unschooling
My Anger & Frustration with my son ...I can't get over it.
Business idea for older mama
NVC, for the record
working after unschooling
advice on teen/parent relationships
extended-family get-togethers
Holly's math final
need help for strewing with pure motives...
learning to read
Wants to learn math now...
This discussion, and its anniversary
Candy was Re: TV/DVDs and under-2s
My major issue
Conflicting wants in the family...
Peace, tools
Being kind to dads
Help with specific problem
Support helpful/unhelpful
About what made unschooling work for us
Unschooling badly
Busy very-early morning and other hours
Opportunities for young adult unschoolers (and older teens)
Unschooling Well
Teen thinking of going to school
What about mythical beings/lying to children?
Children's behavior in public (blog post by a grown unschooler)
[AlwaysLearning] alcohol
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Digest Number 5215
Another resource worth looking at...
Christmas shopping (or other winter holiday wish-making)
unschooling with "special needs"
Video Games (new writing, lots of links)
TV/DVDs and under-2s
Unsupportive family members
Annual Stress Over Holiday Family Gathering
Definition of Radical Unschooling
New to this
Real learning vs. college educations
Two struggles
Lost and Confused
Joy and parenting
Breaking in New Shoes
Learning is Learning
question about family finances and making unschooling work
Visiting family soon - help please with a couple responses I can have ready...
Spirituality, Virtues… stuff like that
Control (in English and French)
Read a little, try a little...
exposure, and the follow-up
Marshmallow test
Introductions and questions
will (free, broken, operational)
Unsupportive partner - situation approaching crisis
Tolkien's books at
How to Divide English Words Into Syllables?
A letter from a curious family member
Two New Things
I need serious help
What to say to "You're Stupid"?
Re: [AlwaysLearning] New to unschooling
Question about working unschooling teens
"visual and intuitive" understanding of math
changing attitudes about bedtime
3 y.o. and breast grabbing
7 year old unschooler going to school
words showing belief
One foot in public school and one foot home
Are you still an unschooler when you go to school?
Unschooling approach for son's friend
Touchy topic; some won't want to read this
Looking after belongings
Too much play?
The cousin's very angry eruptions
Me First!
New Members
classes and unschooling
Just Wrong
Speaking of Shame...
career path as an unschooling mom
the sin of Jimmy Carter and other Bible stories
words in the air, and words on paper
animation software for 6 year old
Being and Becoming, a film about unschooling
The differences between schooled and unschooled parents
on starting a transcript documentation service-school
"the right way"
Question about social activities and groups
the experience of deschooling
4 year homeschooler chooses and does return to public school. Need help.
a new interview
"Science Experiments"
Horrible Histories , Literacy, reading for fun.
Older teens paying board?
New at
Joining Group Activities
Single Parent & the sadness of missing Conferences
computer for almost 5 year old
How much does unschooling cost?
Example of gratitude and abundance
Toddler sleep
How to handle ( mom) big emotions.
Re: [AlwaysLearning] How to handle ( mom) big em otions.
Mind-changing (was Re: computer for almost 5 year old
Speech Therapy
My next question...
Cynicism (treatment for)
Don't get divorced so easily
5 year old frustrated that others can't understand his speech
The meaning of words
What to say to the naysayers
New member, with a couple of really big questions
mandolin, 7/27/2012, 1:00 pm
learning to read?
Son asks for a rule
Awe and its benefits
Unschoolers willing to meet?
Live text chats Wednesdays, and in-person opportunities
Learn Nothing Day (five down, another next year)
Bacteria Cell Game?
being cheery and not sharing bad news
Safety in the Summer
Choosing what we care about
teen resources near Sydney Australia?
Something fun!
The power of knowing you have a choice
mandolin, 7/20/2012, 1:00 pm
I'm home
Teens, their online worlds & parental responses, Self harm mentioned - sensitive
Relatives who parent 'the regular way'
Teens and Smoking
Siblings, equality, being fair, taking turns
teens and other influences
Danielle Conger's site?
Home is where your family is
Astra Taylor
Help..... Sinking and scared because of silly assessment
Re: Teaching a child with Autism
Young child who seems to prefer to stay at home
mandolin, 7/13/2012, 1:00 pm
Moments--good moments
Peep has asked if he can go to school.
Learn Nothing Day, two more weeks
girlfriend trouble
Autism and Unschooling
A new article on unschooling here in MN
help for my sister
kids staying up all night
OP here from kids staying up all night
spending time, sons anger & finding balance
The effects of how you were raised
the food thing
How to stop a 5-year old to yell at strangers that give her praise
Ideas on time management, without giving up my time with the children.
RE: Math
What would you do to help your child learn to read when HE wants to...
Time warp
video games always learning post
therapy groups for kids and teens
Always learning
Secret stash
posting links on my blog
kids and physical needs
Our food, their food, and tact
Watching Family Guy
How do I find the middle ground?
Helping with Chores
unconditional love
Unschooling conference/symposium opportunities
Computer overload for my son! Help!
single parent unschooling
How do I?
Reading When Ready
How do i help my family reconnect?
Blogging for kids
Age appropriate limits?
Question about movies
Re: motivating my daughter!
Motivating my daughter
Ways to respectfully help my adult brother sibling
Very new to unschooling
Disrespectful grandparent....
Is this unschooling?
The value of living in this moment
Re: [AlwaysLearning] When your child loves unreliable people
My daughter has decided to try school and i have some questions!
about clarity and topics and definitions
reading several different books at once
Question about computer games
Examples of Expanding on an Interest?
on-line math program suggestions?
Unschooling and recordkeeping: Was Daughter reading several books at once
Oh no insult at all Sandra
Daughter reading several books at once
Big Flaming Straw Man
thanks Sandra and everyone
Summer Montreal Unschoolers Gathering 2012
Help with Amounts of Food
Lyla's talk on "the Only Parenting Mistake..."
Osmosis and television shows
food control (problems with that)
Almost-4-year-old hits,bites parents
principles over "community"
Airsoft Gun for an 8 yo
sleep habits & my outbursts
Cradle cap/ scalp crud in 5 yo?
Re: frustrated with 9 year old who rarely wants to participate in family
Bigger than school
son spraying his pants.
Unschooling Summit
Great quote
Wanting peace in a marriage
Healing my relationship with my oldest child
scary 11 yr old writing on Facebook
Thyroid issues...
21 year old son living at home... (problem brought anonymously)
My 4 year old son "doesn't like me"...
How Do I Change This?
Courteous Kids in an Un-Courteous World
Mother's Day (being your child's mother)
New, Intro & Question
web articles for novice unschoolers
ideas for groups, or parties
Book Recommendation: $100 Startup for Parents or Kids Starting a Business
Youtube ...?
Separation Anxiety in 5 year old Daughter
Language learning
Always unschooled, grown now...
Deflecting others need to save my son.
Dealing With Negativity About Food Choices
focusing on the learning
wanting to feel normal
an analysis of objections to technology
Growing Without Schooling back issues on line
Graduate Student Former Unschooler
Modifying a Wii
Bad language - how do I ride this?
in a rut
This article made me think of this list...
An article I wrote on unschooling for a friend's Yoga blog
frustrated with 9 year old who rarely wants to participate in family life
Don't visualize too much (something about BEing)
Finding Resources, Building Community, Making Friends
Another study, for 18-25 year olds
Re: When your partner does things differently
Contemplating A Weekly Social Day
When your partner does things differently was Re: DH wants limits now on media
DH wants limits now on media
Typical Days, Socialization
Baffled by new, raw, angry outbursts...UGH! This is HARD!
Getting started with "Make the better choice"
"the last straw"
So much clean up to do behind my girls' projects...
Curriculum Schmiculum article
House cleaning.....
hey guys
Meals, Monkey platters and diversity
Considerations about anonymity and "screen names"
New to Peaceful Parenting - Cranky/Sensitive 4-year old
Learning from Minecraft
Husband just can't seem to get it.
Attachment and radical unschooling
Deschooling myself AND my child....
Unschooling conference opportunities
Helping Kids through Changes
little boy ... Help!
talking about unschooling with your children
Two big questions: Race and identity, and socially unacceptable behavior
Unschooling as a noun and a verb and an adjective
Organic Schedule Possible?
Me vs. The Inlaws (hubby included)
The "new" me at the zoo.....
Legal questions
FINALLY becoming the Parent I am proud to be...
Am I being neglectful?
what kids need to know
How can I be more concise?
Breastfeeding for comfort
Daughter not living up to husband's expectations of her potential
Mealtime issues
Lying :(
My own little conferences
help with overbearing MIL
Lots of Bad Moments
looking for blog
Help around the house
Neighbors and autonomy for 6yo
Huge , exciting news around here!
food choice & my parental responsibility
Re: food choice & my parental responsibility-Ah-ha moments
How not to post to the discussion
Food Choices with Toddlers
looking for computer games
food choice - what am I doing wrong
Unschooling different ages
Help with son and father's relationship
Getting to be social
On Behalf of Anna Barnes - In Vietnam
Looking for fun things to do in the Santa Fe/Chimayo area
How to deal with the negativity that comes from being with relatives
Re: How to deal with the negativity that comes from being with relat
Ideas for learning to programme games
new, on sugar
Hello Everybody
Re: Children addressing adults by their first names instead of their
Dumping toys
Working and unschooling with young children
Children addressing adults by their first names instead of their titles
Freedom To Learn - Benefits of Unschooling
Nudity and related concerns
Children addressing adults by their first names instead of their title
No Curriculum But I Need a Budget
Re: Children addressing adults by their first na mes instead of their titles
Looking for advice with my girls.
Best Way to Learn Languages
Chores in a family farm
May 18-20, Always Learning Live, Massachusetts
question about homeschool vs unschool groups
Re: Update: Was Concerns about how my son treats my daughter AND Nu
Update: Was Concerns about how my son treats my daughter AND Nursing
Unschooling and medications or medical concerns
Little gems of language use
leaving the house/not leaving the house
Mainstream parenting advice
Any research on "binge" or "obsession"?
Having a second child
Concerns about how my son treats my daughter
Some other quotes to ponder...
Re: Rescuing children from natural consequences/Thank You!
Digits/places/powers of ten
Dan Pink on motivation
Rescuing children from natural consequences
Deschooling competitive perfectionists
Can someone illustrate a hypothetical unschooling day for me please?
Re: Can someone illustrate a hypothetical unschooling day for me ple
a question about whether an odd situation is unschooling
Joyce responding to "whatever words" (?)
Off list contacting
chance vs. skill games
Frustration and expression
Calvin and Hobbes
pathological videogaming?
"penalized" for being homeschoolers? (taken from another topic)
Teens traveling independently
selecting guardians for unschoolers
Video game sharing and taking turns
Would love some ways to help create FUN.
traveling in vietnam with 3 year old and mum struggling
"sugar is poison" on the news today
Video Game Addiction: Does It Occur? If So, Why?
Unschooling multiplication story
Dyslexic Kids Learning to Read
Birthday party ideas for 8 and 11 year olds...
Food in the bedroom and taking her sister's things
Re: [AlwaysLearning]
Help finding "they need to learn" on Sandra's site
Do people have to froth and spew, or do they choose to?
Holly's first college class
Friends who hurt
Re:Dyslexic Kids Learning to Read plus other issues
When your child is sick...?
12yo daughter wanting to go to school
Re: [AlwaysLearning] How do you stop bullying when it happens in the family?
I don't know how to heal the relationship with my 6 yo
grazing snacks
video games and energy play fighting
Enviroment Changes/Moving
Funeral/wake for 2.10 year old?
Newbie Looking for Help Deschooling
Unschooling ourselves
Additional Co-Sleeping Question...
Times tables can only be learnt by rote
kitten biting
leaving no hope
Video about online gaming
Mother-In-Law Issues
Racial Hatred problem
Request of people with spare time
Religion and food choices
Sandra in France, near Geneva
Bed-time routine
Questions about daughter's attitude
death of a pet
I'm so deschooled now I honestly forget
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Religion and food choices
Inspirational books
Intro and advice about teen, divorce, etc.
A Star Wars-sized thank you
Too much "no"
Transition help! Opportunity to meet Sandra in Albuquerque?
Child awake at night
TV and games for young children
How much I have changed
Re: Not using the toilet and how to handle it
My heart tells me to grow towards needed.
Enjoying your wisdom
About sweets, homemade or storebought
Making a better choice
not using the toilet and how to handle it
helping a 3 year old read
Only post important, useful, honest things.
Looking for Ideas For The Builder type/Video Games
Gratitude and choices
Where did I put my...
Is it normal to doubt yourself?
Men and Women's bathrooms
Nice phrase about homeschoolers, from the outside
Extended breastfeeding
Sharing unschooling lifestyle with husband
candid sightings of kindness in grown unschoolers
Helping young children
Nearly two year old with a struggling mama...
How to explain unschooling to my children
Re: Nearly two year old with a struggling mama
my son wants to try school
Dad's ideas... and talking to learn
Arithmetic (was Deschooling competitive perfectionists)
Food, control, trust
iPods and learning to read
Ideas for late pregnancy, little kids, and cold weather
Some Things I Regret
not listening
How to begin?
Only parent only child unschoolers?
Report from Albuquerque (ALL Unschooling Symposium)
Labels (Was: Dealing with Christmas Expectations and Anticipation)
If you're frustrated or sad or angry
kindle fire
Trust and other confusing words
Peeing the bed; an older child
Help with food allergies
Dealing with Christmas Expectations and Anticipation
lego mindstorm?
Looking up to bigger girls
Adults who cant read
Learning to roll with it
Advice for Mom & struggling Daughter
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Differing Parenting Style Question/Concern but for differen
Re: Differing Parenting Style Question/Concern but for different children
parenting agreements and unschooling school
Curriculum of Love?
Email from concerned family member
How to expand their world? or something...
Getting a unworthy, not a great "homeschooling" mom feeling...
Re: [AlwaysLearning]Bread crusts: (was Vegetarian and unschooling)
School in books and media for kids...
re: vegetarian and unschooling
Auto punishment
deschooling question
So Confused!!!
Over-cooked eggs and a thank you!
Vegetarian and unschooling
sticking up for kids
Re: What makes a school a school?
Learning all the time
sibling disrespect
what was the link to one of Sandra's great discussions on compassion
New to the forum with questions!
Just a Brag
School board member takes standardized tests
Books on unschooling?
helping little ones navigate social norms
Changing workforce
ideas, not people (and killjoys)
What am I doing wrong?
Are we stuck?
unschooling / social boundries -parenting advice !
Money and buying stuff
Unschooling and Radical Unschooling
Unschooling (not RUing)
RUing my schooled 12 yr old step son
looking for advice/ 13 year old coming from strong rules and no freedoms
Meeting Multi-Age Needs
Dealing with Alcoholism
Thinking Ahead to the Teen Years
Gameplay for 5 yr old girl - recommendations?
Unschooling and a child's choice to go to school
does any one live on the road ?
Opportunity to Move to a New City With an Unschooled Only Child
Year Eleven of the Always Learning List
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: Are we stuck? Me too!
Other people affecting your children
Audio learning and unschooling
The vacuum
Piano Lessons and Approaching New Challenges
10 year old girl & Mom needs help
Can "I" unschool?
Tiger mothers raise their heads again ;-)
video games and math
article about unschooling - My Parents Were Homeschooling Anarchists
Was negativity and making a mess and deciding how to be; now gender differences, are they important for unschooling?
negativity making a mess; and deciding how to be
assessing unschooling
Canadian article
Stop yelling
speech therapy
New kids on block....confused by my sons behavior
Article in University Affairs (Canadian) about unschooling
Resources online
Survey for homeschool kids who are now attending college
thinking about the future
Lost in transition - help!
Time warp oddity
Unhappiness necessary for learning!!
self-satisfaction and mental health
Video Games are art and the Smithsonian
my son is reading! thank you!
Why I am eternally grateful to the active members on this list!
Breathing! (Science about...)
Film / Storytelling
release of controls
Organising Park days
My son tries to parent my younger kids
ds6 wants to learn reading
What do you say when you need a break?
need help dissolving my tv fears
needing some clarity
Input on New Website/Blog
"Space Colony Art"
Helping DS with intense anxiety
Sword Play and Neighbors
Unschooling, Dyslexia and Davis Orientation Training
Five Real Princesses Too Badass for Disney Movies
Im new and have a question
Getting there?
Evolution, and kids not wanting to be left alone at night.
a thank-you to share
Looking for encouragement, advise, connection
Video gaming writing and reading
re: dentist
ot : dentists
Healing the damage of control?
TV shows I really just don't like. Help.
boundaries, reading, etc.
RE: Regarding Minecraft (starting & hosting 1)
Regarding Minecraft
"child-led" what?
Coming to the US - Orange County/Seal beach CA
adults who can't read?
Accountablility, responsibility (to relatives)
Jealousy as a form of flattery ???
Parent dealing with past school issues
Neglect (was: adults who can't read?)
class dismissed
Survey can help one person now and many later.
another little writing sample
game online : lego universe
Class Dismissed movie about homeschooling/unschooling
Joyce Fetteroll (and how cool she is)
How could I haven handled this better?
"Research" on Reading?
Family visiting
Nature or nurture? Writing and clarity
Response to 'poor son' statement
Getting Enough Sleep
value of computer games
question for those parents who work at home
Preparing for Unschooling
In the news in France
Talking about death (pet specifically) with an almost 5 yo
Dad's roles, concerns and unschooling resources
Where are my blind spots?!
learning about learning
Fwd: looking for ideas
Site News: Confidence, Principles, Unschooling without Labels
Gamers used by scientists
Clarifying some unschooling aspects
Look at unschooling from a different angle
looking for ideas
"Help we're sinking"
Intuitive parenting and unschooling
Deschooling (parents)
service-sweet story
Stupid/I hate you/Hush it up phrases
Re: [AlwaysLearning] So many Unsolved things
"I'm bored"
So many Unsolved things
trying not to react angrily to my 4YOs temper
sandra dodd and sparklingmartins?
unschooling teens will be adventuring through europe - eek and woohoo!
Peter Gray's survey can be done by e-mail.
All of Growing Without Schooling is online
Movie certification
an unschooling survey worth participating in
Re: fun at home was online games for girls
online games for girls
Food and balance
Not back to school jitters...again
International Freedom in Education Day, 9/15/2011, 12:00 am
False Confidence
Ronnie says...
Pleasing my husband
UWG 2012!
TV as a teaching tool
"Don't talk to anyone, but me."
Help me find a story/account, please
Unschooled Teen Questioning Preparedness
getting stuck
"used as a crutch"
watching war movies
Watching YouTube on the tv with my daughter
side resources
2 steps forward, 1 step back (or is it 3?)
Unschooling Conferences in 2012?
little kids' books on meditation -- recs?
112 years ago...
Something crazy
Math in real life
Child is unschooling, mom needs to deschool again
Alternative to Mainstream "My Promise"
but how are they as employees?
Advice Needed About Son
Minecraft mod-building for 6-year old?!?
Play-like "respect" vs. actual RESPECT
Limits and reactions
Kids sneaking
Don't demonize school
son doesn't want to go anywhere, I do
Feeling Mentally Exhausted By Too Many Questions
Philosophies (are they really important?)
an interesting take on "junk food"
Jack wants a star chart
Expressing Disapproval of Child's Choice or Action?
De Smith wrote something really nice
Too much choice?
Child Worries
preparing for college bound high school years
Sexy cartoons and the color can a parent help?
Friends, friends' parents, and their rules and restrictions
Schuyler explained the "whole life" part really well
Limited finances, unlimited desires
Kids in Restaurants
thoughts about the article on disconnecting from technology
I thought it might be helpful to mention this here
An Online Gallery for Unschoolers' Art & Other Creative Works!
Division 1 sports and the unschooled child
Sandra on TED?
Plonking a child down in front of the television
Me Time
discussing food w/o sounding judgemental
How unschooling and life can be better
Organizing toys
article about how learning to read early is bad for developing minds
Happiness: Coming or Going?
A froth of fluffy words
Change in financial circumstances
+Re: parents wanting to be treated as children
Dealing with kids feeling lack
Letting go?
parents wanting to be treated as children
What is "an attack" on someone else's idea?
UK unschooling camp September
Walk to the store
Unschooling as enlightenment
Sharing a video
Outsiders' views of unschooling
Perspective, on the past 100 years
Minecraft, strew and support my son's interest
Only Children
Strewing help
sensory integration
Pokemon MMO?
OT Nervous habits
Re: Minecraft, "how can I build something like that?"
handling his sensitivity
Too much commitment for a 7-year-old? Please help!
Stuck and Unstuck
seperation anxiety in 8 year old
Fw: [AlwaysLearning] Mums and computers
In need of advice
How do you know if you aren't the right person to homeschool?
One definition of love
allowances (was Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: Mums and computers
Re: allowances
re-thinking shielding children from knowledge sexual or otherwise
dismay turning to more clarity
mums and computers and...
Mums and computers
Child care
Delayed sleep
Chat, search, Learn Nothing Day, anniversary season
Sibling conflict and gender identification questions
Learn Nothing Day, 7/24/2011, 12:00 am
Lies vs. Confidence
Unschooling physical environment
Sibling Separation and Growth
Interesting Article on Snacks
Choices in moments
spanish language unschooling?
Love this group
Male dress was Re: Sibling conflict and gender identification questions
online chess for beginners
Re: this list...flow...some thoughts
Awesome, Simple Record-Keeping for Unschoolers!
Could you help me find this game ?
Two new quotes added to "support"
Intolerance, stupidity, naivitee, dogma, security and privilege
Question re introducing someone to unschooling
sibling rivalry
Feeling Two-Faced about my children's education
I would like your opinion on these two articles.
Kids Behaving Badly spinoff
Your favorite replies about why/what/how
Meeting other SCA folk in unexpected places
Great Book on Homeschooling Math
unschooling - ? - exactly *how* does it work ?!?!
I would LOVE to have pictures of "bad" kids :-)
Getting the kinks out....
learning to write
Unschooling Reading for my almost-5y.o.
revolving door
pics of kids doing"bad"
OT: Anyone lives in France?
Overwhelmed by please
Distressed 8 year old
Reflections from the unschooled?
Weaning Toddlers - Not exactly unschooling specific
"too good to be true"
How to be a good unschooler
Co-parenting differences
An outsider's probably-skewed-view of homeschooling
Faking interest in videogames
Good Vibrations Unschooling Conference in Sept 2011
fruit-tree question, and what I'm doing
Shy Young Children
Experience unschooling with Down's Syndrome?
Adult daughter returning home.
Marriage-problem, request for ideas
handwriting for the preschooler
Side note on 'Marriage Problem' - 'Intact family'
Unschooling ideas
Fwd: [AlwaysLearning] Marriage-problem, request for ideas
Questioning College
Unschooling sleep
help with family/sister
Sandra Dodd's Big Book of Unschooling
A little Q&A
trying to help my daughter
iPhone apps for a 3 year old
I just need some encouragement, reminders, ideas, inspiration
Daughter not scared
Self Esteem
What do you do when your spouse doesn't get it?
Being present
OT: Unschooling hair
Update OT: unschooling hair
What would be a good "poster family" for unschooling?
Friction between your kids and their friends
Another question about unschooling in general
Thoughts about writing
The trapdoor is rarely used, but...
difficulty with choices
Why do people say TV rots brains out?
How possible is it?
What unschooling is not
Unschooling and Important Requests
Ideas for my son
Advice on handling Big Wants in a positive way
ideas for my son
Sleep Schedule
"Permissive parenting"
Reading, why, and what (and how many times)
Stirring my brain (a thank-you note)
working outside the home
The Summer Montreal Unschoolers Gathering (SMUG) is coming up!
My sensitivity to swearing
praise about a kid of mine
Decision time
Table Manners
another partnerships tool
TV Turnoff
ds, dh, dd
Breaking the child's will
Out of the batcave...into the light?
Friend and snacks
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Reading Disability?
supporting friendship (WAS helping my daughter with unschooling)
Research Supporting Homeschool/Unschool
TV turn-off week
not able to choose
Trying to get help to balance things with family and such
edification and edifice
In need of help
helping my daughter with unschooling
Unschooling Teens Book Recommendation
Trying to juggle two little one's needs
To quit or not...
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Many, many children.
supporting finding alternatives
unschooling and room cleaning
Family harmony and unschooling -- (Long post)
Newbie questions
online games for young children
Re: [AlwaysLearning] destruction of property
Re: Anxiety
anxiety and 'not disrupting routines'
side mail, *why words matter* and the purpose of the Always Learning list
Alternatives to taking sides
leaving this list
Inviting Adults Over to Play
Links, please! Mine: Toilets through the ages
negativity, and "ridiculous"
One problem with "we"
Re: [AlwaysLearning] re: mishandling of pets
re: mistreatment of pets
Supporting a child in learning to read.
Reacting to words and "sore" losing
Child abusing pets
re: mistreatment of animals
Regrets, Successes, 20 years
Defending families, and the partnership of parents
Defending families and the partnership of parents
connecting with your always schooled teen
Edinburgh, London, Baud
Always LearningSymposium, registration open, and art opportunity
Balance under duress
Blog as documentation for unschooling
Question about deschooling and workbooks
Ideas for Peaceful Trading among Children
Responding to Bad Articles
Newbie question
impulse control in an eight-year-old boy
protecting ourselves
Socialization and Unschooling was: looking for a post
Looking for a post
an interesting article on sleep
emergency preparedness
spam/scam (bo bam...)
Different styles for diff kids?
negotiating with spouse
Does anyone feel limited by being on this list?
Sex on tv
blind spot
work product mindset
When I want to go and they want to stay
Could someone please clarify for me?
I'm not a radical unschooler unless I let my children throw rocks
how do kids learn self control?
"have to" wait for it
Some gatherings people might want to attend
To make them fit...
Making requested Food Which is then Rejected
support for a friend / staying safe.
"Am I harming him?"
Gaming for me and mine
pro- or anti-
Getting a Cat
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re:
Overrun by Toys
re:Other parenting styles in your space
My kids set up/ toy room
living children in their teen years
Looking for magazines
A daily retreat of pure unschooling
I'm not a radical unschooler unless I let my children throw rocks at people
Help with social anxiety
gaming again...
Confession Of A Spanker On The Road To Recovery
too boring to unschool?
The Case Against Spanking also Should We Interfere?
Video Games for the younger set
Radical honesty
Playgroups and problems
OT: Pokemon Black & White on tour
Meeting online friends in person
teenagers, friends and bad decisions
Advice on dealing with impending Separation
Book to read about attachment parenting and the like
When to say how much about what
Advice on response or NO response
Re: [AlwaysLearning] seeing the way to peace in the present day
keeping the peace
Unschooling and how to manage it with health problems
Re: Help please
Hanging out with non-unschoolers TV/computer issues
Toy budget/allowance advice?
Google Art Project
Classes, camps, programs, workshops, etc.
Feeling conflicted about food
Steph L from the chat, and a conference postponement
feeling like it's too good to be true?
Was: Wanting to start unschooling food-Now: Monkey Platters
Need advice in NJ, Please
Advice on making Chain Mail
how to talk to kids (contradiction/balance)
Read a little, try a little, wait a while, watch
Teens, Change, Angst...
plainly and directly (being and speaking)
Wanting to unschool food
wanting to start unschooling food
Wanting to start unschooling food
Monkey Platters WAS Wanting to Unschool food
Randomizer Find
OT: have to go to work
Reactions to rough discussions
"Re: Help Please
parent going back to school?
Language and choice of words
Help Please
Alphebet, phonics,sight words???????
What would be ideal in an unschooling interview?
Always Learning Live, three gatherings scheduled
I need help playing with dolls
"How to help boys like SCHOOL"
Another Child Joyfully Cleans Up, and other stuff
"Read a little, try a little, wait a while, watch."
the other side
Conference in the UK
Homeschoolers excel "America" Semester
effects of verbal abuse
More on deschooling/relationship/jealousy
Not there yet but thanks...
In between neglect and control
loves bugs ... any ideas?
won't take any sort of a class
Ah-ha! Now what? (long post...!)
Manga & World History
Creative spaces
Holy Cow-an article about parents needing to teach children to play
Year-end assessments
Rethinking "Behavior Problems"
almost 7 year old taking stuff that doesnt belong to her
Learning to read on the list
toddlers and balancing needs of family members
Labels and medical appointments
"Getting" it slowly (sometimes slow is too slow)
Was: Oppositional Defiant Disorder--Creating Peace
relative values, "crucial", openness, and speaking for one's child
oppositional defiant disorder
Re :relative values, "crucial", openness, and speaking for one's child
The way is the goal
What Kirby's doing
Re: Parent Oppossed to Unschooling/Natural Learning
How to Handle Death of a Pet
Parent Opposed to Unschooling/Natural Learning
Unschooling from bed
Brutality and violence
I Just Wanted to Share This
Help please with brilliant answers
Extended Family and Successful Unschooling
Coping with later bedtimes...
Unschooling Book Recommendation
Sandra travel/appearances notes and request
public school?
Some Victorian Advice on Feeding our Children
Losing the dummy
My 4 Year Old Still Has A Binkie....
Magic tricks sites?
Santa Myth: Make-believe or believe?
Re: Hello, Goodbye, Sharing and reactions
How to drop the Santa myth?
Update on the flour eater
Do You Believe in Magic?
Whatever the Issue is *other than* Unschooling
Re:Hello, Goodbye and Sharing + Family
A new page, and "Buy a Book" moment
Has anyone had this experience?
try this
Re: Hello and Goodbye, and sharing +reactions
One point about TV and one point about letting go
I think I've got it!
Hello and Goodbye, and sharing
Kids' view quote
reading first chapter book
Woe Is Me
Need some help with encouraging hygiene
Being with a newborn as well as young kids
Spiritual practices
recommendations for handheld videogame console?
Request about map/poster hanging
Historically Accurate Books About Thanksgiving for Young Kids?
I Really Blew It.
Any gentle way to help dd2 to sit in a car seat?
Financial Question
appeasement parenting
Trying to wrap my mind around this
Has anyone gone to iD Tech Camp?
a thanks
Lots of Learning
fun with baby food
Has anyone gone to iD Tech Camps?
War movies?
Nice article on child led learning and being...
Zoombinis for mac OSX?
unschooling *babies*
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Offering ideas?
Stop Motion Movies
Different needs for deschooling?
Ideas for a place where it's illegal
Mean Parents meme WAS Re: Phrases
newbie questions
handling other people
re: mean parents meme
re handling otherpeople
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Food
Stages and perspective
Parenting Talks
re:becoming sparkly
'Excessive' PC Usage Help! - Newbie
I'm going to be out for the day
Becoming Sparkly
Help with answering questions from family...
parents as puppets
Learning - the connection- videogames/history, swords, musical instruments
Logistical question: how to engage curious 10-yo while juggling two babies
Aging brain and learning
Starting out
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Problem with responses.
help needed with my reaction
Journey to unschooling
Sleep Habits
- traveling homeschooler interview
The problem with "support"
"The perfect balance between fun and learning!"
Meeting Needs
Living in the Moment
miss this list...update/school transition
Living in the Moment.
The History of What Things Cost In America: 1776 to Today
fell in shit and came out smelling like roses - teenage trouble
Angry and objectiveness
"doing our best"
C-Span Constitution Clips
Issues with our mothers
other parents
[AlwaysLearning] Television
Kirby as a baby; Kirby buying a car yesterday
jealousy, disappointment and defensiveness
Lost a topic, and there's a chat, and I need help
International Freedom in Education Day
Ideas for Army/Military play
article about schools and diagnoses
"Can I be first?"
How Learning Works (a rant by Sandra Dodd, inspired by an educated educator)
Article about changing our viewpoint on education
Radical unschooling communities in the UK
VERY nice article on unschooling, from Canada
Gaining Confidence
Ideas for Respecting Grandma's Beliefs
Article About Gun Play
Sensitive vs. critical periods
Imagination Playground
John Taylor Gatto quote about learning all math in 100 days?
Unschooling books
science kid
Read Any Good Books Lately?
Hello Sandra
question about classes
How to answer the Curriculum Question
Want recs for Nintendo DS games for younger child
Special needs and unschooling
NYT Article: What is it about 20-somethings
Learning multiplication
Encouraging young son's interest in writing
About an Amazing resource for anyone who wants it
Pokemon Pokedex
Unschooling Groups
Can reading and writing be unlearned?
Reading, Writing, Balloons and PJ's
young people earning money
coins (new page)
Learning to Write
wonderful errors (and an example of a response)
medieval fantasy television suggestions
"Does Unschooling Work"?
Young adult connections
"Maturity" in unschooled teens
Valadictorian speaks out against school
Making an impressive unschooling environment
The goal of unschooling (and how to screw it up)
unschooling chats
Son asking to try school
son wanting school...original poster
Son asking to try school...original poster
connections, youtube & Expectations
info please
breastfeeding, statistics and DUH
13yr old Boy
Unschooling with a sick child
5 yr old boy questions.
HELP! Marriage and sanity in jeopardy, going to send 3 yo to Montessori program
brainstorm request: You Can Even Eat the Dishes
Math is a boon
DS4.75's neediness and how can I help?
august's blog carnival is here:
Needed to touch base with some unschoolers
worry about drinking
Training Children or humans.
Learning does not need a middle man.
guilt over saying no and what am I doing wrong?-re-breathless
Question about guardianship
kneejerk reactions
Unschooling as opposed to...
meeting everyones needs
Re:meeting everyone's needs
I wonder if I can manage to learn nothing today!
Meeting Everyone's Needs, Family Memories
Words. Single plain-old words.
new phrases; old phrases
science and art
TV more powerful than the mom?
forcing TO do vs forcing NOT TO do....evolved from unschooling -was gun play
how teaching changes the student's receptivity
Using force with toddlers
sibling jeolousy and purchases
Join me on Facebook
knee-jerk, visceral reactions
RE: [AlwaysLearning] Curious
note from Kirby's supervisor
Read the Archives... even if you're not new WAS re: Curious
Diabetic Fooding
Why we should throw off more list members
How TV watching made my diagnosis
RE: Toddler Hitting
[AlwaysLearning] shy unschooled kids
Principles vs. Covert Rules
Toddler hitting
Other Parents Rules At Our House
About the list
I'd rather have the love notes, thanks anyway!
Starting from scratch
kids helping out
Re: a world of bullshit
Chores and Choices
unschooling while i'm ill
partnering with my child & toileting
Connections (long and not pressing)
Bad Seed?
OT: Birth Certificates
example of manipulative "makes me sad"
As our process changes
a world of bullshit (long; large world of bullshit)
august blog carnival: picking up the pieces
guilt, shame, remorse
Crisis and More
judging and "not judging"
Late-night Learning
Gun play and other parents
Still Wrapping My Brain Around Unschooling
when labels hurt
daughter waking up in the middle of night
"hey mom, what's school?"
Unschooling in Hard Times
suggestions for German
C-Span's Presidents Timeline poster
some really lame tv commentary
Keeping House
finding me again??
2 sweet stories about sweets
What's the best current resource for Christian unschooling?
Unschooling through a crisis
"Have to" vs. mindful choices
husband not on unschooling train
"You Do It"
Speaking of List Etiquette - Thank Yous
Re:"Do you have research?" (was random bursts of hyperactivity or somet
Fwd: Do you have research
Fw: Thank you
Synapses & Brain Development
Unschooling conferences and teenagers
test scores question
Re: [AlwaysLearning]
Intro and ?
No bedtime
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Stages? WAS Re: Random bursts of hyperactivity
dichotomy vs. balance
Lego Artist
Speech/Physical/Occupational Therapies
Dear friend!
Labels [AlwaysLearning] Re: Random bursts of hyperactivity
Post more carefully; post thoughtfully
Random bursts of hyperactivity
late diapering
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Digest Number 4149
sometimes I cannot comment at all, at all, at all
send in those blogs!
Funboxes & Mild Math Freakout
Because I Said So
positive comments about unschoolers (after sun herald board article)
Become an Au Pair or host one! New site will help you connect!
Focus on your kids
[AlwaysLearning] Supporting learning WAS Re: Boy Scouts, following intstructions, taking direction
Boy Scouts, following intstructions, taking direction
Young child and not listening
ATTENTION, please, all new members of this list
Fart noises and where they can lead.
World Cup Lego
Re: [AlwaysLearning]
Worked/ing or stayed/ing home when kids were/are younger?
Correcting Children?
Doesn't want to be alone?
objection to the "school sucks" phrase
intro and questions
Swordfighting ideas?
dealing with kids who lie
Hurtful Friendship
Transitioning from traditional parenting to unschooling
Strew, Strew, Strew
Enjoy Life blog carnival - call for submissions
Sudbury schools, and democracy
summertime kids
Re: Money/Reward from Advocacy was ABC News/Nightline unschooling st
What are your favorite unschooling blogs?
ideas for 3.5 year old and on
Biggest Frustration..
Come join us at the first ever Summer Montreal Unschoolers Gathering
Summertime & neighbor children
I thought my husband was onboard with unschooling...but finding out he's not.
busy day coming up
Need help brainstorming solutions: 4 year old and my working at home
Re: I thought my husband was onboard with unschooling...but finding out he's not, mathematics
Food Issues
ABC News/Nightline unschooling story
Michigan unschooling question (sorry for particular topic)
Story of Teen Giving...
talk radio (me), new blog (Robyn Coburn)
German petition to exempt homeschooling from punishment
Unschooler passes first test ever taken
9 year olds/kids in transition
A Reason to feel thankful for pursuing Unschooling
Learning to read....
Trust, young children, and Partner relationships
review of a book
article about the 30th anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back
words that hurt
Confidence in kindness (long and not happy)
I am the cranky mom
The Ten Most Disturbing Scientific Discoveries
Marriage Counseling and Unschooling
motivation to achieve
help with relatives...
Holly reviews writing and intelligence
[AlwaysLearning] Attraction -- was Influences - Libertarian
oo! I could just SPIT!!
A bit of a laugh
Duty and teaparties
help with relatives
unschooling credentials
Meal time restrictions
re. mealtime restrictions
Principles Versus Rules
any ideas for cooperative playground structure games?
Bringing TV in, and other things
after the fact
[AlwaysLearning] John Taylor Gatto/Sandra's Book/Influences
Very sweet post from Schuyler
John Taylor Gatto
re: Parenting styles via TV
need some quick links if anyone can help...
Two frightening links
Peaceful parenting two (or three or four) small kids
how to handle haters- presentation
Trivia vs. Times Tables
Breathe, and let it go.
Unschooling myself (adult unschooler!)
three new things
New Date and other new additions for 4th Annual Unschoolers Waterpark Gathering!
Sibling Relations
[AlwaysLearning] Parenting styles viaTV Re: Good enough unschooling parent
Stephen Hawking's Universe
Laundry and Cleaning Rooms
"Maybe those unschoolers are onto something, after all."
Good enough unschooling parent
"It depends"
digging a hole
teens and religion
Im new to unschooling
re: Teens and Religion
"the very definition of ignorance"
re: laundry and cleaning rooms
Kids and Stealing
Damage of the Socratic Method of Education
Re: Writing question and a short intro
farmer/gardener/"green choices"
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Writing question
Sussing out culprits (brought from the thread Radical Unschooling Question)
"instant jobs"
Quality Time Vs. Quantity of Time
Seeing the difference between us and them
Toy Weapons
What is E^3 or peak aware?
Radical Unschooling Question
Wisdom From a 10 Year Old
I have to share
an article on a study about TV and learning
need reading material about my kids' schooled friends
Unschooling and the media
Who would be good for an interview?
Take your [child] to work day! another (yet similar) topic
Chats in French
Bullies in the family
The Young Turks Debate Unschooling
husbands, unschooling dads, unconvinced male humans
Trouble with the schooled kids of the neighbourhood
Play, connections, games, learning
Rough week!
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Voices in your head
Rethinking Everything Conference
Life to the Full
FW: cnn unschooling
Unschooling and the Adult Child
Sibling Rivalry with Babies/Toddlers
Unschooling and Success WAS Re: Naomi Aldort on TV & junk food
New to Unschooling Question - Warning:Long
Apology from Heather
Re: New to Unschooling Question -
What does a child learn from playing with Transformers?
5 Great Reasons to Not Watch (much) TV
Unschooling As a Lifestyle
re:Good morning america
Good Morning America Part II
Good Morning America Part Two
Invitations to another list
RE: [AlwaysLearning] Question re: "The Learning Tower"
Good Morning America
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Unschooling Misconceptions
Spending time with three kids
Roblox-looking for unschooled friends
Virus? Re: [AlwaysLearning]
Re: [AlwaysLearning] people count WAS Re: Naomi Aldort on TV & junk food
School creates another non-reader
I'm back needing help
balance and unschooling
Protecting Children
Re: [AlwaysLearning] W sitting position
Adult Comedy For Kids
Fairness & apologies
meeting unschooled kids as adults
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: Naomi Aldort on TV
Friday, not Wednesday, for Good Morning America
New to Group and thank you!
Naomi Aldort on TV & junk food
Re: I need help clearing my mind.... I think I've read too many book
I need help clearing my mind.... I think I've read too many books
Moving past deschooling to unschooling
Trust.....and those people who make us doubt....
Starting late?
Focus Issue
keeping tidy rooms
A baby step
Guilt and the ways your parents went wrong
is unshooling all about acceptance of the child where s/he is no matter what?
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Tedious Gardening
Re: Trust...and those people who make us doubt
Fears, Reassurances and the big gamble
Research validates unschooling parenting approach
Why do Unschoolers seem to be "behind"?
Sea Monkeys...king of random
She's back!
She's Back
Privacy issues in the home, saying "this is private"
Ruts vs. swirliness, and finding a balance
New way of reading aloud
School-homing (OT?)
Son's Explosive Anger
Rules and Principles
being positive
Fly Boy
best quote from the chat today
Producing a certain type human?
Smoking and Choice
reading : how long to wait?
Delightful stuff that has resulted from watching a lot of TV
attack and parry, for your amusement
Unschooling & mindfulness
Slightly OT: Lego Educator sets
math article - pretty compelling argument for not teaching math in school...
Unschooling and earning money
Registration for the Summer Montreal Unschoolers Gathering (SMUG)
Please help me be more peaceful
New Improved files on posting, and for new members
post returned
Responding to desires that feel dangerous
Review Link to Big Book of Unschooling
Back Memories
Balancing needs/wants
Interesting encounter today
Patterns Book?
Peaceful Parenting & Principles
My Little Pony and a science career
Ideas for facilitating music interest?
All That Jazz (or, Hi, I'm new!) :)
OT Jump Start Games as assessment
Sandra's Book and Good Things
pinching and scratching
I want to post some positive things that have been happening
New file uploaded to AlwaysLearning
Unschooling plus a newborn
proposed intro letter
Re: "Is there any such thing as a "newcomer" question?
An apology from AnaMaria
kids choosing "schooly" things, long
advice for someone considering unschooling a high schooler?
Is there any such thing as a "newcomer" question?
Defining what we do....
My Foray into the Unschooling World
The Purpose of this list, lazy parenting, and small steps towards greatness
Tell me the ways in which you fulfill your child
Partner and lack of understanding/support
do you *get it* ?
helping the one who wants to stay home
About this list
interpersonals was Re: [AlwaysLearning] "Watching a 'NOVA' on Dreams"
my blog
"Watching a 'NOVA' on Dreams"
Learning to read
Good Parenting (in the context of Unschooling)
More on parent's supporting dreams
Going no mail for a brief period
Movies for sewing topics was Brainstorm
Who can't unschool?
So, what do you tell people? Was: to bathe or not to bathe?
Summer Montreal Unschoolers Gathering (SMUG)
BRAINSTORM! Learning from an interest in fashion and design
Answers and responses to journalling questions and comments
Intro and a question about family attitudes
feedback on articles about teens?
manga books
School math story
the lists's purpose, and the value of links
Another concern
to bathe or not to bathe?
post script
Use of journal
Re: [SPAM:#] [AlwaysLearning] Re: Unschooling books
Article Response
Re: [SPAM:#] [AlwaysLearning] Unschooling books
My apologies...
Why people keep providing links
Re: Use of Journal
audio files
My Article on Unschooling
Magnetic Walls
OT: Bea's whereabouts?
use of this group
magnetic wall and magnetic things to do
need help problem solving
poop, take 3
Tivo idea rejected
helping son with confidence
Re: Clockwork Orange (was: my husband - teenagers, television, porn
when your child doesn't seem interested in learning
Looking for someone in the Toronto area
When our children are questioned by other kids
Separations, divorce and unschooling
John Holt Quotes and list trivia
How do you strew, research, learn and organize activities?
Providing opportunities and money
Are there good, current Christian unschooling resources?
A way for non-writers to help
Helping kids through times of conflict
encourage proper pronounciation?
Who said this?
Ways around resentment?
"So what DO you do?"
New Here-Intro
preparation for the real world
Nagging concern
Unschooling and food, a book (you could contribute!)
Toys from Trash
The Autodidact Symposium
Unschooling and traveling abroad
living with fear blog post
My four-year-old son wants to be No. 1 and dominating, what should I do?
[AlwaysLearning] Barbara Sher, was: How do you strew, research, learn and organize activities?
When kids get older--a candid moment
my husband - teenagers, television, pornography...
Northeast Unschooling Conference Super Early Bird Deadline 2/15 (CP)
what things look like from different angles
choosing for your children
Kind of looking for an unschooler
When do you start allowing children to make choices?
Help Talking with Spouse About Unschooling
Unschooling comics
New here
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: Choices for multiple children
The Autodidact Symposium is one month away!!
speaking of unschoolers in public school
Book my daughter recommended about "grades"
Re: Teens
Silent majority
This list, and how to help
Re: Deschooling Support List
Choices, and living in balance
Deschooling Support Group
Unschooling Support Group
Astra Taylor on the Unschooled Life
criticism and analysis
Son says he needs to go to school...
A Two Year Thank You
Children picking on their own
Book Recommendation?
responsibility to strangers?
iCarly ? (was Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: TV issue: Consumer kids and Corporation documentaries)
Re: iCarly ? (was Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: TV issue: Consumer kids a
Doing more
If not for unschooling...
Help I don't understand Unschooling!
searching for a different view on something
searching for an essay
More benefits of sleep
A diet/food moment
The Autodidact Symposium-- Reminder
When unschooling does begin...
An all-new question
Text Chat, and e-mail problems
New film "The War on Kids
What do you do if you don't have a local unschooling support group
"mom's needs first"
Corn Syrup Reaction
Generalizations vs Specifics
conflicting ideas about food
Dealing with discomfort towards people of another race/skin color
about vaccinations (elsewhere)
kids "learning how far they can go"
Video game use in the news
Waldorf in general
Fell for it. WW3
In order to keep from obsessing.....
advice please .. !
TV issue: Consumer kids and Corporation documentaries
re: Food and Anxiety
TV-harm theories
Re: waldorf - oops
Feelings of guilt
co-sleeping: daughter wants, husband doesn't want
and now for something completely different.....
No internet access
Interesting TV question
Paranoia and allergies and magical thinking
Moving forward... past learning disabilities, labels, damage done by schooling, etc.
Videos of Unschoolers (was Re: Interesting TV question)
Newbie Intro and a Question
A kind of off-topic thing
Why unschooling is better than schooling
continuum concept
rough play and toddlers (edited)
Unschooling and Autism, WAS food and anxiety
New to unschooling (long) advice please
rough play with toddlers
New to Unschooling (long)- advice please
Feedback and affirmation in unschooling
Just starting out on the unschooling journey
Re: [AlwaysLearning] unschooling and Montessori approach
creating a local unschooling teen group
Food and anxiety
Marty's Birthday
Schuyler Waynforth's Waffle Breakfast
Ideas for extra room as part of unschooling "nest"
Unschooling principles and special circumstances (long)
Philosophical question regarding "teaching/learning" character traits
"Unschooling Land"
in his own time
Computer game advice?
Dealing with Grandma
navigating the unschooling ocean : )
Santa Fe Symposium and this list
Advice on transitioning to less structure
our deschooling journey - or "from hibernation to hunger in two years"
What would you do?
Is my mom right?
unschooling and Montessori approach (sorry long)
ATTENTION all Always Learning readers
New terms and labels
Re: Yelling/ Being Rude (was Dealing with Family and Different phil
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Yelling/ Being Rude (was Dealing with Family and Differ
Unschooling chat imminent, and Happy New Year!
Dealing with Family and Different philosophies
Here I go again...
what's "too radical"?
Does Radical Unschooling always result in "Good" children?
Holiday Aftermath
struggles of will
About having choice in life
advice / help please ..
Sorry and thank you and reminder
Thank you Tirra
Peace. New Here but not New to Unschooling
this ad made me sad
question on resources for adults
What started it for you?
Stealing throughout the world
New Member with lots of questions...
Writing sample and comments
Quick cool moment...
Ideas About Chores Are Really Helping: Thanks Sandra, Joyce, and Others!
Christmas Cards
interesting links to my site; Chinese, I think, and others
Learning to use the toilet
practice makes perfect in the context of reading
Peace in the midst of noise
New Program for Un/Homeschooled Teens-- Homeschool Leadership Retreats!
This is funny, an American-English problem
A museum as a video game, kind of
ive just joined this group into ..with a question of advice. xx
Introduction and a question about public education
More benefits to playing video games
Re : [AlwaysLearning] Re: interesting issue; please advise
Candid writing example, unschooled adult
a chat soon
Re : [AlwaysLearning] struggles of will
Advice on my first School System evaluation of my homeschooling
Free Documentaries
Santa Claus
Northeast Unschooling Conference, again....
Northeast Unschooling Conference 2010 Registration Open
Indecisive 7 year old and other issues
interesting issue; please advise
Unschooling gathering Montana 2010
Madison, WI Unschooling Conf.
royal navy issues psps to sailors
Struggling in Oregon
Not eating breakfast then having meltdowns
How a HS Dropout Became the Youngest Boss at Apple - Buccaneer scholar - Gizmodo
SUSS, Sandra's Unschooling Symposium in Santa Fe
New Alliance World of Warcraft guild
Regional Thanksgiving
text chat Friday morning ("morning" at my house)
Happy Thanksgiving
Sandra - Moving a Puddle
Finding the "yes" that lives at the heart of each moment
Weight gain
Doing remarkable stuff?
We're not really learning?? How to respond to that.
Visual Thesaurus Word of the Day: tutelage
Ideas about test taking
The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill---Movie Rec
Question on unschooling, restrictions, financial constraints, etc.
Need some suggestions...
optical illusions
Quit Unschooling?
Re: Quit Unschooling? - menu planning
fear and living
Tips on getting "Thicker Skin"
Hello, apologies, and introduction
Conversation and Interruptions
Doe the Brain Like E-Books?
Not Sure
"Free choice"
Sesame Street
Re: The Dire Consequence (TM) of letting children eat too much cand
3 year old grabbing from 1 year old sibling
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: The Dire Consequence (TM) of letting children eat to...
Re:Thanks to Andrea The Dire Consequence (TM) of letting children eat too much candy
The Dire Consequence (TM) of letting children eat too much candy
Unschooling moment
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: from Enel/Rannalearning : Happy to join you ... with a lot of questions
No friends
from Enel/Rannalearning: Happy to join you ... with a lot of questions
re: just wearing a thin t-shirt
The awesomeness of Joyce Fetteroll
communal living friends
just wearing thin t-shirt
Thank you
wearing out our welcome
excepert from A Gaian Paradigm
What do you have kids tell people they are doing?
Something about unschooling, out in curriculum-world
Re: [AlwaysLearning] 5 year old son upset if looses at Wii games against his ...
My experience w/ special "diets" and special needs (Was Re: Unfooding myself)
TV and changes
Unfooding myself
Alexander the Great and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Day
Logic Puzzles
In need of some brainstorming....
not wiping himself yet?
Letters with Letters
How long did it take your kids to eat "real" food?
Late nights with my 5 year old (question)
Internet access
Can I do it with an 8hr per day job?
OT (maybe)--International Skyping
Living for Candy, and Sugar-Coated Goblins
Computer Games
wiping self GLOVES & SUN KING
An introduction
Putting down the school ruler
new driver concerns
While we're talking about food, and Halloween
unschooling and spirituality
My youngest will be 18 November 2
Educator discounts and tax breaks
conference sweatshirts
Not Wanting to Grow Up
From my son to the principal upon quitting school
teens again
Poop Holding Issues
Building Trust
everyday is a holiday
Stop saying thank you!
Body Music
A toddler and getting dressed
Definition, language, logic and My Little Pony
3 year old "Homebody"
Oh no! My husband has lost his job!
Animation Resources?
ideas, ideas, ideas
What would you have done differently?
Why it matters, when it matters
Content - free for 30 days
monkey platters and school at home
Funerals (again)
analogy i've been pondering
A New Site for Unschooling Kids
RE: Chronic Constipation
Children's generosity
Having Issues
Yi Tan conversation on unschooling
Chronic constipation-sorry so long
Intro new French mom
Ebb and Flow...
Article About Math
Sweet birthday party
"Necessary" Subjects
Unschooling and why hearing parents don't sign --
Son impulse control/ innappropriate/unhappy/hitting/pushing
Unschooling chat, Friday morning; soon
unschooling- is it for us?
Interesting article on video games
January Unschooling Symposium, in Santa Fe, New Mexico
The Autodidact Symposium-- a gathering for self-directed learners
learning to read at 12
Food-Good Stuff
slightly off topic, about assessments
Re: [SPAM:#] [AlwaysLearning] Re: learning to read at 12
Mom, what is grounding?
Learning from TV
Re: [SPAM:#] Re: [AlwaysLearning] learning to read at 12
Waking people up, unrealistic expectations?
the company you keep
Yelling and other negitivity
About food
obesity begins at home study - shows right there on video what unschoolers have known for a long time!
Teenaged girls and twitter (and unschoolers and food)
new interview sound file (me, last week)
Saying no, a question...
This was on the Newfoundland evening news....
Live chats twice a week
relationships and gratitude
Do you know where your games are?
What helps or hurts unschooling?
Leap of Faith!
Unschooling experience today
Why Dumb Toys Make Kids Smarter
SURVEY - Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning (unschooled children)
Testing Question
A great approach to world geography and history all rolled into one
New with question
At home
New here, looking for ideas
Analysis of a Blogpost...
Finding calm
pre-schools for two year olds and why saying "unschooling" could help
home-made games
another candid unschooling example: sleep
too many buts...
Strewing besides books?
the Staffordshite Hoard- largest hoard of Anglo-Saxon gold ever found!
Non-scary werewolf movies/books
Child-led, parent-led, family-led
Smash Brothers Melee
Islamic antiques, weapons, calligraphy; India; Egypt
Paul Harvey's letter
odd article
free speech online
chat, soon, online, text
Unschooling and Standardized testing
interesting article about an autistic artist couple
an insight?
couples of dissimilar ages
When people don't really want to unschool
jobs for young adults
Seeing and hearing (other ways of learning about unschooling)
My new favorite song
chat coming up
why are terms delight-driven and child-led frowned apon by some unschoolers?
Intro and anyone single?
rich lives for shy children
being a joyful parent and a passionate feminist at the same time
Hide and Seek
Interesting article on the future of higher education
"Mom, I'm bored!" and What to say that we do all day?
Fun Unschooling Ideas....
Re: Marshmallows
First Week
When unschoolers do seem to be "behind"
Advice on a job please
Where is the old forum for unschooling?
Seeking response ideas for school-type questioning
NOTICE to all members of Always Learning
"The unschooling more
ideas for ways to help a friend?
Nail biting
John Holt, and where did I write this?
Unschoolers in public school
RE: Food; a raw possibility
Spanish translation, other site news, book preorders
13 year old Dutch girl is my new hero
Food and Teen Issues and everything else
Non-Violent Communication recommendation
New member here, starting on this unschooling path.
Re: Food (monkey platters)
Teen Issues
New to the group
New member
School or homeschool woes
Re: [AlwaysLearning] food
Do it yourself science
Certificado de Apoderamiento
Ballads and learn-along-songs
a professor in the UK, on informal learning
Siblings/Former Best Friends Growing Apart
Learning to unschool a large family
New here :)
Why does schoolish writing haunt people?
freedom and free will
book progress
"creating answers"
Virginia unschooling question
nanowrimo unschool adventures
Your Baby Is Smarter Than You Think
Is anybody else out here homesteading?
Soapbox Topic
On trusting a child's "capability"...So-called trust.
Re. my original post: On trusting a child's "capability"...So-called trust.
Re:Re. my original post: On trusting a child's "capability"...So-called
keeping friends
...and a chat
my son is finalist #3 in Transformer contest!
Vote For Michael, finalist #3
more video of me, talking about unschooling (not long)
Time with daughter
a math article and a chat
The "Viewing" portion on Language Arts
There is hope for teens leaving high school
a beginner's question and my response
And they're off
is "being authentic" a reaction to this?
Young adult unschooler; see and hear
Chatting online an hour from the time I'm posting this
**Good Vibrations Registration Extended- NO Walk-Ins**
New Yorker piece on unschooling family
too much choice?
Labels sometimes help...
What mainstream parents think; what an unschooler knows
We could build a curriculum
Closed for Learn Nothing Day?
Early Bird Deadline for The Autodidact Symposium
interesting article on co-sleeping and nursery school anxiety
A math article by me, in German (not MY German!)
saying Yes
Positive Article About Unschooling
Big Misconceptions
images of today and yesterday
hitting, kicking, pushing... topic chat tomorrow
Toddlers and Sharing- any comments?
Please don't quote whole posts
Saying no because of limited resources
5-year-old doesn't want to go anywhere
Squeezing & hitting
an affirmation for you all
Much Ado about (Learning) Nothing....
help, please, about a NOVA program
Blog Carnival for unschoolers
unschooling trashed in this article
Little House on the Prarie
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Little House in the Big Woods, was Re: Banish sca rcity
Banish scarcity
I think I'm getting it... Warning! I talk about my actual children ;-)
REGISTRATION CLOSES IN 4 WEEKS- Good Vibrations Conference
Re: [AlwaysLearning] List benefits/detriments? (was Re: sharing details of re...
sharing details of real lives
Sharing details of real lives..
unschoolING, for me; not unSCHOOL
Re: Scientific revolutions, was Physical appearance
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Physical appearance (was: a little more video..)
weird comments.
Learning math and overnight "typical day".
Twelve years of growth
A need to "coach" more concentration?
a little more video of me, about saying "Yes"
a 12yr old's observations
an unschooling dad on video
Potty trained in 1 week!
RE: Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: A need to "coach" more concentration?
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Eye Contact was A need to "coach" more concentration?
pam s - permision to quote? was Re: [AlwaysLearning] More on "me time/self care" was input regarding sleep issues with 4 year old
I'm about to be gone the rest of the day, and need a message taken.
Communication Skills
New York, Connecticut, western Massachusetts
Rules and principles
new too, from across the oceans
How do you "make it right?"
Learning all the time but Now what?
Unschooling movie/dvd
A Newbie with a Big Problem
Maintaining Friendships with People Who Parent Conventionally?
babsteps in communication with husband
Blah, blah, fricking blah
three timely announcements
Feeling all alone.
question how to handle bickering...
testing (was blah blah friggin blah)
A great article about hunter gatherer children and how they learn, relates to unschooling nicely
Conferences...I just cant decide !
responding to questions and comments
a little happy dance
David Mitchell on television
Joyce being awesome again (and Sylvia)
a new unschooling book
What about Dad?
3.5 year old and baby sister
interesting problem with a relative
Detox chat from long ago
Schooling Detoxification
A Great Day
Monday chat
Monday chat, on relationships with relatives
Computers and imagination
Hello, I am new here
Cleaning Evolution...part 1 of ?
Help to find or remember a discussion or two, please
Torn about advice/support
Where it's at
How does unschooling work with high school age?
Control Withdrawals!
Northeast Unschooling Conference and Whale Watching
being at one with your children
Short video of Holly on YouTube
interview re: staying connected though the teen years
Jayn as entrepreneur was OT - Jayn's Etsy Store
OT - Jayn's Etsy Store
our day
good advice and bad advice
Daughter says she wants a new mommy
5 yr old son has started twitching
ideas for late night with teens
Shameless plug for my new blog
Friday chat (and another one Monday
Vegan Teenager
Making a decision to home school again
embracing the lifestyle
input regarding sleep issues with 4 year old
Quiet Weekend
Stories of Stores
Suggestions for a 3yo who loves to dance
This is starting to feel like fun!
Balancing Family Members Needs/Wants?
How many school bells have you heard?
Pulling sixth grader from school
anxiety dreams was Re: How many school bells have you heard?
books was homeschooling reflections
Saying yes more
re: suggestions for a 3yo who loves to dance....
Homeschooling Reflections
Homeschooling Reflections - the book
College entry stories
Do you tell a neighbor or stranger to be nicer to their kids?
Wolfram alpha
wolfram alfa screencast
My first freakout
Questions-getting my feet wet!
Cheese and Crackers
Friday morning chat
Encouragement for a homeschooler.
Parents of color and unschooling
going beyond judgment/punishment (was "are you a good mom or a bad mom?")
a question
I want to change how I treat ALL kids
me on the do life right blog
Re: going beyond judgment/punishment (was "are you a good mom or a b
Good Mother's Day
Radical Unschooling Let Down
Seeing a difference already
why can't we be MAD?
connections and a happy Monday
Pam answers some questions
I'm changing......
Are you a good mom, or a bad mom?
Ruminations and Revelations after Friday's Chat....
Chores and Littering
announcements and opportunities
Four year old who LOVES school
About how to learn about unschooling
(Off topic?) Power over oneself, unschooling and "politics"
An article about unschooling with statistics
Monkey counter?
an online chat and a youtube note
politics and the court system
Dominoes Falling: Drawminos
help with explaining "fun" learning to 6th grader
Deschooling me
perhaps OT- legoland
we did it... I think!...
My Mom thinks I joined a cult
not everything is not "not anything"
Unschooling article, with some stats
Fwd: My Mom thinks I joined a cult
About this list and how to abuse it
Guiding A Child to Be Considerate of Others?
I don't think "similar" means what he thinks it means.
2 Unschooling Stories
thoughts on this article
Hi, I'm new here...
Maybe it's absolutely KimPossible
photo albums: handwriting...
Rules vs. Principles
RE:Aha Moment(s)!Doubletrouble-Asleep to TV
deschooling my daughter, deschooling myself...
Aha moment(s)! Double trouble - Asleep to TV
Northeast Unschooling Conference Early Bird Deadline May 1!!!!
RE: Name Calling Amongst Siblings
Letting go
[AlwaysLearning] Rules vs Principles
Monkey Platter addendum
Happy, Grateful Thoughts
homemade side walk paint???
a little update...
OT: Odd Things Website
Astrologer added you as a friend on MyLife!
history, geography, art, technology, coins, posters!
Teens, writing, jobs
Trusting kids
Free comic book day this sat.
Opportunities for parents to learn
speaking of "always learning"
Are we deschooling?
Northeast Unschooling Conference Early Bird Deadline Approaching
I'll tell this here, but not on my blog
ideas for friend with eating disorder from super-controlling family?
Cultural Unschooler
Connection and Anger
OT: Teen ... help?
Last day in Public School...
interesting article about the benefits of WoW
Wow article
Presenting the Jenny Cyphers Section!
looking for advice on teen's behavior
Describing a singing voice to someone who can't hear
Student ID cards
Pokemon and learning stuff that didn't even seem possible 5 minutes ago
What to do with books?
Come hear Sandra, Pam and others at Good Vibrations!
"Learning is so easy, and such fun, when it occurs naturally."
My oldest has a question...
randomizing -- art by Bo King
adoption of the older child - from an attachment parenting, unconditional, unschooling perspective!
debate ideas?
learning, doing and gratitude
Unschooling for 7 years (long post)
the beauty of simple language
Being careful with things
gaining skills by offering to apprentice
Families in which more than one language is spoken
Newbie here :)
Food, When the Parent is the "Picky" Eater
More family interaction stuff
crying over not reading
2-3 yo behavior/interactions with family
Northeast Unschooling Conference, Early Bird Deadline May 1
New and more Food fun
Unschool Adventures Update!
Service and relationships
adopted children with prior abuse
oops.... I double-booked me
Free eyeglasses -- NOT!
what unschooling offers me
Son's behavior
Another of those Delayed Maturity things WAS Challenging article
trusting our children
Intro and food
Am I unschooling?
Help with son's critical, unkind words and outbursts
Advice needed ??
Another Question about Honesty
Re: [AlwaysLearning] I'm Bored
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: Balance-how I try to unschool and run a daycare
Advice needed for 3 year old
How do you decrease power struggles?
To much honesty
[AlwaysLearning] neighborhood vandalism
Kids and pets
Live chats (for fast typists, or fast readers)
research support
Using unschooling in my business
parental decisions, choices, progress
Our game this morning
New to this group and unschooling
Handling deschooling & unschooling in CA
"economic centered"
A thought
Another step in the right direction
personal note
Recommended reading
How children learn to deal with other people...
sites/resources for architectural modeling/design
List Business (please read)
Randomizer for Joyfully Rejoycing
Getting It
how incentives are experienced by kids
spell check software
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Local Lists
reading suggestions
Anti-intellectualism and unschooling
Something quite atrocious!
Fw: kids/sweets/growth spurts
Italy and Baltimore
New here, talents and legalities
Chat with Ren Allen in an hour
A good site for exploring
Is he shy? kind of questions
Resources, ideas, questions and answers
3rd Annual UWWG Announcement!!!!!
back to school...
a chat, and a new randomizer
Happy Persian New Year!
Re: [AlwaysLearning] what do school teach?
What does this say? (Hebrew, I'm guessing.)
Books for parents having troubled relationships with their teens
Oh Oh OH... I'm such a kid at heart
Thank You And An Invitation
new here...
Is it necessary to correct?
I keep messing up- need help with frame of mind.
looking for persuasive evidence
Food, Tv, Videogames and Choices
a toy--schoolish but potentially very fun
Keep your family together! Be a happy family.
Should the past be known to your husband?
diagramming sentences
calling, fate, destiny
Good Vibrations Unschooling Conference - San Diego - Sept 10-13, 2009
a happy thing and a grumpy thing
food issues
Challenging article
does it matter?
Help with containing excitement about unschooling
Discriminating and thoughtful
sleeping and yo-yos
One Seed Has Been Planted!
socializing (not socialization)
Complete Bill Nye the Science Guy DVD set of 100
Articles about unschooling
RE: Chemistry
Interesting Article
bento boxes, was food
Adventure Ideas in Phoenix Area
Monkey Platters
Not Monkey Platters
Questions about TV
Roxana Sorooshian discovered, from July 2008
chat on food
The Farm at South Mountain
Talking to kids about drugs
ideas for trip across u.s.
thinking sticks photo
Should I try something different now?
Independence vs. Safety
New pages at Joyfully Rejoycing
Pam Sorooshian
sports competition - update
book worship pictures
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: food again, dip trays
contraptions for 4-yr-old
food again
Spelling question
Join me for a blogtalk radio show about unschooling.
Fun Things to do
What people DO learn in school
breastfeeding was influence: neither bad or good
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Shakespeare
When spouses have different [major] opinions
Re: Anxiety About Testing
shakespeare for kids?
Shakespeare for kids
Intro: Kate
Anxiery about testing
Introduction with a cut to the chase question
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Trying something without obligation to live there
I get to go to England!
how parents see their kid was Re: breastfeeding was influence: neither bad or good
unschooling test scores
Joyce Fetteroll
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Digest Number 3390
New and Intro
Re: influence - breastfeeding
What do unschoolers DO?
Re: [AlwaysLearning] "Autonomy" (was Re: Help! My son is failing and miserab...
sports competition
chat for new unschoolers Friday, February 20
Help! My son is failing and miserable
my crazy chat projects
Looking for an Unschooling Nanny
new site-question?
I did NOT send anything out about grades in Colorado
My dd16 has some questions
Holly and her boyfriend Brett
Help for after high school
Update on teen boy (a little long--sorry)
body image/teen girls
Need help with dd10's fear of sleep/bedtime/night/something
Check out my Facebook profile
So Sorry please disregard Facebook invite
love vs. fear
is this what ADHD looks like?!
Another Unschooling family on Wife Swap
Almost 6 months old - not turning over yet
Too many children
help planning DC trip
ideas for videos/tv shows/online stuff?
HENA conference, March 7
No Subject
Sensitive kids at conferences
TV and Playdates
Autodidactic Radical Gathering of Homeschoolers in TN!
It's Not Too Late...Early Bird Deadline Extended
Dads' Weekend
Reading as a disability
Raffle alternative
Re: Fwd: Unschooling and Reading
Fwd: Unschooling and reading
Collecting Words! (was: Re:Fwd: Unschooling and reading)
music chat
Misconceptions about unschooling
Kirby Dodd, Pam Sorooshian
OT: MS info
Food Questions
Great online game
the tale of how I kept someone from unschooling
Free Grand Slam Breakfast today OT
Favorite Superbowl Commercial
2 1/2 yo in love with Dora
request for help with research
two more live chats
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
More organized on the live chats now
Young children
Need expert help here.
If anyone's not super busy...
Hello!! We are new to the group!!
who wrote "like throwing marshmallows at his head..."?
Alexander Calder had a smart mom
interesting article
Dad connection
My sister made me cry
just wondering
blog name suggestions?
Feeling Isolated
Fwd: statistics
Requests: food and analogies
5YO DD Wants Me To Teach Her To Read
1997 Intro to unschooling
Kids & animals - brainstorming
"Unschooling"- on Live nationwide Radio show
Jayn reading
constant Interruptions to be accepted?
Need some support
Computer tech question
Storing photos?
USA Today homeschooling article
need your help
Essay on food choices
My son is destroying my house right now
AlwaysLearning list, and valentines and stuff
Homeschool/unschool valentine exchange
What religion are superheroes?
Cup rhythm game on TV years ago - anyone know who it was?
"When the heart is content the mind is open"
A New Year's Thank You
Welcome to Holland
Unschooling and progressive brain damage
Tell Obama to Support Moms Staying Home...
Attention, teenage explores!! --Unschool Adventures- Trip to Maui!
sugar doesn't make kids hyper... now we know!
Reservation Deadline EXTENDED-2nd Annual UWWG (Unschoolers Winter Waterpark Gathering)!!!
What are some different terms for unschooling?
verbosity and "ammunition against TV"
Rich Learning Environment
The subtlety of growth
Re: Rich learning environment
Re: Rich learning Environment
Exploring cheat code opinions
Fw: free mag
Time on the computer
online teen "hangout"--Habbo
How many unschoolers?
Connections Ezine now available free online
Dealing with Influx of Toys
Disadvantages of an Umbrella (private) School??
consultation for money
Joyous Anticipation or Pure Frustration?
College-age "tag"
Etiquette & Politeness
Human Nature
Why "fun" makes people angry
insight into meeting divergent needs
Helping child unwind
39 clues?
"hardcore Christian gamer"
Need 'supporting' links, etc.
Re: Need 'supporting' links, etc
cosleeping Re: [AlwaysLearning] Need 'supporting' links, etc.
Anyone have a copy of LiG 2007 Beautiful
how to pass time on a stopover??
Save U.S. handmade toys & safe European toys
The Game of "Go"
puzzle pirates anyone?
Food Sensitivities and Unschooling
Thanks for Pumpkin Kitty!
Help with budgeting
Daughter quick to tears
games, deschooling, obsession
Unschooling and balancing rocks
Handwriting (came out of some other discussion)
New to the group and unschooling. A little lengthy but need some help.
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: (Video game and TV time) New to the group and unschooling. A little lengthy but need some help.
#7 of Pam Sorooshian's "how to"
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: New to the group and unschooling. A little lengthy b...
Intro & dealing with controlling mom of dd's friend
Games for the Holidays #1
The full set of Pam's suggestions
Unschooling and eclectic homeschooling expert
HENA 2009 Conference Early Registration Extended!
#13 of Pam Sorooshian's "how to"
#12 of Pam Sorooshian's "how to"
#11 of Pam Sorooshian's "how to"
#10 of Pam Sorooshian's "how to"
#9 of Pam Sorooshian's "how to"
#8 of Pam Sorooshian's "how to"
#6 of Pam Sorooshian's "how to"
#5 of Pam Sorooshian's "how to"
#4 of Pam Sorooshian's "how to"
#3 of Pam Sorooshian's "how to"
#2 of Pam Sorooshian's "how to"
#1 of Pam Sorooshian's "how to"
Problems with food control...
A family from another state visits
The game of "Go"
titan - the game
2007 magic awards (or 2008)
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Paganism in our everyday was: Limits- tv, sugar and other
Limits- tv, sugar and other
art, programming, symmetry (and math)
"Becoming Screen Literate"
This Film Is Not Yet Rated
A child who loves pet food
weight gain, six year old
Poem about Creativity Destroyed by Teacher
clarification Re: [AlwaysLearning] Can I talk here?
a child who loves pet food
Friends was Can I talk here
Seventh Anniversary of the AlwaysLearning list
UWWG - check out all the Speakers, Funshops, & Fun Events!
I wonder how life would have been different....
Can I talk here?
Jobs & creative business ideas for "young" unschooler
Ramping up unschooling, and trust issues
Help with how to handle a situatiom
The problem with "autonomy"
If you give a child some freedom.............
Christmas Gift Suggestions
sleep habits, was A Request for Feedback Regarding My RU Teen
But you're *not* an unschooler!
Resource - WGBH Forum Network | Free Online Lectures
A Neopets Reminder
Hugging families
*10 How does unschooling teach the vital difference between needs and wants?
control, choices, autonomy
*7 How does catering to each child/individual teach family values?
Re: [AlwaysLearning] *10 How does unschooling teach the vital difference betw...
Re: *10 How does unschooling teach the vital difference between need
Nat. At-Risk Education Network
Interesting correspondence
ss experience
Toddler Stuff
Robyn Coburn, Pam Laricchia, Amy Childs
Logic and reasoning before 7 years
engaged and engaging; interested and interesting
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Interesting Correspondence
*8 What do you recommend for families that cannot financially keep up with childrens' demands?
Re: [AlwaysLearning] *8 What do you recommend for families that cannot financ...
*11 [How do they live in the world?]
Northeast Unschooling Conference site finally ready!
*9 How does unschooling teach a child to assess a situation socially?
*6 How does unschooling teach children to truly compromise?
*5 Why do unschoolers negate the need for learning unless an immediate need exists?
*4 What is the difference between parent facilitation and a teacher?
*3 What is the course of action when principles are not followed?
*2 What is the difference between principles and rules?
*1 Who should have questions answered?
Re: Unschooling Questions
Christmas Wish List for Grandma and Grandpa
Internet resources for two year olds
native americans in history
Validation of unschooling
Re: Re: Shifting from mom-directed homeschooling
"I have to change?!"
Re: [AlwaysLearning] native americans in history/robyn
Unschooling questions...
the way they say your name is different
I feel so bad!
brushing teeth and showering
9yr old
Re: [AlwaysLearning] unschooling vs. not schooling
interesting article about the millenial generation, video games, and higher education
Lego Software
Lego Mindstorms FLL
Residual Effects of School
Want to make this happen for Sorscha - need some US help
littles books and books with pictures Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: obsessions dying off?
Halloween coolness!
obsessions dying off?
Amazing Quote
Is this common?
shifting from mom-directed homeschooling
Re Shifting from mom-directed homeschooling
unschooly movies
World War II buffs?
a small story of summer and fall
wow unschoolers guild
"Peace"--thoughts and ideas
Advice on how to deal with negative behavior - long
Had to share our new milesstone in unschooling learning.
off topic: fire starters
My 2 year old
So Holly has a boyfriend...
Childhood is NOT a dress rehearsal
Home-Schooling Grows in New York City -
Reactions to Unschooling
Unschoolers Winter Carnival added to 2009 UWWG events!!!!
Listening to our children
Schooling: The Hidden Agenda - Daniel Quinn
Shows like Avatar
Princess/girly games (PC or DS)
A Request for Feedback Regarding My RU Teen
The introverted personality
about this list, and where learning lives
social network etiquite question
Help figuring out kids' friendships
Help negotiating with neighbor
movie-making resources for 9 yr old
By the way - I think I'm starting to get it
A Glimpse into our unschooling day
October Blog Carnival
unschooling: my version
A new found appreciation
"job" opportunity for computer-saavy teen in the PDX areas of Oregon...
Freedom to choose may mean freedom from guilt
Mistaken Sayings, Proverbs, etymology
ideas for get togethers, play groups, field trips
lego pics
Incredibly Conflicted re my children's needs
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Wow article and disconnect
WoW article and the "disconnect"
introduction with question
Gravel, rock and mulch play
Checklist for the New Unschooler
disney princesses
how to help an angry dad see things differently
An outside account of how to screw it up
New WoW guild forming at RUN
books from my childhood - do you know?
a different teenaged-girl issue
pumps and siphons (and unschooling)
dd likes to be at home w/ family most of the time
Humanists in community - a divergence
Potty without the training
Be careful what you capitalize
Re: unschooling a child with significant developmental delays
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Research questions- Walter
Research questions
Unschoolers and World of Warcraft article
freaking out
Thank You, and What About Dad?
Forcing Friendships - Why?
4 ways of looking....Fwd: [UnschoolingDiscussion] Be vewy quiet
"the same thing to adults"
Thank you Sandra and Nina!!
Still learning bare with me...
Okay, now more about food
Aha moments
Re: Explaining unschooling to kids
Weird Worth
question about peer learning/social capital
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: Organized activities - is there a good, or better ti...
Sugar (was broccoli (was Re: Oh, and about "bad language" ))
Hi! Need suggestions/ideas
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Digest Number 3164
Problems with Groups (part 2)
Problems with Groups (part 1)
Forget teaching. What does convention actually *model* to our kids?
Need game suggestions
need links to similar article
Kid's social issue- Need advice - Long
Organized activities - is there a good, or better time?
Oh, and about "bad language"
I want that breakdowns
examined lives, and the genius of Joyce
A teen's view of unschooling
Kelly - Live & Learn
broccoli (was Re: Oh, and about "bad language" )
about living now
John Holt reviewed just today on
Re: [AlwaysLearning] ideas for group activites for older kids - Silent letters
unschooling and math
Proof of Progress
"Support" vs. discussion
Re: [AlwaysLearning] The Scientific Method (Was: Re: Unschooling for everyone, l
maturity in young adults and teens
Come participate in the Rakiengaurd Open-Beta!
7 y.o. dd in need
new photo album
cults and such
2nd Annual Unschoolers' Winter Waterpark Gathering!!!!!
teachable moments in the tub
Re: (Always Learning) ideas for group activities for older kids
Help in Spanish?
toy guns
who said it?
school conversation
the joy of reinventing wheels (was fantastically amazingly sweet,
Social Life, Patience and Unschooling
Large Hadron Rap
peaceful partnerships
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Reading- and writing
Techdirt on monitoring kids
Just saying Hello
how to find job availability and requirements
Why I call it "the public fool system" - partial response to comments
Re: Maple Story, Runescape, online interactive RPGs + background in
Maple Story, Runescape, online interactive RPGs + background info
Always Learning list
podcast reminder, Monday morning
Im feeling nostalgic... and old!
"unschooling" very young children
TED talk - cool Education experiments with poor Indian children
labels, older writings, intelligences, George Carlin
Logical Fallacy (was: The Scientific Method)
DD wants to try school
Update on Allie's school decision
September blog carnival is up!!
Help wanted with an interesting problem
Labels again (was Logical Fallacy (was: The Scientific Method))
Also Invited was Re: List problem and dishonesty
Ways to avoid learning on Learn Nothing Day:
running a list
I need an attitude adjustment :)
UnschoolersOKWIthLables: Update of Description
[AlwaysLearning] name change WAS Unschooling for everyone, labels not needed
List problem and dishonesty
Re: New Unschooling Group Name was List problem and dishonesty
Re: Unschooling for everyone, Lables not needed
dd10 extremely lonely and bored.
- was Re: List problem and dishonesty
the term "unschooling"
art and geekery
self conscious about not reading.
"I can't choose"
geography was Re: unschooler dealing with school
re: unschooler dealing with school
resisting the temptation to teach
unschooler dealing with school LONG...sorry
Re: [AlwaysLearning]Roblox- resisting the temptation to teach
Help with Roblox
No desire
Tenant's visiting grandchildren
No desire to be with friends
No Desire to be with Friends
ideas for activities
Possible list slow down
Possible list slow-down
The Onion - Satire about starting school
Re: [AlwaysLearning] When a child worries
Re: New to list
body piercings
Children and Friends
Children and friends
Weird Al, Donny Osmond, Palindromes
College presidents seek debate on drinking age
a new show on PBS kids
Weird Al
Dry Drowning
youtube star wars videos
DDR was Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: new with a few questions
In UK was Re: Introduction
grammar and introduction
I love when people brag Pam Sorooshian up.
Weird Al and Donny Osmond....
interview, me, blogtalkradio, 9/8/08
Colors was Re: Grammar
schoolhouse rock
Victorian grammar and the 21st century
new with a few questions
compliance with homeschooling laws
new page on partnerships (help request)
New Here
Teens transitioning out
What stands out
How do I keep a local unschooling Yahoo group running smoothly?
Arbitrary rules are uncomfortable to face
The picture on the home page?
August 2008 Blog Carnival
The Ultimate, Best Ever, Top 10 Do's and Don'ts for Having a Long, Happy Marriage
Jessica needs...
Sleeping (was Re: Crisis of Faith)
unschooling with a non-believing spouse
Thanks for the ideas!
Help!!! Seeking all other SINGLE unschooling moms,grandparents,etc. in OREGON!
Re: [AlwaysLearning] computer games
Legacies for our kids
Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB)
Crisis of Faith
swirlin' up the place was Crisis of Faith
Re: college
Are there degrees of unschooling?
Image Contest Page (I need help, please)
turnig unschooling into a transcript!?
Randy Pausch is dead
Help for in-laws
Randy Pausch
Finding Unschooling philosphy in mainstream culture - can you too? :-)
An article on our house concerts
Re: A Thought About Learn Nothing Day.....
Re: Finding Unschooling philosphy in mainstream culture - can you to
Guitar Hero
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re:grades
Being present / When friends are over
Hello again!
6-7 year old girls
learn nothing day
When friends are over
Duty to be happy thread?
Kirby's second visit home
Tossing a Child's Belongings was Re: Natural Child Article
Hello from a newbie
Re: Let's Ride
old tapes
Wondering about napping
Schuyler's birthday
re: Happy Birthday Schuyler
Manga and anime list for unschoolers
Should I change the list description?
Should I change the list description
Ice Cream at the park
Natural Child Article
Just Joined Group
New Mexico Homeschooling Groups
Ice Cream at the Park
Problems and complaints about Learn Nothing Day
Looking for fresh new ideas
Lightbulb moment re: cleaning / chores
a new online site for unschoolers
O/T editing help please?
Solutions was Cleaning
A Dad's answer to the typical unschooling questions
Re: [AlwaysLearning] "What was I thinking" was Telling our kids the answers v...
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: "What was I thinking" was Telling our kids the answe...
people complaining about their own kids
Lets Ride!!
Re: Cleaning - Was: "What was I thinking" was Telling our kids the
Re: socks
Re: [AlwaysLearning] For Sandra- Learn Nothing Day
kids selling expensive toys
Fancy glasses are cool
Telling our kids the answers vs. having them figure it out themselves
FW: [NoMoreSpanking] permissive parentingbratty kids and parental authority
Contests, concerning Learn Nothing Day
Dealing with Grandparents who disagree with unschooling
Cool Stuff to do Thread
teens and rights Re: bad role models
Goethe quote
Choices & power was Subway
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: Telling our kids the answers vs. having them figure ...
Telling answers vs. figuring them out
Food and Eating Disorders
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Telling our kids the answers vs. having them figure it o...
about thinking and clarity and writing
bad role models
Is Unschooling about Activities?
Fw: [MathingOff] link: Lost Ladybug Project
4/5 year old activities
Subway commercial
My son and unschooling
when extended family undermines
how to screw it up
Sandra's cat
Draft of Letter to Abuser
How do you handle shocking comments from people?
WAHM Homeschoolers?
Nesting Dolls - thinking sticks website
lists, boards, sites, blogs
Fw: world wide telescope
Carolina Homeschooler Trips - Update
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Ways to avoid learning on Learn Nothing Day:
hello and thoughts
Photo Blog
re: teaching to read
What's so great about Unschooling anyway?
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: Il Giorno dell'Apprendere Nulla
Clarity was Re: teaching to read
Anyone ever hear of Plurk?
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Honor thy abuser
Dance and Spelling
re: teaching to read
Sample Paperwork
Teaching how to read
"Magic Farm," a game for PCs
name calling, hitting mommy
Learn Nothing Day art (in progress)
Re: Fwd: Teaching how to read
One more month until Learn Nothing Day
Insults from parents
How to Screw Up Unschooling
Insults from partents
Strewing for teenagers ....
Help, husband says we can't unschool anymore
when to start
Fwd: Re: Name calling, what to do
Helping the other kids pick up
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Driver's Ed
a good article on homeschooling
Truly wants something was = Other names
Just joined
problems with child-led learning
other names for "unschooling"
steam engine kits
Re: Other names for "unschooling"
RE: UPDATE Travel Experience anyone? (xposted)
A lost song is found, maybe
*my* testing anxiety--an update...
Travel Experience anyone? (xposted)
Parental comfort at the child's expense
Angry Son, Frustrated Mommy
new on my unschooling site
just a question
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Competition (was Angry Son, Frustrated Mommy)
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Martial Arts
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re:connections was: learning to cook
learning to cook
typical day with older kids
trip to Argentina for teen unschoolers
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Seeing what we expect to see
a request, and a new list
Progress of a Newbie
Crooked Brains
Early admission to college
telling time
Marty at work
Re: Sugar, and phrases to avoid
Neat new book on video games...
Other People's Kids
HENA, Marcy 7-8, Dodds and Sorooshians
about Marty, medievalishly
intro and stress
stressful life
getting privacy with shared rooms
Real Horseshit
the definition of "bashing"
The effect of belief on length of life
Video Games and Portfolios
cursive writing
Building trust - another story
Re: [AlwaysLearning]
Movies about parent/child relationships
Video games and friendship
Article by unschooled teen critiqued harshly elsewhere
Movies about kid-relationships, younger
11yo choosing school
Shame on me again!? Again?!
Just so stoked...
Re: What did you do in the beginning?
What did you do at the beginning?
FW: [AlwaysLearning] Rap music suggestions?
Rap music suggestions?
opinion piece about text-msg language use in school writing
Self-Motivated Learning in the Digital Age
The end of books?
Punishments and Safety and Consequences
friend help
Re: friend help/tantrumming
Movies about kid-relationships, older kids
asking for forgiveness
Kirby resume (censored)
Traveling to New Mexico
Handling disrespect respectfully
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: Trust (WAS: not choosing books)
Unschooling the Pessimist
Mother's Day
Aha Moment
Happiness, freedom and peace of mind
*my* testing anxiety
Holly reviews her life some
Unschooled Musician
airsoft guns
Animals WAS Responsibility
The decline of violenceSteven Pinker
What to do???
introduction and a question
Why "am I a success?" is the wrong question...
What Unschooling Looks Like?!
Registration Now Open for the 2nd Annual Unschoolers Winter Wterpark Gathering!!!!!
unschooling article in Mothering magazine!
Learning Spanish or other languages
two good quotes on the same day!!!
I'll be gone four days
Kid's theater - O/T
Hey, check out the full moon!
numbers and language
lemonade and an unschooling moment
What if nothing works?
hair colour comments
Disney World Homeschool Trip
Not choosing books
Kids liking things intended for different ages
rebellion was Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: relatives, changes, and why we can unschool
Magazine houses and remodeling, was relatives, changes, and why we can unschool
Ideas for becoming "more interesting" :-)
national turnoff tv week, april 21- 27
video games and relationships
Respect for children
The responsibility of being the cool parent
Interesting website
As long as you love them....
support groups
Transitions from Toddlers to Preschoolers to Academics???
Alfie Kohn
Intro & 2 1/2 year old stuff
Unschooling and schedules?
co-sleeping articles
Researching, was Re: co-sleeping--Ask Amy
Hitting a wall talking to my DH
Going no mail
re: teens tattoos
Re: prairie dogs
Kids playing together
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Kids playing together & more...
Re: teens
"Learning to work things out"
help! unschooling in italy (protecting a childs learning in spite of the law)
Re: rebellion was Re: leaving home
more on grandparents...
good examples
RE Nimhs island
Nims island
Because they didn't have the internet...
Pass the Bean Dip
relatives, changes, and why we can unschool
Unschooly movie
swimming update
re:time out
Time out
It's getting easier!
Re: [AlwaysLearning] can anyone answer these questions?
Qu estion about attending Conference
Late night boredom
historical fiction
longterm friendships
Reading Non Fiction
Mommy is boring!
Time out for list business (not long)
FW: [AlwaysLearning] Seeing clearly (was Re: Fear
Anyone have experience doing eldercare in your home while unschooling?
Re: Fear
trusting teenagers
Not Talking about your kids in front of them
Fighting my way back
son calling me names
Re: [AlwaysLearning] visualizing channeled juju
conferences and what they are about
"I'd hate to fail at this"
Communication Problems
Earth Hour
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: visualizing channelled juju (long)
visualizing channelled juju
Re: Dr. Gordon Neufeld and RU
Beer and Twinkies!?
His own money
Dr, Gordon Neufeld and RU
Depression/pessimism in kids
Balance and thoughtfulness
Re: OT: tiny urls was Re: site news: peace-spouses-museum-bongos
How do you talk to family about respect
OT - question about blogs
now what?
About the list, a few reminders
site news: peace-spouses-museum-bongos
unschooling pen pal
Here we go again (sleep Q)
collateral punishment
Effects of Stress
Audio recordings from Live and Learn
science/explosions & school was Re: DIY Piano lessons - question - cross posted
Apologies for sending post thru 5 times!
Cleaning House
Re: Change of scenery
intro/new member
What (if anything) should I be doing to help her read and write?
Does anyone have Gentle Spirit magazines they're willing to part with???
Experiences with exploring beliefs?
teen boy development
Holly's spot-on prediction for the future
DIY Piano lessons - question - cross posted
Is school sometimes a better option?
Family concerned about reading approach
a correction; clarification (and legality and morality)
Fwd: FW: FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! it was on the news! ASAP........
my wacky fears
Simply Music - piano lessons
Internet, computers and kids
careful/reckless, expression/learning
all day and all of the night
video game advice
re: was Introduction now reign
Terms for parenting and unschooling
Looking for connection while traveling (cross post)
diploma discussion
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Diploma
'Sin' was Re:criticism of unschooling
Two concerns to discuss
good-natured humor
earning money was two concerns to discuss
Helping ease a transition
Reel Movies
Calling all vegetarians!
Writing (practically conjugation)
into the wild
super smash bros brawl
Am I wrong to be mad?
while on children and the bible...
Visiting unschooling families
criticism of unschooling
another reason to defend ourselves
Is this unschooling or coercion?
Something interesting
Daddy doesn't play,is that okay?
new yahoo groups for discussing movies & music
D & D
Court ruling that homeschooling not constitutional
Way too long intro!
Understanding Unschooling
Kinder and Gentler
New and Help with Some 2 year Old Behaviors
maps links
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: Advice ~ Sandra Dodd
just a thank you
Fwd: Easing Exhaustion from Within
When spouses don't agree 100%
my 2yo and no bedtime...little help please?
Re: [AlwaysLearning] college & transcripts WAS ?s and algebra
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: Advice ~ public eye
are there any articles....
Introduction and ? about continuing algebra with my daughter...
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: Introduction and ? about continuing algebra with my ...
Was: schooly friends, now: unschoolers at school
What kind of support, or how much, is needed?
Michaels - The Knack
schooly friends
This list might slow down a bit
Strangers correcting your child - long (sorry)
My 4 year old is so smart ....or ditching the unschooling label
Fwd: Frozen in Grand Central Station!
why we do what we do
How did you being your speaking career?
damage control
hi I am new and have a question
The 2008 Unschooling Conference - Madison, WI
Guests and power trips and what-not
never returning to toxic grandma's house
control,choice,teens ... need a response
] Re: control,choice,teens ... need a response
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Digest Number 2797
What do you do about grade level questions
Books Your Sons Have Enjoyed??
How to better handle this situation
New website
question about food waste
For Ruby/Julie
Beatles stuff
TV question
thinking about punishment
"belonging" and how people come to this list
I'm needing some help with a serious friendship issue
link correction
Unschooling school
home sickness
Religion/work questions
something visual
scheduling time
a new syndrome?
Need some good responses to my husband's concerns
control freak
Interesting fact about Hans Christian Anderson
Re: [AlwaysLearning] "... Learn without a teacher ... ? ? ?
teaching a child to learn?
Lunar Eclipse Tonight
now it's "spoiling" according to DH
Marty Dodd as Bardolf Gunwaldtsson
radical 8 yr old -cross post-
1928, "On how to listen to the radio"
new here
socialization, kind of
Fwd: A New Froebelian Revolution
Unschooling article--kids interviewed
another unschooling newspaper article
Cute Song
My husband's concerns
Looking for Animal Crossing friend- Nintendo DS game
son playing w/ you know what,all the time.
Game forums?
YouTube Kids?
HENA 2008 Conference Schedule
Biology follow-up
Remark from a jerk
Seeking Post-Highschool Unschooling Advice
Fwd: A.Word.A.Day--lychnobite
Good geography resources?
she's cracked the code(and not a phonic book in sight)
TV Downloads
Grandparent February Roundup
Microtrends - could unschooling be one of them
Live and Learn website and shop are open
Elephantoms and Music & Lyrics
About the "When Humor Isn't Funny" Page...
Have him evaluated?
third hand behind my back, kind of...
10-year-old veterinary assistant
Language Programs
Combining the best of both? Can it be done?
Intro. and any one in the Visalia area?
video game article
an article against adults being on MySpace and Facebook
OT: Issues w/clothing...Advice?
Anticipating school questions
My curse is broken!
Leidloff? (?? for Schuyler)
Quinn's Ishmael and others
A new hello....
Children as less and anthropology, was Re: A new hello....
typo delight
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re:Clothing sensitivity
How to Make a Great Diorama, or at least watch some...
Knife safety
Teaching Drum's children's culture
Older kids-GED question
Video game
Go Unschooling! Go!
children at conferences
What do others think of the HENA Conference?
Northeast Unschooling Conference Early Bird Deadline soon!
Intro and conference anxiety
A circle inside a circle... thing
Very shy 5 yr old
Why is there illiteracy??
Hello...short intro
Musical genre question
Hello and introduction
New topic, elsewhere, if you're interested
Problem Solving
Homeschoolers can participate in Campbell's Soups "Labels for Education" program
Alternative Education Resource Organization (AERO)
HENA 2008 Conference
candidate for homeschooling
The Unschooling Conference
RESERVATION DEADLINE EXTENDED! - for Unschooler's Winter Waterpark Gathering
Pog Blog
Connections (Harry Potter moment)
Suggestions for support for divorcing unschooling parent
Anyone see the recent article in New York Times?
New Issue of Connections ezine
Is this really unschooling?
how to help potential unschoolers
alan colmes
the amazing brain
Sandra on Alan Colmes
At a loss
"Fairness" (request for help thinking)
Blogs (multi posting)
Only 2 WEEKS left to register for the Unschoolers Winter Waterpark Gathering!!!!
Neopets help, please? OT
Meeting needs...
Neopets: It's no WoW...
Learning Expansiveness
re: Neopets Advent Calendar
World of Warcraft
Social Security and Homeschooling
TV "statistics"
Unschooling Quotes
Peaceful parenting tape to cd/MP3
Experts on Television
Video Game Violence *article*
help with a page, please
my talk with a stranger
Set upset
Nationwide Unschoolers Winter Waterpark Gathering !!!!
Re: [AlwaysLearning]educated inlaws was: Re: my talk with a stranger
Grinders and Hoagies
Call For Submissions
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Digest Number 2715
Meeting the needs of my daughters
teen in st louis
Dh thinks I'm ruining the kids
Great Quote
a great little film--please look!
OT-Looking for blog/list site
getting away from "chores"
anger and sadness in 5 yo
Returned mail: User unknown
I *LOVE* the internet
The Bitter Homeschooler
A positive outlook or realistic outlook?
Re: Restricting certain things WAS RE: [AlwaysLearning] Re: TV/Videos Games i...
how far do you go to keep a kids playmate?
How would you have handled this?
An unschooled teen did a cool thing
request for technical assistance
To strew or not to strew?
labor union problems
- it right for us?
Re: [AlwaysLearning]Powerlessness-was: a different gun question
[AlwaysLearning] lack or plenty was: Re: guns
Looking for online video game suggestions
Cool Twin Studies Book--They Were Born This Way!
First grader trying school?
Re: Restricting certain things WAS RE: [AlwaysLearning] Re: TV/Video
What's good for visitors to do in North Carolina?
Prompting & remembering
Another book that may interest
Free Rice
From my old files...
a different gun question
Re: money (or was it guns?)
Unschoolers and Trick-or-Treating
A nice update
bigger lives
Are we doing them a disservice?
Re: Just shoot the person...
Unschooling Voices #10 has been posted
OT-in a panic
bookcovers etc... WAS: guns
Visiting Wilmington, NC
Introducting myself
Husband again
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Teacher/Friend's comments about DD (8) not yet reading o...
Teacher/Friend's comments about DD (8) not yet reading or writing.
Re: Teacher/Friend's comments about DD (8) not yet reading or writin
GPS systems
a benefit of unschooling
an international community dictionary
Two articles on happiness
popular culture and philosophy
missing puzzle piece video
October Grandparent Roundup
Can i be a good unschooling mom if....
Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef
writing sample, Beatles page, movie review
The Unschooling/Worldschooling Experience
Unschoolers Winter Waterpark Update - we now have conference rooms!
unschooling and the need for control
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Drop outs vs homeschooling
Article in Tulsa Kids
A friend's concern about DD's education
a 24 hour museum (online fun)
how many ways of standing still?
Learning from teens
Video game music
"Just world" or Wheel of Fortune?
Looking for unschoolers family to house sit
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Imposter
slippery English
"Imposter" homeschoolers
things kids learn
RE: [AlwaysLearning] Digest Number 2668
Honoring all needs in the moment
it's official/i'm feeling Inactive as his facilitator
Cool Pool Connection
"intelligence" and curiosity and that
getting irritated
[AlwaysLearning] Formulas / Rebuttals (was Article in Tulsa Kids)
forcing things to do things they don't want to do
Re: stage directions, was: the third drawer
introvert and extrovert
the third drawer
when and what can children learn?
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: Help in the "nonnutritive" food department...
Re: Help in the "nonnutritive" food department... (long)
Get kids stuff free! :)
Classroom life vs. street life?
Holly's take on the 60's
Curious about unschooler's take on this article about teens
Re: [AlwaysLearning] nutrition
Almonds (was: Help in the "nonnutritive" food department... (long))
Help in the "nonnutritive" food department... (long)
I'll be gone most of the next week
mystery photo, and apology
Re:The mentality of an educator/sharing a story
The mentality of an educator
any Halo 2 players?
mathematics and e-mail
the history and cause of restrictions concerning servants and lower classes
Re: Connections (triggered by "Learning Expansively")
Grandparent Roundup
the history and cause of restrictions concerning women
Connections (triggered by "Learning Expansively")
snowboarder boys
New Member-Life Learning & LOVING IT!
WOW help
Are you eating dinner together as a family?
TV/Videos Games in Public Places
Wanting School
Growing Without Schooling magazines
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Holt and Illich
fantasies and transformations
Re:solitary fantasies & milions of realities
Unschoolers Winter Waterpark Gathering - at the largest indoor waterpark in USA
Do we ever stop comparing?
Bells and other random connections
Criticism of Unschooling
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: Deschooling (spelling)
Re: [AlwaysLearning] NBTSCamp
anti-TV e-mail to me...
Math games for six year old?
Unschooling Circuit Rider Yahoo Group - Revised
interested and interesting
Unschooling Circuit Riders (New Yahoo Group)
Freedom vs. License
Re: public etiquette:was freedom vs. license
Dare I blog?
plans & goals
Group for grandparents of unschoolers
What Holly did while I was gone
Kirby has packed up and driven away
Re: Conference in Texas? (was: I'm back from the conference)
I'm back from the conference
"dependence nurtures independence" (thank you Schuyler!!)
Places to see in San Francisco by BART
Re:"dependence nurtures independence" (thank you Schuyler!!)
Friendships, Autonomy, Safety, etc.
Sibling rivalry
small moments
Mythology class
sunscreen - when nothing works...
How many children do I have!?
sharing the couch
Spelling tid-bit (sp?!)
Re: Sibling Rivalry
portfolios for unschoolers
Re: Apple Juice in the Laptop
another thing to do with kids, from home
Re: sunscreen- Rules
words really do count
another fun YouTube
a aid to decisionmaking
I'd love some advice
Happy Unschooling Messages
importance of words
RE: [AlwaysLearning] unschooling and daycare
Our son not stopping
Re: [AlwaysLearning] unschooling & daycare
unsolicited advice!
Being your child's advocate
Fisher Price Little Village People
upside down and backwards
This is so cool!!
"You were supposed to sing and dance"
baby boomer humor
Online math class
Re: R post
unschool playgroup wed aug 15th 1-5pm
July 20-22, this list might not work so well
Re: Gene Simmons was- charging 18 year olds rent
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Rated R
Copying accents was Re: Rated "R" post
Locks of Love
Re: Gene Simmons was- charging 18 year olds rent
charging 18 year olds rent, or throwing them out
Thursday morning, new word...
summer camps & classes
reading and comprehension
unschooling IQ moment
Tatoos and kids moving out
wavy glass, Puck! and an embiggened life
Rated "R" post
Re: [AlwaysLearning] IQ & sicko
Old Video Game Systems
raising money for school (for unschoolers)
any kids for instant messaging?
I just had cps at my door!
Re: Children staying home... ?
Children staying home...a ?
a question from Kirby
language living and dying and changing
Housing in New York
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Religious Question
Religion question
practicing the piano
Gotta tell you about this
A beach fear
Villa Alegre
Speaking of the Electric Company...
the differences between text exchanges and voice chats
Virtue and Superman and Batman and Above-Averag Joe
The Electric Company
The Electric Company!!
Practicing piano
the lyrics game, somewhat off topic, but not
riding up front
OT Question about flat water paddling in Oregon
mothers' fears
waiting for someone else to suggest something
mama fears
son's behavior with friend
reminding the child that it's bedtime
easy sweets instead of other foods
Whats going on with us
candid spelling moment
Fw: [smwla] Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning
off topic,first dentist soon
Re: off topic, first dentist soon
I want it back
party (lyrics)
playing Encore online?
reminding the kids to brush their teeth
words (I love words)
Kelli Traaseth especially, but anyone...
Opportunity for Apology to my Little One
Unschooling family camps?
our roadtrip to Minnesota
too much computer?
Wearing the same clothes day after day
a set of questions; don't respond
free movies
Wearing the same clothes day after day (Long)
your name is my name
Fun camp-out for unschoolers in the midwest!
about bullies
Snakes and Ladders and commerce and management
Pet Lobsters?
a review of my site and my book
kind of off topic, more about the list and aberrations
Neighbourhood kid problem
Thoughts on Re: Neighbourhood kid problem
Re: Kevin Smith films
Invitation for New York unschoolers
holiday, bank holiday, public holiday
Re:Thinking Sticks
Word Derivatives
Schools Are For Fish - Ep. 5
Cursor Secret
air soft bb guns and shooting animals
places, words, groups
about uninvited e-mail
was Re: dying hair is Clothes make the boy
Bypass to unschooling?
Kid Nation
Legalities of unschooling
"Mum, can I have a labret for my twelfth birthday?"
dying hair
learn to read/write with computer games (was Charlotte Mason)
kids chat or yahoo group?
Re: Smurfs, and other cartoons
sole parents and unschooling
school's damage to reading
boredom at unschooling homeschool - help!
Ideas for teens who want more social time
Re: Smurfs/ Charlotte Mason
Re: [AlwaysLearning] working 13 year old
Re: boredom at unschooling homeschool - CHANGE OF HEART!
Fwd: Rethinking Education Conference Update: 6/10/07
Working Teens
the richness of juxtaposition
A few new things on the unschooling site
about local or regional announcements...
Fwd: FW: Mountain Laurel Day at Sam's Point - Saturday, June 23
Mountain Laurel Day at Sam's Point - Saturday, June 23
Mt. Laurel Day at Sam's Point
Re: needing some advice - knives
thinking and choices and stuff
needing some advice
Hanging up my scythe
Supplies WAS Unschooling and TV
PLEASE help my unschool my 14yo....
FW: [AlwaysLearning] Re: needing some advice - knives
saying yes
other peoples kids -- medication?
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Shakespeare was Unschooling and TV
Re: [AlwaysLearning] unschooling & TV
Unschooling and TV
Garden of Eating was: housekeeping, eating and unschooling
how to handle cleaning ( or not ) with other peoples kids
Hole in the Milkbox
Housecleaning, cooking, etc
State quarters
Powers of Ten, Simpsons, Eames...
about tantrums, mindfulness and strength
re: balancing work and unschooling
Unschooling Voices #9 is ready: check it out!
the true value of the internet
Re: [AlwaysLearning] housekeeping, eating, & unschooling
cool coincidences
Thanks, the school fantasy is over
balance with work and kids
intro & explaining the foreign concept of unschooling to others
Talk me out of my Evil Fantasy
Hi-new here and ? about reading
fights with relatives
relativism and judgment
Re: Naked from the waist down
The only-child and attachment parenting
Aggressive 2 yr old
practising unschooling
a few new pages
Fwd: Rethinking Education Conference Update: 5/28/07
no mail
So I was sewing, when a social worker called
Thank You
The Goodwill on Central!
what we know about our children
kids and grieving
Limits (good answers to the same old question)
similar thought
Re: It's not FAIR! Was: freedom of choice
TV & Computers WAS: TV & Video Games
Fwd: Rethinking Education Conference Update: 5/14/07
old envelopes/postage/mail
new article about unschooling
tv vs. books, and Holly
Freedom of Choice and Nutrition
Searching for the best unschooling forum for me!
Re: cathy & a ?
Do any imposed limits have value?
an attempt at connections
additions to my site
Re: florence, al, connections, & Frank Lloyd Wright
(OT)Looking for an email addy
TV and other Stuff
revealing our lives
class differences in effects of tv advertising?
Decrepit skunks, was Re: TV
was TV now PC versus MAC
Short film may be of interest
TV and Video Games
Silverware example
Re: [AlwaysLearning] TV/inacurate information
not educational?
Marty's home
Speech possibilities
I am so happy!!!!
New Issue of *Connections ezine* is now online!
Re: [AlwaysLearning] not educational? Blue Man Group
British Timeline and other history on the web
general question
on being "behind"...thoughts/perspective anyone...
live and learn early bird deadline is here
please spread the word: seeking permanent care-taking opportunity!!!
Early Bird Deadline for Live and Learn Conference
imitation leaning
Re: [AlwaysLearning] I'm new here Hello
Re:New Unschooler in a hostile environment (Kimbrah...)
Request/reminder for submissions to Unschooling Voices
New Unschooler in a hostile environment
history of games, Tric-Trac
I'm new here, hello
Re: Peaceful Parenting
New title brainstorming..
He doesn't want people looking at him!
Terlingua, TX
Reading in all capital letters
Disagreements about gaming issues
self-proclaimed internet expert says...
Earth Day
Fwd: Rethinking Education Conference Update: 4/16/07
need help w/dh and gaming issues
Re: [AlwaysLearning] Scrabble
Anyone know any good websites about wild birds?
"I have spent my life seeking all that's still unsung"
so much pressure
Sponge Magazine announcement
Music Lessons
lists for families with teens?
new homeschooler
news of me
Unschooling Voices #8 is up and ready...
a complaint about something on my site
Help with dd and Daisy scouts
special needs???
Re: [AlwaysLearning] music & math
movies about math
Alot of screaming
One smart isn't all-smart
Pony Club
Re: [AlwaysLearning] LD & what's normal
Single Unschooling
Math delay in disabled child
Nine is fine! Right?
Bi-Polar 13 y/o
Single Moms?