Kelly Lovejoy

My issue with this writer---and all others like her---is that she truly doesn't WANT to know.

It's antagonistic.

I am PLEASED to go on and on and on about the pleasures and joys of unschooling to someone who truly has an interest. I mean: I will stop whatever I'm doing to hep someone who truly wants to LEARN about unschooling. About *anything* really, if it's something I know about and can help with. I LOVE to learn and I LOVE to help others learn. I *ache* to help folks who are truly interested and who want my help.

But people who really just want to waste my time? People who want to argue all my points? Not to help themselves understand, but to shoot down all my suggestions and tell me how it won't work? That it's rubbish? Fuck 'em.

My answers to her paragraphs follow.

Honestly, unschooling is NOT for me and my family for many reasons.
I do believe some of the basic principles (learning is fun, children
learn from modeling, etc.) however, as a whole I find that it's core
really breeds self-absorption. I don't see much evidence on any
website that encourages values I find important for my family. I see
a lot of contradiction and don't really see the "freedom" that
unschoolers preach. I see a lot of labels being used and many
assumed perceptions and admonishment of what is labeled as




For the record, to admonish, demean or judge anyone
else's way of life really doesn't show compassion and peace.



Next, there is the legality of this way of life. In my state, you
must be a certified teacher to homeschool. For myself, I have no
college education, therefore, to pursue this avenue I would be
breaking the law. Many others in my situation go through a facility
designed for this reason - to assist homeschoolers- but again there
is a curriculum decided by someone other than the parent.


As my father said after attending his first Live and Learn Unschooling 

Conference this year: 

"Apparently, an essential ingredient in unschooling is for the parents to 

be smart."



Last, my questions are these:
What is the difference between principles and rules?
What is the course of action when principles are not followed?
What is the difference between parent facilitation and a teacher?
Why do unschoolers negate the need for learning unless an immediate
need exists?
How does unschooling teach children to truly compromise?
How does catering to each child/individual teach family values?
What do you recommend for families that cannot financially keep up
with childrens' demands?
How does unschooling teach a child to assess a situation socially?
Meaning, if a child has been catered to their entire life how do they
learn to give of themselves or take a passive role in a situation?
How does unschooling teach the vital difference between needs and wants?
How does unschooling prepare children for a world that is not catered
to their interests?
How does a child from this lifestyle learn to be independent when
the parent has facilitated their needs, wants and learning from day one?
These are just a few of the many questions I have about this
lifestyle. Any time you could find to answer these would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you!


Every single question has been answered on multiple lists ad nauseum.

Again, my issue is with her antagonistic approach.

She seems perfectly happy with her choice NOT to unschool. That's great. More 

power to her. She'll need it. 

It's not my goal to convert those who don't WANT to be converted. I'll bend 

over backwards to help someone who WANTS to learn. But I have no time to 

devote to someone who doesn't want to learn.

That's too much like...TEACHING. <g>


Inquisitive Mom of Two Boys


~Kelly, not a fan of The Inquisition

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]