Sandra Dodd

Today on Just Add Light and Stir, something about infants, and attachment parenting.

What kind of partner did baby Kirby Dodd need? He needed someone to pay attention to him if he was uncomfortable, and to make sure he was safe. He needed someone to help him access the world, to see it, to experience it safely. He needed a quiet, soft place to sleep. Maybe it was on me or on his dad, in a carrier of some sort, or a sling. Maybe it was right next to me in the bed.

For a parent who didn't know about attachment parenting early on, those things can be compensated for by being gentler to older children, and patient, and loving.

For those who were gentle and attentive to babies as people, remember that your child, no matter how old, is still that same person who trusted you the first days and weeks and months.

It's easy to forget, and to be impatient and critical. It happens at my house.
It can be ever easier to remember, with practice and focus, to choose quiet and soft, still.



I was a very gentle, sweet and patient mom to my older son Daniel.
As he grew up I found myself being more impatient and not as sweet to him.

I do sometimes what the movies of when he was a baby or one or tow or three years old.
It makes me smile and realize he is that little boy still.
He still loves to be taken care and talked to sweetly and smiled and that I give him
100 percent attention when he talks to me.

When his sister was born and he was 3 and a half I got impatient with him. 
He seemed so big! I expected him to act older!
In the first week of her life my mom took this picture of me tandem nursing both of them.
It is a beautiful picture that I cherish. 
When I saw it it made me realize that he was still a baby himself.
That really did help me. 

Here is that picture on my blog:

Alex Polikowsky

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