Sandra Dodd

There are many new members to the list. Please read the page above
before posting things that are coming at unschooling indirectly.


Joyce Fetteroll

It's the perception that this list is a place to connect with fellow
unschoolers that causes the most frustration and anger for new members.

The purpose of this list is to provide a resource of *ideas* for
people who are trying to unschool.

Sometimes people join the list with the need to connect with fellow
unschoolers and see 2000+ they could connect with but then Sandra
jumps in the way and says this isn't the place for that. 2000+
unschoolers right there and Sandra's saying don't try to connect with
them, talk about ideas.

What a bully! ;-)

If people don't want advice about how to get unschooling work for
their family this isn't the list for them. If they don't want their
words pulled apart to analyze what's working for unschooling and
what's hindering unschooling for the 2000+ people here, this isn't
the list for them to post to. (Geez, now no one will post after that ;-)

Lots of people stay because they *do* want to discuss what helps
unschooling work and what gets in the way. And they form connections
through that mutual interest :-)

Lots of people leave because they wanted to connect with others who
wear the unschooling label (not caring if the labels don't all mean
the same thing).

Some of them come back because they realize they also wanted the
discussion and that need now outweighs the need to connect. And once
their need matches what the list provides, they find, as a side
effect, a connection with unschoolers who love discussing what makes
unschooling works.


Sandra Dodd

-=-If people don't want advice about how to get unschooling work for
their family this isn't the list for them. If they don't want their
words pulled apart to analyze what's working for unschooling and
what's hindering unschooling for the 2000+ people here, this isn't
the list for them to post to-=-

I'm not sure what inspired Joyce to write that, but I'm really glad
she did.

I woke up this morning to phenomenal repetitive, vitriolic tirade. It
was by someone who expressly did NOT give me permission to publish it,
to which I responded "I won't quote any on the list or on my site,
but you don't get to thrash at someone, and at one of the list members
in nearly 3,000 words, what would take over five pages to print out
AND get to tell me I can't share that fact. It would be like going to
someone's front porch and throwing a GIGANTIC screaming fit, but first
saying "I do not give you permission throw me out of your yard or to
call the police."

No one has to post on this list. Lurking is fine. Posts will be
discussed, though.

If anyone came here to hear "You're a good mother," and "I want to be
like you," and "Your child is lucky to have you as a mom!" those
things are here:


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]