Kelly Lovejoy

You can't write home to great grandma and said "Marty has read Uncle
Tom's Cabin" [SERIOUSLY!? Kelly, I do'nt think people in the real
world (outside of the SE U.S., I mean) read that book at all, unless
it's for background understanding of The King and I.]


Seriously. I bet you'd be surprised at what else I was forced to read. Uncle Tom's Cabin was from high school US history. I actually enjoyed Uncle Tom's Cabin. Mary, Queen of Scots was a SNOOZER.

The "purpose" was to show how it persuaded the North to take up arms against slavery. Propaganda. My asshole history teacher, Billy Shand (just in case someone's  still-schooled, church-going child is a student or congregational member of the now Reverend Billy Shand: Get your child AWAY from him NOW!!!), was incorporating *literature* in our history classes. A good idea, in theory---well *in practice* too---IF you like the books. Beats textbooks! So we read a lot of fiction and historical fiction. I don't think watching movies was an option. <g> Oh---but we did go see Lion in Winter and Romeo and Juliet the previous year (Western Civ).

Oh---and the SE US *is* MY real world. <g>  And I have no idea how Uncle Tom is related to The King and I. I can tell you all about Harriet Beecher Stowe and and the impact of the number two best selling book of the 19th century (second only to the Bible). But The King and I?   ??



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Joanna Murphy

"And I have no idea how Uncle Tom is related to The King and I. I can tell you all about
Harriet Beecher Stowe and and the impact of the number two best selling book of the 19th
century (second only to the Bible). But The King and I? "

Anna has the children put on a production of Uncle Tom's Cabin for a dinner meant to
impress a visiting British diplomat. It is a pretty charming Siamese adaptation.


Sandra Dodd

-=- And I have no idea how Uncle Tom is related to The King and I. I
can tell you all about Harriet Beecher Stowe and and the impact of
the number two best selling book of the 19th century (second only to
the Bible). But The King and I? ??-=-

Just watch it. Very cool.


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