The Full Plate Club
"Full plate" sounds much more nurturing.
Karen James to her son Ethan: I'm going to the store. Do you want anything special? Ethan, after a pause: Yeah. Lettuce. Karen: Lettuce? Ethan: Yeah, lettuce...and other good snack food like that. Karen: Okay.
It was the issue of food that provided the epiphany for me to "get" what unschooling is about. When I realized that there are foods out there that make me gag, and I wouldn't want to have to finish them (or even put a bite in my mouth) the light dawned. Why do it to kids, if there's something that I refuse to eat? —Heidi C.
The image above is "The Virgin of the Grapes," by Pierre Mignard,
It's in the Louvre in Paris if you want to see it in person. The other grapes (if you're seeing the background) were lifted from SoHo/Bistro, from long-gone-now geocities
Peaceful families Some posts about eating, at Just Add Light and Stir other scenes with grapes Connecting Food to History, Art, Music... Food Fun with no Clean-Up! |