Humor & Unschooling

Unschooler's Pipe Wrench, by Deb Lewis, on humor as a primary tool for living well

If Facebook had existed through history

Every joke you get proves knowledge of history, and those you don't get? Get used to not getting every joke; it will never happen that anyone gets every joke. Accept that with a smile.

In Defense of Cartoons—many voices there, but Deb Lewis shines

Animaniacs, The Simpsons...

Strongbad used to be an entirely flash-video site. The pieces were so beloved, though, that nearly everything was rescued in other formats.

Strongbad email
Especially memorable: and then you can actually play those games Perhaps all the games are back, thanks to a new (free!) patch for flash programs other sites can use, too. There's info at the bottom of that page.
Homestar Runner "viderogames"
Ah! Rhino feeder is there! Classically puny game.

Where do rainbows come from?

To Get More Jokes

Then one day, the question came phrased a new and better way: "What is this GOOD for?" The answer I gave then changed my life and thinking. I said quickly "So you can get more jokes."

To Be Fascinating at Cocktail Parties, by Sandra Dodd

In a discussion on why children should learn things, I suggested that it would make them more interesting at cocktail parties. Someone objected, saying children shouldn’t be pushed to learn things just to make them interesting. She had missed my point, but that only made the discussion more vibrant.

Playing with Definitions of Words

Marty Dodd's 2005 100-word poem which he read while twirling a toy gun, at a Live and Learn Talent Show near St. Louis

Unintentionally funny, with my notes around it (with a correction about the food; I first put muffins, but it wasn't).

Where to start? Where does it end? Politics, religion, dietary scares, fads, logic…. Humor….

This was written in public in a cooking forum. Something to do with muffins granola bars.
It wasn't intended to be funny or ironic. It is candid evidence of a way of thought.

"We thought about going on the Paleo diet but my husband and I are both creationists so we decided against it."

I shared it once before (maybe here; not sure) but just came across it again and it is a jewel, a crystal, a marvel of snake-eating-tail mixed-philosophical-media unintentional ART.

"We thought about going on the Paleo diet but my husband and I are both creationists so we decided against it."


Mel Bouse commented: "it is a jewel, a crystal, a marvel of snake-eating-tail mixed-philosophical-media unintentional ART"—I think this is the best description of anything I have ever read!

Playing Repetition Curiosity

Venn Diagram Humor

Short videos (mostly music) that I watch to cheer myself up

A good parody called "Opinion Rhapsody"