Rose Sorooshian

Below is part of a project Rose Sorooshian did in 2006. I attempted to rescue it before the website went down, but I failed to complete the project. I'm not giving up yet. I think someday the text will be reunited with the photos. Rose was listed as receiving the Girl Scout Gold Award in 2009 (the PDF that was linked is gone). I couldn't find a notice of the Silver award.


About Homeschooling by a Homeschooler

My name is Rose Sorooshian. I'm 15 years old and live in Southern California. I've been homeschooling my whole life, and I've been a Girl Scout for just about as long.

I made this website for my Girl Scout Silver Award Project. I wanted to created a website for people who had questions about homeschooling. This website is different from the other ones out there on the internet for two reasons: one, because it was created by a homeschooler, not by a homeschooling parent, unlike so many of the others out there, and, two, because it answers the common questions with pictures, not text. Each of the questions has some pictures to answer it, with captions underneath.

If you have any more ideas for questions, or any comments on the ones I already have, go ahead and send me an email at: Jenaneter@.....

Here are some questions that kids often ask homeschooling kids. If you want to see pictures that answer these questions, click the corresponding link.

Don't you get sick of having your mom be your teacher?


Do you have any friends?

What about extracurricular activities?

Extra-Curricular Activites
Don't you need to go to school so you meet different kinds of people?

Does that mean your parents just ignore you all day?

Does that mean you can't go to college?

Do you use books?

So do you just play games all day?

More by Rose Sorooshian

Pam, her mom

Roya, her sister