Kids blossom and get bigger from doing adult things because they want to, instead of kid-things they have to do because they're small.
Jon and I do not see housework as a chore. We do it cheerfully, in order to make our home a place we all enjoy.—Rue
Changing *another* paradigm!? |
Is this really necessary for unschooling!?
How to Make the Shift |
Responses to someone who's certain it's crazy
Modelling Joy
What is the purpose of making a cake? |
"It seems unfair." |
Joyce Fetteroll has a section on chores at Joyfully Rejoycing. |
I admit about the first 20 times I read this type of statement I found it inconceivable. But, gradually the concept penetrated my denial AND my thick skull, and I'm adjusting my attitude.
life "I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was duty. I acted and behold, duty was joy."
—Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)