
All the links / the entire website
-=-I did read all links posted.-=-
(posted today)

-=-I read your entire website before I subscribed to the list. If all you can do is refer people to read more material – you cannot help me. -=-
Written years ago by someone who also expressed this: "I truly hope karma smites you and yours."

People claiming to have read "everything"—is it a leftover lie from school? A dodge recited to a teacher who says "I don't think you actually read the assignment"?

If it is, more deschooling is needed.

No one is ever likely to read my whole website. I don't need them to! It's not written to be read from one end to the other any more than a pharmacy is intended for one person to start at one end and eat, drink or inject every substance in the whole room.

If you find a page that DOES help you, guess what?

It will help you even more if you read it again after a year or two.

And if you read it after you've been unschooling for five years, it will seem that the first time it was a black-and-white postcard, and now it's a technicolor movie. Because you will understand it better, and see the subtlety and artistry and maybe wish you had been able to understand it better sooner.

To claim "I read all the links and now I'm leaving" is not true (often they don't even leave) and not helpful, except to remind people that the information we're sharing isn't easy and it's scary and it's easier to reject it and blame me and others who are trying to help than it is to BE QUIET for maybe a day or two and think about the information.

Congratulations to everyone here who has ever been quiet and thought. To those who have managed to read a little, try a little, wait a while and watch without assuring us they had already DONE that fifteen minutes after it was suggested, thank you very, very much for making your family and the world and this group and the future more peaceful.

Facebook, April 27, 2017

Pam Laricchia liked that analogy about the pharmacy so much she quoted it on her podcast, and so I made a Just Add Light post with it, too. Less negative, less ranty, out of the context above. 😊

Another time someone claimed to have read the whole website Better things (and people) Joy