The question of spanking hardly ever comes up in unschooling discussions anymore, but in the 1990s and very early 21st century, it did. In some other places, it still does. Some families do experience these pressures, still, from church, relatives, or friends.
Unfortunately, we did spank off and on (mostly off) for the first several years of parenting. It has never worked for us. But we were repeatedly convinced that we must use it.
Now, we don't and it's great to feel fine about it.
Unschooling and the progression towards no punishment eventually made it
almost impossible for me to continue in the company of these people. It was
a good move in the long run, I've since found dear friends who have made my
life and Lanora's so much richer, some Christians, some just spiritual.
Kris (Louiseam)
Only regarding children.No one would consider it acceptable if I spanked, yanked or swatted an elderly parent in my care.
No one would think it was ok if I spanked or swatted a coworker, doctor, teacher, or bus driver if they were not behaving the way I liked. No one would think it was ok if a man turned his wife over his knee in Wal-mart and let her have it.
That's abuse. But the littlest people can get that treatment and we're still calling it parenting.
Parenting in Jesus' Footsteps![]() Hi Sandra, I just heard about your website at and so I came over to check it out. I'm so glad you are addressing the problems of the Pearls and other Christians who advocate spanking children. It's a big problem, much bigger than most people realize. You might want to add my website to the others you have that are Christian and anti-spanking: We have a petition on the site too:
Sue Lawrence
Christians for Nonviolent Parenting is also linked from the site, but I thought Christians who come here might want reassurance that there is good Biblical support for being gentle and kind to their children.
Christian Unschooling: Encouragement and resources for Christian unschooling, relaxed/eclectic home educating families living in freedom in Christ.