/physicality Learn Nothing Day /learnnothingday/
Joyce's website: Joyfully Rejoycing
The odd notion of not making children "do chores" is documented with years' worth of surprised and successful reports on Joyce's page (righthand colum) and on mine, here: Chores.
Google Earth historical links:
Thoughts about options and what people "have to" do.
Various problems with control
Multiple intelligences
The example of the glory of the internet, of Robyn Coburn and the video of her father juggling, that is all here: Elimar Clemens Buschmann And before getting on to illustrations of other topics, I wanted to talk about Angry Birds, and morality. I considered mentioning, at the conference, that there are some games (I know most about Knights of the Old Republci, a Jedi knights scenario) with "morality engines"—on top of the rest of the game play, or woven into it, are decisions that are more noble or virtuous, where there were also less noble decisions and moves that could be made. The game plays out very differently. And there are more neutral decisions too, sometimes. Wednesday after the conference, I got this by e-mail: Announcing Angry Birds Star Wars II!The entire Star Wars universe is already a big morality play, and exploring "the dark side" is helpful to people, and helps with their judgment of their own actions and of others'. Without really considering choices, one can't make better choices. Plain and simple. My page on parenting peacefully is about how parents can ratchet up their decision-making from lame or harmful decisions to more life-affirming and child-respecting decisions, and those concepts are related, parallel, entwined.
Adam's diagrams from the summer of 2011. Then he did a presentation on Pokemon at the ALL Symposium in Albuquerque that December. (Click either one, to go to another page where they've been for a while, and click that other image to see them larger.) The first was a draft, and the second was the more organized version. I came across this looking for something else, on Monday the day after Julie's conference. It's backup documentation for my mention of Kirby being a good teacher. Pam Sorooshian, February 2006, to UnschoolingDiscussion: Holly's fundraiser succeeded, mostly with in-person donations, and here's the summary: Fund Drive, and here is that video she was in (it's short) and spoke (I thought) impressively, for someone who has never taken a public speaking class. (Darn... can't get the hint of light-sarcasm-coated irony in there without it being in person, but those of you who've heard and seen me can now fill it in for yourselves! ) Goathead Record Collective Introduction