Some writings listed here won't be precisely named for a virtue, but I've found that behaviors and virtues are no good if they're separated. Theoretical virtues are no virtues at all. Virtues in a book, or on a webpage, are like sheet music or patterns. Until the project is created or the music is in the air, the "directions" are just paper, or patterns in light, in the case of these words.
Think these things through; try them out; look around and see them in the world.
Ælflæd of Duckford
Of the Vertues that Apperteyne to Chyvalry, A Modern Essay on Chivalric Virtue, by Sir Garick von Kopke, on the Chronique site.
The Knightly Virtues, on the Lochac Order of Chivalry site; not 2024, this was gone; couldn't find an archived copy.