HSC Conference, Sacramento, 2010

August 19-22, 2010
HSC Conference
Sacramento, California Available to listen to on my site:

August 2010 conference:
Partnerships and Teams in the Family (←click to listen)
Seeing and avoiding adversarial relationships. Nurturing partnerships with spouses or significant others, and with our children.


Unschooling: How to Screw it Up (←click to listen)
Michelangelo said that to carve his statue of David, he just chipped away everything that didn't look like David. Or maybe he didn't say that. But clearly that's what he ultimately did. Here will be ideas to help you chip away what doesn't look like unschooling. It's not as difficult as you might think.

August 2012 conference:

coming soon
Readable notes are here: SandraDodd.com/hsc

Some feedback on facebook that week:

Joanna Murphy:
I thought you and Pam were on a roll this weekend. More clarity and to-the-pointness than ever!
Lyla Wolfenstein:
i really enjoyed your sessions (and wished i'd made it to the partnership one). i also enjoyed meeting you in person.
Clarissa Fetrow:
I wasn't there, but I heard from a local unschooler that you were inspiring.
Heather Kennedy:
Thank you for sharing your life with all of us. It was great to meet you & Kirby & your words were so inspiring. I even saved a dot to dot to bring home & am looking forward to doing it!!
Etzel Cheryl:
I have already been listening to the talks I missed - yours included - on the way home! Wonderful! Glad you're home safe & comfy.