Sandra Dodd

I have one so far, but it's a good one, by someone who's not yet a
parent and works in a convenience store, who's read what's on my site
about food, and is reporting some sad incidents in general, and one
sweet incident in detail.

I plan to add photos of unschoolers in stores. I have one of Holly in
a Belgian shop, and of Cameron Lovejoy holding tortillas in New Mexico.

If you have stories or photos, it doesn't need to be a food store. I
haven't filed this page under eating or anything. Stories of stores,
though, and I'm in no hurry.

I don't want to make this the stories about who was brave enough to
tell a men mom to cut it out. Those are depressing.



This sounds fun!

I will have to go through my photos and put some stories together. (I have some good sleeping ones too, but I missed the best sleeping picture the other week when my 4 year old fell asleep while sitting in the hairdresser's chair getting his hair cut... all I could think about was how perfect it would have been for your request.)

One that you might not want on the website, but still cracks me up in a kind of sad way ... We were at our local corner market, picking out donuts, and the deli guy came over with some cheese slices for the kids. There was another little boy standing there as well, about Zach's age (3) at the time, and the deli guy offered him some cheese too. My kids were thrilled and the other little boy was excitedly reaching for his peice of cheese when his father stopped him, "no, you can't have that, you are having a donut!" The boy looked heart-broken. (I thought about dairy allergies, but there is milk in donuts, and the father didn't say, no, you are allergic or anything like that.)

I wondered if the father ever thought about or realized later on how his Automatic No stopped his son from having a good slice of cheese in favor of a donut? And what would be wrong with having both?



* When Megan was between two and three she would pick an avocado at the beginning of most shopping trips.  Then she's hold onto it while she rode in the cart.  She called it "her baby" and she would talk to it while we shopped.  She didn't eat avocados then (still doesn't).  We'd buy it at the end of the trip and DH would eat it later.

*When Megan was about that same age, we'd go to our local big Asian market where they had live fish.  Each trip started with a tour of the live fish - which fish was which, look how big they are, why are the crabs all standing on each other, and other questions.

* Now that she is older, she likes to visit the butcher area of the grocery store and asks which meat comes from which animal (and which part!).  When we lived in New Mexico, this was really fun because of a store called Ta-lin.  Many types of meat and more whole fish than you find the regular grocery store.

* Megan is thrilled by huge selections of Pocky and rows of ramen bowls.

* We recently found a new Asian grocery store (Fu-bon in Portland).  They have fruits and vegetables that we've never seen before.  Megan had fun wandering through and checking out all the varieties. 

* The last time I bought jicama, Zoe (2.5 yrs old) sang a song about how she had jicima and how she was going to eat it all.

*At Trader Joe's they hide a stuffed monkey for the kids to find.  If
the kids tell the cashier they've found the monkey, the cashier will
ring a bell and make an "arggh!" sound.  Then the child can go pick
treat out of a box.  Megan always finds the monkey, but doesn't always
want the treat.  She just likes to find the monkey.

* If a display is disordered or packages that are supposed to be hanging aren't, both Megan and Zoe will stop and straighten it up.

I love shopping with my kids.  We have fun.


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Sandra Dodd

Gwen, I added your account, and one of Sanguinemom's and a couple of



I wish I had a good story but it seems that Brian gets to do the fun shopping with the kids.
I will ask him because I cannot remember of the top of my head  any right now.

Alex Polikowsky

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