Cathy Lewis

Hi all! My name is Cathy and I unschool my three kids -- 1,4, & 6 -- here in the Colorado Rockies. I have been receiving and reading the posts for about two weeks now, as requested, to get a feel for the group, and I think I belong! I REALLY believe in the power of unschooling, and have been busy educating myself on all aspects, reading everything from John Holt and A.S. Neil to Grace LLewellyn, Alfie Kohn, and Thomas Armstrong. The internal battles, with my Masters in Education self, continue of course. And my husband is having a hard time adjusting to a more freestyle life style (he is fighting his own internal battles against all those 12 years of Catholic schooling) although he totally agrees with the concepts and theories. But every time I look around at my kids I realize how right this feels and I know that it is worth it! I don't know how much I will post, I must admit that while I crave a support network/playgroup made up of other unschool families, unschooling leaves me with very few questions that can't be answered by my own children -- just reading what others have to say reminds me that I am not alone and that is what I really need.

Looking forward to learning from all of you. And I hope I can reciprocate in kind.

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Sandra Dodd

On Feb 16, 2006, at 4:34 PM, Cathy Lewis wrote:

> My name is Cathy and I unschool my three kids -- 1,4, & 6 -- here
> in the Colorado Rockies.

There will be a conference in Albuquerque in September. Maybe look
into that as something for your family!
(There's a link to the real conference website there.)