A chat with Schuyler Waynforth Wednesday, February 18 10:00 a.m., Mountain Standard Time 5:00 p.m. in England at Schuyler's house
Schuyler: Hiya I'm not late am I Nicole (Guest50): nope Schuyler: pshew SandraDodd: very early, schuyler! piscesgrrl: impressive!
SandraDodd: We're talking about a carpet cleaning machine called spot bot
I have a big hoover that spits out water and then sucks it back up. It works pretty well, but it's not "a bot"
Look at that TV down under this chat, to the far right
Doesn't it look like a robot?
All head and body, and then it opens its arms to lure you in ![]() SandraDodd: Schuyler found all these images. socal77: it does, I hadn't looked at the pictures Zamozo: Is that little round glass thing the screen? Nicole (Guest50): it does and tiny screen Nicole (Guest50): that is a screen? socal77: anyone see the Super Bowl hulu commercial about TV? www.hulu.com/superbowl/55719/super-bowl-xliii-ads-hulu-alec-in-huluwood SandraDodd: I've seen one of the roundish screens like that one with the rose parade picture (which, btw, would NOT have been in color--forget it!) but I never saw a totally round one.
piscesgrrl: Yes, it's "in transition" Zamozo: Just watched the hulu ad - Alec Baldwin cracks me up Schuyler: I like the idea of being *in transition* piscesgrrl: Me too! socal77: it is pretty funny piscesgrrl: that's also the name of one of my favorite blogs.. "she's in transition" - how perfect Schuyler: I can't watch. It won't go abroad katherand: *in transition* reminds me a little bit of *in translation* ... lost. Bill Murray movie. piscesgrrl: couldn't decide if I liked that movie or not Schuyler: I want to see it, but never quite get around to actualizing that desire katherand: I think lost in translation is about somebody's social reverie. a bit like chattering. piscesgrrl: we saw Slumdog Millionaire last weekend - inTENSE Zamozo: we did too! Intense Zamozo: adorable kid actors SandraDodd: Don't give away any of that story, for those who haven't seen it. piscesgrrl: yes, and loved the Bollywood scene at the end - we stayed to the end and danced in the theatre! socal77: It was a great movie, my bfriend has family from India
Schuyler: We've been watching a lot of Diff 'rent Strokes lately.
Gary Coleman carried that show
SandraDodd: Gary Coleman was all energy and intensity on that show, for sure piscesgrrl: I forgot about Different Strokes SandraDodd: Holly's been watching Fresh Prince of Belair and it's fun for her, knowing Will Smith as a serious action-movie guy, to see him young and scrawny and silly. Schuyler: It's interesting to watch it in the present tense and now what at least part of their futures are. piscesgrrl: you're not late - just chatting SandraDodd: You're not late. We were just visiting before the real start. Nicole (Guest50): lol I remember watching that show while my mom griped at me to get my homework done many many times socal77: Drew watched years of Fresh Prince Zamozo: all three seemed to have big struggles SandraDodd: Okay. None of that will count, unless you want to work it in, Schuyler, to history and interpersonals to be learned from TV shows, which is fine with me if you want me to save some of what's passed by. But I'll collect from now. ![]()
The Real ChatThank you all for being here. I'm really enjoying these chats.Schuyler: I am too. Thank you for hosting them. SandraDodd: Schuyler is speaking in a few months on this topic, and this is not her presentation, but some of what's said in here might help her polish that up. Schuyler: It's amazing how when you begin looking for things to add to a talk all things seem applicable. JillP: Go Schuyler!! SandraDodd: Most of the names look familiar and I'm guessing you know something about Schuyler, but for those who come and read it later (correct me where I screw up, please)... Zamozo: Watching The Simpsons with my young son (young at the time) was the beginning of my transition to embracing the value of TV and video gaming SandraDodd: Schuyler grew up in the Midwest U.S., and is living in England with her husband, who's English. His family lives in lots of places around the world (commonwealth countries). The family (Schuyler's) lived in Japan a while. Schuyler: Yes, that's all true. SandraDodd: They have two children. Schuyler's formal education is in anthropology, and I love her ability to find and apply scientific explanations to things unschoolers mess with in an everyday way. Schuyler: Television has been a part of my life in all of those places.
SandraDodd: Her husband teaches something biological and also anthropological at a medical school.
And they have a wood-fired hot tub.
Schuyler: We were just in that the other night.
SandraDodd: I have met Schuyler once, at a park in Albuquerque, and we'll see each other again a time or two before
katherand: does that mean he's a doctor? just curious.
Schuyler: He has a doctorate, but he isn't a physician
In the UK you can teach in other fields, other departments, without having a degree in that subject.
SandraDodd: Schuyler has been WONDERFULLY helpful to unschoolers for years now, and I'm glad of my
association with her on lists. She has helped lots of people have better lives.
Schuyler: He has an anthropology degree, but started in the UK in a psychology department
katherand: you can do that some in the US too.
SandraDodd: And there ends the introduction. Take it, Schuyler!
Schuyler: Alright.
Television, as I mentioned at the off, has been a part of my life, my whole life.
But it was used as leverage in my childhood.
Which meant that I didn't trust it, or see it as a neutral creature
that sat in the corner of the family room
and that needed needle nose pliers to change the channel after a while.
Zamozo: What made you change your attitude towards the TV and your baby?
Schuyler: It highlights things and allows for exploration of things that I couldn't do with all the money in the world.
Watching him watch teletubbies
Again, again, again,
But that didn't stop the limits.
The limits stopped because of Unschooling Discussion and Always Learning.
katherand: It's our own psyche that does all that? Not the stuff on the screen itself but maybe people believe that tv has a
power all it's own like .... the Borg.
JillP: Ah, yes, I have an acquaintance that says the tv makes her kids hit each other.
Guest38: I have friends who limit t.v. because they say it makes their kids cranky.
Schuyler: I clearly believed that television was overriding his ability to control his emotions
Television could make Simon cranky, or so I thought.
Zamozo: so did grounding seem to help?
Schuyler: Not the lack of food while he was sitting there watching.
JoyfulMom: Do you think it was your pre-digested thoughts about television that made you react in that way? What if he
had hit her because she tore a page out of a library book? Would he have been grounded from books or the library? It's
all in our previous assumptions
Schuyler: The grounding didn't help at all
But the lists did
The lists saying that it would help to bring a child food helped
The lists saying that it would help to make sure he wasn't thirsty helped
JGuest38: But why do people fear that t.v. will zap all their children's creativity?
Schuyler: The lists saying that television is as valid an interest, and that's not quite how I want to say it, anyhow, as any
other interest helped
SandraDodd: Schuyler, did that advice make you feel we were making you a demon's handmaiden?
Schuyler: I don't understand, I didn't feel like I was serving the demon television, ever.
SandraDodd: I'd apply to PBS, but they have no money
Zamozo: Pam Sorooshian's "Economics of Restricting TV Watching" sandradodd.com/t/economics helped
me a lot
Schuyler: I felt that I was serving Simon and working to make my relationship better.
The marginal utility stuff really helped.
JoyfulMom: People are fearful because that is how he have been conditioned. We need to revisit these indoctrinations
and look at them with fresh eyes
Schuyler: Although I think that was later than this pivotal grounding moment for me.
piscesgrrl: I'm finding that other parents are more wary of me now, I'm seen as permissive, indulgent.
SandraDodd: I think all of unschooling is looking with fresh eyes.
socal77: absolutely, coming from a finance/ economics background myself; putting it in that perspective resonated with
katherand: Brian used to say he would turn off the tv if Karl didn't sit down and watch the movie (or show or whatever)
with us. Unrealistic expectation. Karl has always bopped up and down a lot with (or without) tv.
Schuyler: Someone asked about creativity.
SandraDodd: Is he acting out the story sometimes? Does he stop when the characters stop?
Nicole (Guest50): Courtney has gotten a lot of the ideas for things she wants to do from tv
Schuyler: He's done that for a long time.
He is writing fan fiction, I think
piscesgrrl: It might have been someone's suggestion from a list, but we bought a mini-trampoline and tossed it in front of
the tv. Lots of bouncing while watching and playing video games here.
Schuyler: Taking the story where he wants it to go.
Zamozo: I received lots of support and kudos from fellow homeschoolers even "unschoolers" when I limited TV and
gaming -- when I lifted limits, gradually, other parents started withdrawing from me and my kids' lives
Schuyler: I have a few of them written down, they are huge and involved
katherand: yes.. we finally got a mini tramp, suggested on the lists
piscesgrrl: Me too, Zamozo
SandraDodd: When I was a kid, in the 60's, we would play on the swing set in the yard, and would be playing Roy
Rogers, or Tarzan, or things we had watched on TV
JoyfulMom: my ds(10) creates new plots for TV shows as well
Zamozo: Zoe does that running around thing -- more like pacing and she calls it imagining -- I like the fan fiction analogy
Schuyler: Simon and Linnaea have acted out Whose Line is it Anyway stuff.
Guest38: Me too. We used to play Star Wars and now my children do the same thing
Schuyler: It seems to be part of owning the show for him.
The run around game
piscesgrrl: HUGE Whose Line fan in my house - my 12 yr old programs the TV to remind us when it's on
Which I didn't know could even be done!
Schuyler: American or British?
piscesgrrl: American
Schuyler: We watch the American because it's on more, but I always have preferred Clive Anderson to Drew Carey
piscesgrrl: I should point that out to my son - he'd love to see the British one too
Schuyler: Stephen Fry was on the radio program, apparently
You might be able to find it on youtube
katherand: Karl tells a lot of stories and just now he said he was watching my dream last night... referring to the Princess
Bride movie I put in to watch while ironing last night.
Guest38: : we have some very good friends that limit t.v. (like once a week for 1/2 hour kind of limit) They like playing
with my kids because they are very imaginative and like imaginative play. When their kids come over they play
Nicole (Guest50): heh I didn't know things like Courtney was programming the tv in her room to turn itself off at 3am to
save us electricity
Guest38: : She cant believe my kids watch as much as they want
piscesgrrl: So, my 12 yr old is also studying maps like crazy now because he wants to beat his uncle at Facebook's game
Schuyler: Television is just another aspect to life.
piscesgrrl: these are all the amazing connections we'd be missing out on if we limited
Zamozo: my kids have free reign with the TV but watch rarely - especially Zach who would rather be reading or gaming
katherand: I've been playing Castle Ages on Facebook..
Schuyler: When we lived in Belize in a Garifuna village the villagers would all go to a house with a television and watch,
oh I can't remember the shows name, the one with Urkle
piscesgrrl: my son asks ME to turn off the tv every night. He almost always sleeps on a sleeping bag in our room.
Schuyler: Family Matters, yay google
And piscesgrrl
piscesgrrl: LOL - my son's a big fan of that one too
SandraDodd: I still think about Shirley Temple movies I saw when I was very young. They would be on TV at odd
hours. And I'm still making connections to those stories and situations.
socal77: We love to point out actors we recognize in other shows or movies, like one of the guys from Princess Bride
was on Life on Mars this week, Drew said, "inconceivable"
Schuyler: Princess Bride has so many wonderful moments in it.
socal77: ha
Schuyler: I do not think that word means what you think it means, that's closer
piscesgrrl: So if other families have concerns about the lack of limits, how do you handle it? Our neighbor is asking us
to use their rules when their son is over.
katherand: stop rhyming!!
Schuyler: I watched Pollyanna today with Linnaea and I remembered when someone started speaking negatively about
homeschooling their children.
SandraDodd: It makes me crazy when people want me to take care of their kids, AND follow their rules as though I were
babysitting at their house. HOW RUDE!
Schuyler: I said I was fairly Pollyannaish when it came to homeschooling
piscesgrrl: It is. But we also want their son to come over....
Guest38: : when our friends come over the kids are free to watch t.v., however, they usually choose not to because the other
kids won't stop.
Schuyler: You are having lots of issues with that neighbor and Myspace, was it?
piscesgrrl: yes
and youtube
katherand: LOL.. yes Sandra. I balk at that too. It's *my* house and they know I won't follow *their* rules (unless it's
a peanut allergy or something life threatening)
piscesgrrl: they had to take EVERYTHING down
Schuyler: That was a big wake up call for me about Simon and Linnaea and cable
SandraDodd: Holly has learned a LOT from her activities on MySpace.
piscesgrrl: it's also Brady's connection to these faraway unschoolers he's met at conferences
SandraDodd: But it's not just MySpace, it's our encouragement of her, and our approval and our admiration of her
Zamozo: Schuyler - what kind of wake up call?
Schuyler: Simon would get engrossed in these shows he hadn't seen and then wouldn't do other things at people's houses . I realized we needed to have that at home
SandraDodd: That's how we got Kirby a Nintendo system. He would go to a friend's house and just play Nintendo. We
could have forbidden him to visit that family instead, but how counterproductive would that have been!?
Schuyler: It makes the other person's house a better place to be.
Zamozo: yes, our limited friends want to focus on those activities when they're at our house -- fortunately we haven't had
parents request that we limit them but... I suspect they aren't allowed to come over as often
Nicole (Guest50): yes
socal77: Drew played a lot of Halo when we were house sitting.
RVB: I don't ever remember wanting to watch tv at others' houses. I could watch anytime at home - my parents were
really cool with that. We had the first color tv on the block
socal77: He got his friend's character up to lieutenant or something
piscesgrrl: Our homeschooling group holds classes and parents would make their kids sign up for classes instead of
"wasting time" playing pokemon. So I formed a pokemon "class".
Zamozo: We made a mistake that seems to have scarred Zoe in regards to TV watching -- two times we forgot there were
scary scenes in movies we encouraged her to watch with us -- now she won't watch anything unless it is fully vetted ahead
of time -- or obviously
Schuyler: I suppose you have to decide to lie to your neighbor, to tell the truth and agree to limit television when the
friend is over, or to tell the truth and not limit television and not see your neighbors son so often
Zamozo: safe like from PBS kids.
JoyfulMom: That's how we started out - my best friend's son had a Playstation 2 and Yonah would ask to go over and
play and ignore everyone in the house, just play Playstation, which was rude
Guest38: : I remember as a kid doing that, immediately asking if we could watch t.v. or ask for a snack
JoyfulMom: so we goto our own system
Schuyler: Joyce has a site that she links often that will review shows for violence and scary scenes
piscesgrrl: Yes, Schuyler, I guess those are the options I'm weighing.
Schuyler: I can't remember what it is
Zamozo: kidsinmind.com -- I use it a lot
SandraDodd: Robin, we had the second one [color tv in our neighborhood]. My dad waited until grass looked green and not purplish.
piscesgrrl: The once a year Wizard of Oz was a big event for us too!
Guest38: : we never got to watch it.. it was sunday night and we were at church
Schuyler: I had a friend who gave up television for lent and would come over to our house and watch it in the reflection of
the glass fronted bookcase
Zamozo: That was the movie that scarred me as a child
socal77: We have a playstation 2, I love all of the used games I can find for that system
Wow, Schuyler.
piscesgrrl: Oh dear - the flying monkeys? The melting witch? The mean apple trees?
Zamozo: <<shudder>>
SandraDodd: The apple tree scared me more than the monkeys.
JoyfulMom: Yonah used to be scared of pretty much all the Disney movies
RVB: Disney on Sunday nights was always on. My dad and I watched a lot of shows together as I got older. Especially
Monty Python.
SandraDodd: We lived in an apple orchard--50 trees right outside the window.
socal77: that is funny, my grandma used to give up chocolate for lent, I never understood it
Schuyler: The Exorcist scared me so much as a child.
It was the last time I slept in my parents' bed
piscesgrrl: I loved scary movies.
Schuyler: I must have been 9 or so.
Zamozo: I watched the Exorcist while babysitting late at night - Yikes!
RVB: I was in college and it scared me to death - plenty of nightmares.
Schuyler: Jaws too, my brother used to play I'm tired and I want to go home on the piano and I would run screaming
JoyfulMom: My Dad, who has no discretion, took me to see Jaws when I was two, and Shockwave when I was five -
which was a movie about green Nazis who lived under the sea and came to drown you - pretty scary for a Jewish girl
Schuyler: The followup Exorcists weren't nearly as scary.
piscesgrrl: So my younger son wants to watch scary movies but it's hard to know how scary is too scary.
Schuyler: Green Nazis? They'd discovered Atlantis? I know Hitler was looking for it...
piscesgrrl: He watched 'Hide and Seek' with my husband and was totally freaked.
Zamozo: My son freaked out watching Willy Wonka!
Schuyler: Have you seen Shaun of the Dead?
Guest38: : my kids tell me if it is too scary
Schuyler: Or Evil Dead 2, the best of the trilogy
piscesgrrl: My husband was scared by Willy Wonka as a child.
JoyfulMom: I had nightmares for years that they were zombie walking up my street to come drown me in the bathtub
Bwalya (Guest34): The movie that terrified me as a child was Cabaret - my sister and I were babysitting and the couple
rented it for us because "it's a musical"
Zamozo: as a 5 year old he stood up, shook his finger and said, "DON'T EVER PLAY THAT MOVIE IN THIS
SandraDodd: LOL! That's wonderful!
The old Willy Wonka?
JoyfulMom: lol
Zamozo: He used to hide around the corner when the neighborhood of make believe came on Mr. Rogers too
yes, old one - he hated the Oompa Loompah guys
Guest38: : my best friend growing up was scared to death of the old willy wonka
SandraDodd: Kirby was afraid of a Disney-Singalong Pirates of the Caribbean bit.
Zamozo: Yo-ho, a pirate's life for me.
SandraDodd: Schuyler, could you explain this economic principle about limitations, please? It will help to have it in the
transcript, and maybe to get us back to the center of the topic.
(or not... either way)
Marginal Value (or utility within the economics modelling) is about how the value of an item can be changed
simply by limiting or making more available that item. Pam uses the example of a strawberry ice cream. So you buy one strawberry ice cream and it is amazing, the first one is fantastic and tastes so good and you've
been craving it and yum
socal77: We made homemade pizza dough this week; by day three of pizza we were discussing the diminishing marginal
utility of said pizza.
Nicole (Guest50): not sure this is going to come out right...what do you do to keep yourself calm when they are spending
all day nearly on a video game ...to keep the negative out of your head?
To quickly answer Nicole, I play the games with them
The marginal value of the ice cream has changed by the frequency and availability of the item.
SandraDodd: It can help to imagine what you would think if one had spent all day reading a book, or all day painting.
Schuyler: Video games work like that.
SandraDodd: But then it seems, in a way, Schuyler, that the "hope" of marginal utility would be that the kids wouldn't
want them.
JoyfulMom: Sorry to interrupt the economics of limitations thing - as I totally agree with it - but Nicole - it is all about
your beliefs re: video games - if he spent the entire day reading Shakespeare would you need to keep calm or keep
negative things out of your
Schuyler: Simon once told me to not make carrot cake so frequently so that it would be a special treat
katherand: if you play with your kids or just sit watching and asking how they play, you will see a lot of learning in what
they're playing
Schuyler: I think that's true.
SandraDodd: And we're not trying to "train them" not to like movies or video games, so why is it useful to unschoolers?
Schuyler: The real thing is that the item has inherent utility
Nicole (Guest50): oh I know she is learning , in fact dh who not long ago wanted her to start doing some real school
work suddenly commented on all the things he was suddenly seeing her learn
SandraDodd: So artificially limiting it makes it more glorious and desirable?
Schuyler: Nutritivea and financial
Limiting it manipulates its value
Nicole (Guest50): its just that I've made a lot of suggestions to go out and do things recently
Schuyler: Lots of people felt that Sony was doing it when it only released a small number of PS3s on the first run.
piscesgrrl: like companies do - like Beanie Babies and good Pokemon cards
katherand: The reason most people don't worry about kids reading all day is because there's a cultural idea that kids who
read are learning. That's not there for tv, video games and so on the way it is for reading.
Schuyler: What's the weather like where you are Nicole
Nicole (Guest50): and its met by no I want to help my guild or get to level 40 today etc
Schuyler: What are the things you are offering to do?
Nicole (Guest50): sunny and 70 degrees Fahrenheit
socal77: I think the idea is that if tv, and games, and food are freely available, one can choose if that is a valuable use of
their time, etc.
Schuyler: Nicer than here...
Simon and Linnaea are less likely to want to go and do things in the winter
SandraDodd: I'm in this chat because I want to be. What if my husband came by and started offering me other things to
piscesgrrl: sometimes I feel guilty if I don't want to go out on a nice day. But the truth of the matter is, sometimes I just
don't want to go out. And I shouldn't have to feel an obligation to.
SandraDodd: Just because HE thought I wasn't doing anything useful?
Nicole (Guest50): go get ice cream at braums, look at and buy new neads, check out a small local zoo
katherand: How old is your child, Nicole? Karl looks to be a homebody for years to come and I've only just recently
gotten ok with that, being much more sociable myself. It was hard for me to adjust the fact that he doesn't want to go
SandraDodd: (He wouldn't; he understand me. Parents should try to understand their children in the same way!)
Schuyler: Maybe those things aren't nearly as appealing to her as leveling
katherand: it's not the games or tv doing that to him
Nikki (Guest52): It's hard to explain to grandparents that leveling IS a worthy goal.
JoyfulMom: My son Yonah loves to be home. When we were living in Israel, I had planned a trip with my friend to an
amazing amusement park and he wanted to stay home.
RVB: Are you offering those things to get her away from playing?
piscesgrrl: here too, katherand. When we're out socially, my 16 yr old is asking to leave sooner and I'm asking to stay
Nicole (Guest50): oh I can see what you are saying
Schuyler: Why do you need to explain that to grandparents?
SandraDodd: Don't explain it, then. Change the subject. Or say "I didn't understand it at first either, but now I do." and
then change the subject.
Schuyler: Are they visiting?
Isabell: And if guilds are involved she may have responsibilites, so maybe if you can plan ahead nicole?
Nikki (Guest52): Grandparents= shorthand for others that think kids need off the TV
Nicole (Guest50): no not exactly thing is when she does want me to do stuff with her its midnight and I can barely keep
my eyes open
socal77: Mine is pretty much a homebody too, but he does have a social side and likes me to plan, or arrange outings, and
parkdays, and then I let him choose
SandraDodd: They're probably just making conversation, Nicole.
piscesgrrl: the more you try to get her off it, the more she'll angle to have it
socal77: I let him know ahead of time and then again as the activity is getting closer
Schuyler: Offer to play with her, do you have more than one computer?
You can get a trial account for WoW
SandraDodd: You have the right to steer the conversation too, if it's honest conversation. You don't have to submit to
their interrogation.
If they seem really interested, give them links to Joyce's site or mine.
Nikki (Guest52): oooooooohhhh can someone explain how WOW trial works, please?
Zamozo: Zoe played WoW for months before getting to a point where she wanted to take a break and do other things -- I
played with her
RVB: Or read the WoW strategy guides or books.
Schuyler: It's easy to let other people's fear colour your perception
Isabell: Playing with your kids in game can be so much fun.
Nicole (Guest50): I've played wow a little .. I get frustrated with it so fast
Schuyler: Playing with your kids is fantastic
piscesgrrl: that's what my kids do too - they play a lot of something, then it tapers off after they've gotten their fill or
something else has caught their interest
katherand: schuyler explained last chat that WoW trial is 10 days.
Nikki (Guest52): my kids are convinced it isn't worth it to do the WOW trial, since it's fee
Schuyler: Go slow
Do the quests
socal77: I don't play all the games with my son, I could not keep up with him
Nicole (Guest50): and she seems to get frustrated at me for not getting things effortlessly like she does lol
Schuyler: Try without her for a while
SandraDodd: Is it "free" or do you pay for it if you do decide to sign up?
Schuyler: My mom learned a bunch of string figures from a book so that she could show me how to do them.
SandraDodd: Sometimes they'll let you try it before you pay. But honestly, it's NOT very expensive.
Schuyler: I couldn't figure out how to do them from the book
SandraDodd: You could buy an inkle loom and some yarn and a book and spend big bucks.
And all it does is make strips of weaving.
Zamozo: I do most of my leveling when I'm playing alone because Zoe wants me to follow her around in her areas that
are way too high for me.
katherand: $15 per month right, Sandra?
Schuyler: It's free for 10 days and then you join
SandraDodd: Lots of hobbies are VERY expensive. You could go skiing for one weekend, or play WoW for a year.
Schuyler: At least in the UK
socal77: but I do research and purchase games, and look for help online, and purchase the games and the guides, and
encourage his use of them and connecting with friends, and bring him snacks, drinks, etc.
Schuyler: You could join on the Horde of Unschoolers, if you are in the U.S.
It's on the Venture Co. I think
They are so fun to play with
RVB: Yes.
SandraDodd: Anyone who missed the chat on Monday about WoW can read it here: sandradodd.com/chats/wow1
piscesgrrl: Lean on the confidence and support of other unschoolers when you are worrying. I often say I'm channeling
so-and-so - WWSD? (What Would Sandra Do?) Or what would Sandra say to me right now?
Schuyler: Anyhow, I was saying about my mom and string figures, cat's cradle like thing. She mastered the skill to share
with me, because I wanted her to. It was important
Nicole (Guest50): I did for a short amount of time and got frustrated lol
SandraDodd: So is marginal utility related to "you can only make a choice if you HAVE a choice"?
Guest62: One of the things my kids do is play online games with friends near of far while on Skype so they can talk and
play at the same time. It's like long distance board games.
Nicole (Guest50): I think that sadly is left over from school
Schuyler: Yes. The marginal utility of things can change at a buffet dinner for example
SandraDodd: I'm a voice in some people's head, elbowing their grandmothers and grumpy aunts, and shushing them up.
piscesgrrl: It might be. But that's your issue to work though and you don't have to pass it on.
Schuyler: If you have lots of choices, each choice can be made relationally
Nicole (Guest50): IK ..
piscesgrrl: See it as an opportunity - it's been brought to the surface so you can deal with it.
socal77: but some utility can be controlled outside of the individual as in Schuyler's example about the PS3, limiting the
availability of something can affect its supply and thus demand
SandraDodd: I love mashed potatoes I didn't have to make, so maybe for me the potatoes-I-didn't-make are more valuable
at a buffet than they are for my kids.
Schuyler: The marginal utility of each thing will change in the presence or absence of other things.
It's like being at the end of your grocery week
SandraDodd: Schuyler, do you have computer thoughts separate from or other than the TV/video game thoughts?
piscesgrrl: I've found that after years now without limits, there are things my kids seek in an excited eager way, but never
in a frantic desperate way - like before when I'd made things into limited commodities
socal77: or lasagna, I will usually order something out that is a lot of work to make
Schuyler: Video games were scarier for me.
SandraDodd: Scarier than TV?
Schuyler: Television didn't carry all the fear that video games did
The potential for violence, the slippery slope thing felt much more real with video games.
But the breakthrough on video games was much earlier
Guest38: : Video games have been harder for me as well
Schuyler: My brother gave us a Dreamcast for Christmas one year.
I freaked out. Lots of angry conversations with David.
I couldn't believe my brother was setting Simon, 2 year old Simon, up for such an addiction
katherand: all that nonviolence ... is that like the marijuana gateway to drugs argument tho? ..
Schuyler: I think it is
RVB: I wasn't sure about more "violent" computer games (horse riding, Zoo Tycoon were fine), but the kids I knew who
played them were sweet and lovely. So I bought them for Michelle, starting with Impossible Creatures.
Bwalya (Guest34): It's probably easier now for people to move into gaming through the Wii
Schuyler: It's interesting—a lot of the games that Simon and Linnaea have been playing on the Xbox 360 have karma
reactors in them
Bwalya (Guest34): Wii tennis is obviously harmless and active.
Schuyler: You can be evil or good, and people's actions change based on your actions
JoyfulMom: It's all about the experts - people telling us what is or is not healthy - remember how eggs were not healthy -
until new research showed they were healthy - and chocolate, and coffee, and grape juice
katherand: I've found that violent games versus nonviolent becomes part of a range of choices like having sweets and
veggies on the same plate.
Schuyler: Linnaea has played through Fable 2 as a good character and we had lots of conversations about how an action
would be perceived by the game system
JoyfulMom: how violent are fairy tales? Hansel and Gretel, cinderella, little red riding hood
Nicole (Guest50): a couple days ago dh got this new game and we were all sitting around watching him check it out
SandraDodd: Schuyler brought a link (I'll add it to this chat here) that the European Union has declared video games are
good for kids.
Schuyler: There were lots of ethics discussions from that game
SandraDodd: It's legislated, in Europe.
Nicole (Guest50): there is a tank in it that shoots sod at people and bodies go flying
Bwalya (Guest34): You can sometimes see the endings on YouTube if you can't bring yourself to play the game as a
SandraDodd: shoots sod?
Nicole (Guest50): I sarcastically told dh he was ruining our children laughing at these poor people
Schuyler: Kelly Lovejoy talks about a friend of Duncan's who chose to starve his dog on Nintendogs.
He wanted to see how far it would let him go in that neglect
Nicole (Guest50): and my nine year goes sigh mom those are not people they are characters someone programmed onto
the screen
SandraDodd: Holly has "abused" the game on Harvest Moon.
Schuyler: Kelly had a really hard time separating the dog from the pixels
Nicole (Guest50):
Guest38: My children know the difference in reality and fantasy. On a game it might be funny, but in reality it
would not be funny. They are constantly telling me "it's pretend, Mom"
SandraDodd: I feed my neopets. Marty shakes his head. They won't die, he says. But I don't feel like "a good mom" if
I don't feed them!
Schuyler: Linnaea and Simon can explore actions and reactions (we talked about this in the WoW chat, the socializing
thing) without consequence, beyond the game's response
RVB: Yes, Michelle would remove all the fences and let the t rex rampage through Zoo Tycoon, eating people. At first I
was horrified, but I realized she was figuring out cause and effect.
JoyfulMom: I love Nintedogs - so much easier than actual dog care
hahamommy: Out of Kelly's story came "Dancing Pixels, ma, just dancing pixels" when my angst gets to be too much
Guest38: My son puts people in the animal cages to see what happens
Nicole (Guest50): lol
SandraDodd: Stephen King wrote in "On Writing" that he had a character in a book kill a dog--kick it to death--and he
got letters from horrified readers saying he was horrible.
Guest38: : The other night I was watching one of the lord of the rings movies and my 6 year old came in. I told him it
was kind of scary and all these orcs came on screen. I looked to see if he was scared and he just smiled and said, "it isn't
piscesgrrl: My son will remind me that the horror in video games isn't real, but he took my husband to task yesterday for
uttering the saying, "Killing two birds with one stone" - he'd never heard it before, needed lots of clarification, and
afterward said, "Well, it's NOT a pleasant phrase!"
Schuyler: Its like the fairy tale 5 with one blow, or was it 7.
Where the guy kills however many flies with one blow and makes a jacket with it on the back
Advertising how tough he is.
He ends up marrying a princess, I think
SandraDodd: Self-promotion...
Schuyler: Very good work in advertising
socal77: Drew likes to discuss the realities within the games; from Pokemon "What's a squirtle? It is like a turtle, oh,
what's a turtle" That one cracks him up
Schuyler: It's all how you spin it
Zamozo: When Zach was younger he was passionate about Digimon/Pokemon/Yu-Gi-O -- the shows, the cards, the
movies, the video games -- and my attitude was that they were mindless, commercial junk to separate me from my money
RVB: They're funnier!
SandraDodd: "Comparison/contrast." Important thing for language-arts teachers to make sure all Jr. High kids can do.
Schuyler: That's sad Chris
Nicole (Guest50): heh Courtney used to call squirrels squirtles
Zamozo: When I finally really paid attention to them I saw how rich they were with learning opportunities and
understood why he was so drawn to them
Schuyler: We used to watch Pokemon in Japanese, they'd have an English lesson at the end. I loved those.
piscesgrrl: your son is luckier than most, Zamozo.
Schuyler: Amapanman was my favorite Japanese cartoon.
Zamozo: I'm the lucky one .
socal77: Drew is still very much involved in Pokemon, at 16
RVB: Michelle, too, at almost 14
piscesgrrl: bc that's what I hear from parents all the time
Schuyler: His dad's a baker so whenever Ampanman is injured he bakes him a new head
I think parents are scared of ideas, and television and video games are rife with them.
Zamozo: Zach, at 17, still plays Pokemon games and has a little 9 year old buddy who adores him and looks up to him
and they have a very, very special relationship based primarily on their shared love of Pokemon
Guest38: Video games are great for stress relief too.
socal77: One of his best friends is 11
piscesgrrl: why do we go from kids who want things to parents who take them away? Why do we switch sides? Finally
worn down?
socal77: they have a special connection with gaming
Schuyler: The problem is that you can't control another person
And it will turn on you in the end.
RVB: Michelle connects with younger kids through Pokemon (mostly DS and the clay figures she makes), especially at
Zamozo: piscesgrrl -- i needed to find a path to peace with my child
SandraDodd: Piscesgrrl, if you do what was done to you, you justify what was done to you. It seems to cause it to make
piscesgrrl: ah yes, that's probably right
Schuyler: Absolutely
SandraDodd: That's one of the ways cultures are passed on--the criticism from other adults who ALSO want you to do
what was done to all of them when they were little
Schuyler: I have had kids yell at me that school was necessary for them to learn
It broke my heart
Bwalya (Guest34): It's financial as well, isn't it?
piscesgrrl: I'm just so smitten (and relieved) know people who are willing to find a path to peace with their child!
Bwalya (Guest34): It's your turn to have things as an adult
piscesgrrl: things like power
Bwalya (Guest34): You don't want to waste your money on things your kids want.
Guest38: Sandra, how do you help other adults get past that attitude? [Sandra-note to Sandra:****answer this somewhere]
Zamozo: I was big into the attachment parenting/LLL/natural foods/holistic lifestyle -- a lot of controlling and justification
for controlling
a lot of good came from those associations and interests but the control part was not good
SandraDodd: But wait! I was involved in attachment parenting and LLL and did NOT control.
Schuyler: Kirby and Holly were on the WoW chat the other day. There is no way at 17 and 22 I would have been
involved with what my mom was doing.
I want that. I totally want that relationship with my children. I don't want them to ever not like being with me.
piscesgrrl: me either, Schuyler
Zamozo: I think the people that I was involved in those things with -- encouraged the controlling aspects
Schuyler: I think that is a huge aspect to Sandra's message that appeals so fundamentally
Zamozo: I was very controlled growing up
SandraDodd: Even though I'm careful never to say I was unschooling since birth, because we figured Kirby would go to
school at five, we were letting them watch all the Sesame Street they wanted (or whatever else) and videos and play games
on the computer, and eat...
piscesgrrl: Zamozo - I know what you're saying. That was my concern with Waldorf
SandraDodd: Marty was just looking over my shoulder and talking about this chat!
Guest62: Can anyone comment on the idea of TV being a "Plug in drug" that limits mental development to passively
receiving and non-interactive development?
Schuyler: It's not true.
piscesgrrl: I found, that for me, it started mostly because I found it VERY unpalatable to pull rank on others. Discovered
I really sucked at that while teaching, when I was paid to do it.
Schuyler: David has looked at the research.
He likes looking at the research
And the studies aren't that well set up
SandraDodd: >>
Guest62: sandradodd.com/tv
I've been collecting those kinds of comments for years.
And there's a page there on the criticisms of TV. When you look at the unschoolers' writings and then the anti-TV people
the contrast is amazing.
One is light and joyful. The other is dark and paranoid and illogical.
Zamozo: for me, I simply saw the falseness in those claims when I really looked closely at what my kids were getting
from the shows they enjoyed
Guest38: : I have asked friends before if their kids have seen this or that movie, and they say, no we are studying that next
year and I'll let them see it then. Now that is limiting mental development.
Bwalya (Guest34): I've never seen my children watching TV passively.
Schuyler: The problem with all those studies is that they aren't done in unschooling households.
RVB: Done with kids who need a break from school, instead.
Zamozo: I hated The Simpsons at first... then I paid attention and realized the connections
Bwalya (Guest34): They're questioning and reacting and acting out all the time.
socal77: Long before we knew what unschooling was, we had been strewing and such, traveling, reading, playing, going
to museums and camping, video games, and board games...
piscesgrrl: My boys announced yesterday that they'll probably have to marry other unschoolers. Sorry, off-topic, but
Schuyler's comment reminded me.
JoyfulMom: I think controlled children are way more likely to do things in an addictive manner
Schuyler: Tell them that you weren't unschooled, it's possible to change
piscesgrrl: OH, they know, but it was as we were discussing the contrasting parenting styles
JoyfulMom: we had friends of my children whose TV time was controlled come over and sit glued like automotons on the
couch watching the TV. My kids never watch TV that way
Schuyler: Rat Park is a study that was done looking at addiction in rats.
socal77: We are a family of multitaskers, the DVR, games, multiple tabs...
Schuyler: The rats in rat park, an engaging and interesting environment, chose the water over the morphine and water
Zamozo: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rat_Park
Schuyler: The rats in a good environment went through the hoops of getting off the drug.
They didn't need the drug.
piscesgrrl: Wow.
Zamozo: Wow! I never knew about Rat Park until today
SandraDodd: Marty's girlfriend is here, too. She's not an unschooler. Holly is hooked up with a not-an-unschooler. It's
awful! They might marry outside their religion!
socal77: interesting study
Schuyler: Happiness is contagious. I said I watched Pollyanna today, didn't I?
JoyfulMom: maybe she'll agree to convert for the sake of family unity LOL
piscesgrrl: LOL, Sandra
most of our closest friends are not unschoolers
Bwalya (Guest34): My children are being brought up by two non-unschoolers
We're only converts
Schuyler: That counts, doesn't it? That's why the First Church of Boston became two churches.
Guest62: Yes I remember Rat Park now a very good example. I think it goes with something Ba Luvmour said in his
book Optimal Parenting. About how when some is exibiting things like tv addiction it can be a sign that they have a need
that is not being met.
reneecabatic: WOW - thanks for the Rat Park info---I cringe when I hear people throw around the word addiction (I
don't know the actual "definition") but I know enjoying video games, for instance, is NOT an addiction!
Schuyler: The First church decided that you needed to be saved to be truly blessed and the second church believed that
children could get to heaven if they were born to the church
Guest62: If you meet the need the behavior will stop.
Schuyler: But video games might be an escape
Might not be, but it might be
Guest62: I can see that in my own life as well so why not the kids
Schuyler: And it may have a really high marginal utility
socal77: I am going to be dreaming about utils after this chat
SandraDodd: I know someone asked me a question, and I didn't answer it. I'll answer it on AlwaysLearning, when I find
RVB: What do you mean by "why not the kids"?
Schuyler: I think she may have meant if her needs are met whatever behavior was associated with them stopped.
RVB: Right. I thought it might be about having tv addiction, but I wasn't sure.
piscesgrrl: One of the greatest transitions for me was moving from seeing things as negative, a threat, unhealthy, to seeing
things as hopeful and fun and interesting.
Schuyler: Hey Diana, Simon and Linnaea really enjoyed playing Halo 3 with Hayden the other day.
Guest62: If I can see instances of "Just sitting and watching TV or surfing the net.' because I am lacking in something _
socal77: I think it was meant as if adults use media as an escape sometimes, why don't children use it for those reasons,
but I may have misinterpreted
JoyfulMom: It's all about trusting your children - seeing them as smart, capable and self-sufficient, instead of struggling
or vulnerable and in need of protection
Schuyler: They might need something else,
they might just like the games
piscesgrrl: I usually just sit and watch tv because I want to just sit and watch tv.
Schuyler: Simon really likes watching things on youtube
JoyfulMom: I was a little concerned about some of the stuff they were watching on Youtube, until one day Yonah said -
that show had bad words, but I liked it because it was funny - and I thought "that's how I feel about funny shows that use
foul language}
socal77: Drew has been watching the new season of Naruto on youtube in Japanese. He also uses it a lot to look up
things for Runescape and such
Schuyler: You can watch all of Pollyanna on youtube, I have my own copy, but I was happy to find it there.
Guest38: : my kids love youtube. they want to make a movie like the ones on their with Lego characters.
we havnt figured it all out yet.
Schuyler: Have you seen the Eddie Izzard lego character stuff, I love that.
Guest62: We have free rein on tv here but I have noticed it becomes ??? Habit forming?? for lack of a better term. Not
something they are choosing to do because it is the best or most personally favoured option. but because that is what is
easy. Not always....
katherand: Ooooo I'll be looking up eddie izzard lego on youtube [One is in the column to the right, and if you click that you'll get to others at YouTube. —Sandra]
RVB: If you were not unschooled, you might see "just sitting and watching TV" as evidence of something that needs a
remedy. Unschooled kids see watching TV as something cool to do. Parents need to see that, too. Unless a kid is asking
for more.
Schuyler: Make more things easy
Like snacks, if you have easy access to lots of things more things are chosen
RVB: Yes, all sorts of choices.
Schuyler: If all you've got easy access to is candy bars and chips than candy bars and chips will get chosen more
socal77: suggest other options, or do something fun right there; they can join you or not
Schuyler: When they are watching tv get out legos and build
Linnaea and I made marble runs using geomags and kapla blocks and the metal body of our electric heater today
JoyfulMom: I agree about making choices easy. The last few times I bought groceries I didn't take the kids with me for
time's sake. Then I took them with me and they chose way more fruits and vegetables than I would have on my own
socal77: not to pull them away from the tv, just to give them choices
Guest62: ...but sometimes. We live in a cold Canadian city and go through periods of hibernation...
Schuyler: And we watched Oliver at the same time. We'd started singing Food Glorious Food and I put the movie in.
socal77: Kapla blocks are awesome
JoyfulMom: Which cold Canadian city? We are in Toronto
Schuyler: Look for things to spark their interests
SandraDodd: Guest62 sandradodd.com/strewing
Guest38: : today is rainy, we all have colds and we are just enjoying obsessing on Scooby Doo. In the past day we have
watched 6 scooby doo episodes on netflix.
Schuyler: Yes, strewing
SandraDodd: but don't do it just to get them away from the TV
Guest38: : the kids were so excited we got it hooked up to the t.v.
SandraDodd: Better to go into the tv, and connect to other things from there,
Guest62: Edmonton it has been a cold winter this year.
SandraDodd: IMDB is our great friend, finding connections to actors or writers or stories they like
Guest62: Ooo my house is well strewn
SandraDodd: "IMDB it," people will say
Schuyler: My cousin and I used to act out the whole opening scene to scooby doo
RVB: Ack! Go to West Edmonton Mall for fun??
Schuyler: My grandparents had a good recliner for the disappearing into the chair bit
SandraDodd: My kids and I could do the Sesame Street Opera scene, which was Big Bird and others singing the lines of
a conversation they had already had without singing.
socal77: we make all sorts of glorious connections from tv and movies, and trivia, and discovery channel, and games....
SandraDodd: Geography, music, humor, history
Guest62: I avoid the WEMall too costly and commercial.
socal77: we also use IMDB as a verb
RVB: Oh, boy. What's wrong with commercial?
Schuyler: In winter commercial and warm is better than not commercial and freezing
SandraDodd: Home is good.
I love home!
Schuyler: Home is good.
RVB: Me, too!
Schuyler: I take great pleasure in how much Simon and Linnaea love home
socal77: Drew sings all of the theme songs from shows, I have a knack for cheesy jingles
Schuyler: Have you watched the Live Action Scooby Doo stuff?
JoyfulMom: Yes - we love home - I am amazed at how much we love home
RVB: We love home, even when we're on the road. Home becomes where we all are.
AlexPolyKow: my father was in advertizing and we loved comercials. It was a great subject for debates in our home
JoyfulMom: I've always felt home wherever we are, too
SandraDodd: Holly works in a mall now. It has taken some of the lustre off the idea of going to the mall.
RVB: West Ed Mall has cool stuff in it, like rides and such, though.
socal77: I went to college for marketing, but my love of cheezy jingles goes all the way back to piano lessons as a kid
Zamozo: Zach told me yesterday as I drove him to work, that he likes his job but prefers to be at home with his sister and
Guest62: I let them watch when they want to or not. I have just noticed that there is a certain amount of ??? Using TV/pc
games to fill a void every so often. It is easily filled once noticed but I didn't notice or know what to look for for a while.
Now i do.
AlexPolyKow: jingles are great !
Schuyler: I like malls
RVB: Yeah, I took advertising and marketing classes - fascinating. I love "Mad Men."
SandraDodd: Don't be afraid of it, Guest62
socal77: I worked at Disneyland in high school, so I understand that sentiment
JoyfulMom: I also love Mad Men
Schuyler: There is one near us, but it isn't quite the same. The food court has nothing
Zamozo: TV /PC games are fine void fillers
JoyfulMom: you kind of get a sense of how it would feel to live in that time
Schuyler: I like How to Get A Head in Advertising.
I don't know Mad Men
SandraDodd: Our lives haven't had voids for years.
Schuyler: Mad Men
SandraDodd: "void" sucks
Zamozo: maybe they're filling a void for TV and PC Games
Schuyler: We get into lulls, usually weather or flu related
katherand: it's like food Guest62.... there is a certain comfy enjoyment in these things, and there's no need to rush to fill
the void with other things if tv/video games are comfy like food can be too.
Guest62: Sometimes
socal77: it has been raining here for what seems like weeks
Schuyler: Inertia driven a bit
SandraDodd: But Schuyler, you can get to "market days"!! Those are cool. You can get to car-boot sales. Those are like
heaven to me.
RVB: Mad Men is set in the early 60's heyday of the ad agencies. Awesome costuming and set design. Great character
development, too.
Schuyler: True, haven't been to one of those for a while
In the rain though, a mall is a nice thing
socal77: thanks for the recommendation, I had not heard of mad men either
Guest62: Sometimes they need me to drive them to a friends or to the mall or to the park or to their Nana's
JoyfulMom: One of the awesome things in Mad Men is to see how social mores have changed - occasionally you are
genuinely shocked to see things like children riding in cars without a seatbelt, or pregnant women drinking and smoking
or guests hitting your children for knocking over a drink
SandraDodd: Schuyler, fifteen minutes left. What had you wanted to say that we've distracted you away from?
RVB: And the open bars in offices!
Schuyler: I hit all the things I had thought about in the run up
socal77: Life on Mars is cool for the same kinds of reasons, not marketing, but changes in time
katherand: like.. for me guest62 I used to play solitaire on my puter so that I could think through a problem while
entertaining my right brain enough to get through the thinking. Visual spatial fun to do while working through hard
spots in my psyche.
SandraDodd: Holly likes the Mary Tyler Moore show, to see changes since the 70's
Zamozo: knitting was calming to me when I was stressed
SandraDodd: I play a jewel-matching, cascading game that's as comforting as a fountain.
Zamozo: Snood
RVB: Tetris!
socal77: I like those jewel games too
Guest62: Zoomo
SandraDodd: It cost $20 and it the best game I've ever had. Jewel Match, I think it is.
socal77: there are free versions online
Schuyler: Petting the cats calms me
SandraDodd: Somehow it comforts the "be busy" part of me while my mind can think without the distractions of laundry,
the dog, the mail...
Schuyler: Your be busy part seems so amazing to me.
Much bigger than my be busy part
AlexPolyKow: in your case Schuyler , petting 5 cats!...or is it 6?
SandraDodd: Mine? Or anyone's? "One's"?
Schuyler: 5 cats, Hamster
Sandra's, yours
You are the most prolific writer
You are awesome
RVB: Hear, hear!
SandraDodd: Thanks. (shucks, ma'am...)
AlexPolyKow: I read... not books so much as on my laptop
Schuyler: To channel Alex, who I always think of when I think of awesome
katherand: Ah we do that religiously everyday at pretty much the same time, Schuyler. Go out to pet the cats... then I
check the mail and so on. The cats live outdoors. A planned interlude.
SandraDodd: I read magazines. Smithsonian, People, Entertainment Weekly and National Geographic.
Schuyler: Hamster is gone
AlexPolyKow: hamster is gone??
Schuyler: that's what I meant to write when I left Hamster hanging
katherand: AWw
SandraDodd: And from those I follow links and buy books they've reviewed and order things new on DVD...
Schuyler: I stumbled across pictures of him the other day and realized I didn't miss him, until I saw the pictures, of course
AlexPolyKow: Schuyler is awesome...
Schuyler: I love links
katherand: How long do hamsters live? Karl has been wanting to get one.
Schuyler: Hamster was a cat
SandraDodd: Our friends found their dwarf hamster under the fridge after it had been gone three weeks.
Isabell: Our dwarf lived 2 years Katherand...
RVB: Syrian hamsters live up to about 3 years in our experience.
katherand: Cool. 2 years... maybe that's good.
Guest62: May I recommed rockband2. recommendation in passing. It has helped my son find the beat that he couldn't
find for a few years.
SandraDodd: Rock band has been big here.
Schuyler: We are saving and aspiring for Rockband 2
I think it will happen soon
Zamozo: Years ago Dance Dance Revolution helped my son's coordination -- he told me after playing it for a few weeks,
"I know where my feet are now."
socal77: We have really enjoyed the Forgotten Realms games here, Baldur's Gate, Champions of Norath
Guest62: We are looking for dance dance at the used game stores.
socal77: DDR is fun, we go in spurts, play a lot and then not for a long time
Zamozo: we haven't played for years
piscesgrrl: Here's an interesting twist - my son loves DDR at his friends. Got it for him for Xmas and he said, "Well, it's
fun when I go THERE - that doesn't mean I really want it all the time."
Schuyler: DDR is my favorite thing to watch at the Life is Good conference
RVB: Just going to mention that.
Schuyler: Part of the fun may be the environment
piscesgrrl: and the anticipation
hahamommy: it's more fun at a conference than at home, imho
SandraDodd: I do appreciate the participation in these chats, and thank you very much, Schuyler, for sharing what you
know in the way you can word things.
AlexPolyKow: Thank you Schuyler
Zamozo: marginal utility?
piscesgrrl: I need to think more on the marginal utility thing to understand it all. Any links?
AlexPolyKow: I always Skype Schuyler when I need someone to talk to!
socal77: Drew has different activities that he connects with his different parkday buddies
Zamozo: me too -- think/read
SandraDodd : sandradodd.com/t/economics.html
piscesgrrl: cool, thx
Schuyler: Linnaea and I dance DDr together sometimes
socal77: Monday is Pokemon day, if we ever get another Monday without rain....
Schuyler: Maybe she'll dance with me tonight
SandraDodd: Economics of Restricting TV Watching of Children by Pam Sorooshian
Schuyler: She gave me permission to put that in the conference book for Life is Good. I really think it is an important
piece of why unschooling works
SandraDodd: I'll stop "recording" at noon, so people and chat freely without it being on the transcript.
Schuyler: 2 minutes to chaos....
SandraDodd: by "noon" I mean whatever hour it's about to be wherever you all are.
Schuyler: And unschooling works the way nothing else I've ever experienced does.
It isn't faith, it's effort.
piscesgrrl: yes
Schuyler: It isn't tricks, it's presence
It really is amazing.
piscesgrrl: it is
SandraDodd: That's a trick.
Schuyler: It's not sleight of hand though
hahamommy: yeah, the trick is to BE there
SandraDodd: Well, it's not "a trick," but it's tricky
Schuyler: It's tricky
hahamommy: though it is a bit like magic....
socal77: it's effort, and presence, and faith...
hahamommy: in the sense of fun and wonder and joy
SandraDodd: And then it can become REALLY easy, but people see us living easy lives and then they don't realize there
was something to DO to get there.
Schuyler: Only after you've done the work, when it didn't feel like work
JennyC: I've seen magic happen with unschooling!
Zamozo: faith as in trust
SandraDodd: But you have to trust something real, not just the idea that someone else has done it.
socal77: yes, that is how I meant it
piscesgrrl: I feel the magic when I'm with my kids
Schuyler: Faith as in trust but not as in supernatural belief
hahamommy: faith as in the ability to tell the naysaying head voices to stfu
SandraDodd: The trust has to end up being in your real experiences
hahamommy: confidence for me is a bit of faith...
so yeah <3
JennyC: I'm just joining, sorry Schuyler, for missing your chat, I really was planning on it joining in
Schuyler: Joyce has said that you have to take a leap of faith to start unschooling, but I think you have to trust the voices
and the evidence
And Jenny could have totally talked up DDR
Zamozo: for me, I had to tell myself I trusted unschooling would work in order to proceed to practice it --
SandraDodd: That's one reason I try to be turstworthy.
Some of the people talking up unschooling are somewhat full of shit.
JennyC: DDR has been amazing
hahamommy: ...there is a point, when your foot has to leave the shore, so to speak, and it's swim or not swim
Schuyler: Yes, it's after noon now, right?
Zamozo: a lot of them are
SandraDodd: And I have no way to shush them, so I try to be absolutely solidly shit-free
Schuyler: But you see a bunch of other people out in the water.
katherand: 3 minutes after Schuyler
socal77: nice metaphor, Diana
SandraDodd: Not that I want people's faith to be in me myself--not that
katherand: ..
Schuyler: And they aren't only swimming they're having fun!
katherand: now all h*ll can break loose
SandraDodd: But when I say Holly wasn't reading until 11 and then she read Stephen King, second thing she read, I
don't want people to say "Well, who knows; she's not always straight with us."
So I've kinda laid my life out in public so that people can trust me.
It's an odd thing
Schuyler: They are playing with their kids and there isn't anything taking them down
Zamozo: I'm grateful that you did that Sandra, I've not been able to be as open for fear of other's judgments
katherand: It is believable Sandra.
Except for people who have chosen not to.
hahamommy: with Sandra, it was really Marty for me, who solidified the real lack of bull$hit in Sandra's life
Schuyler: There is definitely a resonance to your voice and to Joyce's and to Pam's that sounds off in me
RVB: I'm grateful, too. Fear of judgment is also a big one for me.
piscesgrrl: It's interesting to be on the other end of things, sharing in workshops, and hearing people's concerns that I
shared not long ago. And they look at me and say, "Well, it worked for YOU" yadda yadda.
JennyC: the judgement of others is an interesting thing! Don't be afraid of it, be confident in your own decisions
hahamommy: seeing *what's possible* in relationships with children is a source of faith
katherand: They don't want it bad enough to believe then they will disbelieve a lot.
SandraDodd: Schuyler you mean sounds off as in "speaks" and not sounds off as in "seems fishy"?
Zamozo: my fear is the judgement of others about our struggles
Schuyler: Yes, speaks loudly, sorry a glass broke behind me, I got distracted with the word resonance
hahamommy: Off to catch the bus ..
JennyC: everyone struggles though, with one thing or another
Schuyler: rings true in me
Guest62: Sandra Why/What prompted Holly to start reading?
piscesgrrl: bye Diana!
katherand: To a great degree it is faith (maybe not religious) to believe it then you'll see it, as Kelly says
RVB: Bye, Diana. See you in May!
JennyC: sharing can help alleviate some of those fears and put them to rest
SandraDodd: She read when she could read. It wasn't "prompting," it just got ripe and flowered.
katherand: Bye Schuyler... Thanks!
Schuyler: Being in a community of people who were walking the walk and talking the talk reallyhelps a lot
SandraDodd: I guess "ripe" and "flower" aren't the same season... bad metaphor, sorry.
Schuyler: Bye Katherand, my pleasure
Ripe and burst?
Pollinated and flowered?
socal77: OT: but Pam is speaking today at DT 2pm
SandraDodd: It flowered. Bloomed.
RVB: I've found that the more I participate on lists, etc., the more the fears go away. I'm almost ready to have a blog!
Bye, Katherine.
JennyC: it sounds like spring
katherand: pam is speaking on a chat or in real life?
socal77: irl
SandraDodd: It's interesting, when people move from the question-aaking side to the question answering side.
katherand: Bye Robin
SandraDodd: At the park?
socal77: yes
JennyC: yes Sandra, that is interesting
Schuyler: I never asked questions
piscesgrrl: Gotta go - things to do. Food to eat! Thanks for the chat everyone!
Zamozo: How so, interesting?
SandraDodd: Dragontree
is DT.
RVB: Bye!
Schuyler: I have always been too afraid to ask questions
socal77: yes, dragontree
Schuyler: I really appreciate the people who ask questions
JennyC: same Schuyler, here, I think I just questioned everything and I still do
SandraDodd: You don't seem shy.
socal77: I never really asked questions either, just read a lot and let it soak in
Schuyler: I wrote a couple of posts looking for guidance and sat with them and I got the answer without the question
being asked. That sounds too mystical
SandraDodd: When I was in school a couple of times a shy kid would look at me and shrug, or shake her head, letting
me know she had no idea what the teacher was talking about, and I'd ask the question for her.
Schuyler: I knew the answer and framing the question helped me to see it
SandraDodd: Once the teacher looked at me really hard and said "You know the answer to that," and then went on.
katherand: Ah ok. Well have fun at Dragon Tree. I think it's great Pam does those in real life chats. Wish I could
"hear" some of it. Oh anybody ever recorded it to a podcast or something. Maybe a lot of trouble, dunno. Gotta go Karl
under the weather today.
Schuyler: You've been an advocate for a long time
SandraDodd: After class I talked to him and said, "Yeah, but so'n'so didn't." So after that if I asked a question he took it
as a clue to clarify.
JennyC: I've written many many posts, then deleted them because I found the answer as I was writing
SandraDodd: And I [already] knew then that I wanted to be a teacher, so I was really paying attention to how they were presenting
information and whether people were getting it.
Schuyler: I think it might have been good of me to post the questions
Maybe I'll try and do that more.
Zamozo: Just yesterday I realized that I haven't heard Zoe lisp in a long time - I don't know when she grew out of that but
I remember asking about speech therapy or the dangers of lisping and learning to read - because she wrote how she
spoke -- silly worries...
Schuyler: In the same way that you, Sandra, asked for your peers, maybe the more questions the more the discussion
moves forward
RVB: I have a huge drafts folder of questions, some of which were answered and some not. I should go through them.
Zamozo: but maybe somebody else was worrying about the same thing.
Schuyler: Yeah, I have some of those in drafts on one e-mail account or another
SandraDodd: Robin, do! Or send them to me and I can put them up when Always Learning gets slow, using them as
conversation starters!
Schuyler: Maybe it would be good to air them out.
RVB: Ok, will do.
SandraDodd: I'm sorry to hear anyone ever withdrew a question, because even if the questioner didn't need to know
anymore, somone reading right then, or the next day, would benefit.
Schuyler: I would love to see unschooling discussion come back a little
Maybe I'll post over there
JennyC: I usually get questions swirling in my head after talking to my mother, and those I already know the answers to,
I just have to ignore the questions!
SandraDodd: And another thing (hard to describe without seeming all schoolish) is that it gives others a chance to answer
questions who are just new to the answering side of it all.,
Schuyler: Right
SandraDodd: Schuyler, either the yahoo OR the google! Stir them up separately.
Schuyler: The yahoo is shut down, I think
SandraDodd: There's very often more clarity in framing the explanation than there is in just reading answers and
JennyC: always learning
Schuyler: I was looking through there the other day and I don't think you can post there
SandraDodd: I opened it back up.
Schuyler: Oh, okay
SandraDodd: It should be working again, I think.
JennyC: you did?
SandraDodd: I'll go and send a test message and you guys respond if it goes through to you, on the yahoo. But if you've
changed e-mail in the past two years, that might be why you wouldn't get it.
JennyC: I had no idea, but then I've been out of the online loop for about a week now
Bwalya (Guest34): Is it an open group?
JennyC: Anyone can join yahoo groups, some, you have to ask
Guest62: I have sent and received through the old yahoo list.
Zamozo: got it sandra
SandraDodd: I thought it was working.
Guest62: I would like it to be more active just because I like it better then the google interface
Schuyler: It's Unschooling_Discussion. groups.google.com/group/UnschoolingDiscussion?hl=en is the google version
Zamozo: I have them sent to two different addresses so it's easy for me to keep them straight
SandraDodd: I don't mind if they're both going. I collect the gems from the discussion, usually (sometimes) so I don't
care where the discussions are as long as they ened up on my site!
RVB: The framing (and re-framing) of questions has often yielded an answer for me. Maybe just as often, though, it's
made me think I'm a complete idiot
Schuyler: Drat, I'll have to rejoin the yahoo one. It's on my old account
SandraDodd: I don't know if you guys know, but I'm kind of becoming an unschooling slumlord. Unschooling.info was
going to be abandoned, and I bought it.
$130 to keep it open, but it's a scary place with dozens of zombies at the door. It gets way more spambot traffic than real
unschooler traffic.
JennyC: what I find interesting, is how someone else will see something that I didn't and write about it
Schuyler: I know, what an amazing thing
I figured you could use a bit of cash when you told me that
JennyC: I like unschooling info, I haven't posted there in a long time
SandraDodd: Robin, seriously--if you're ever embarrassed about a question, let me know and I'll post it anonymously.
That doesn't bother me one bit.
Schuyler: The more groups there are, the more sites, the more the stuff seems to spread thinner and thinner.
Guest62: I often write long post only to realize I knew all along what it was I was looking for. I just need a method of
working it out and the act of typing helped me organize my thoughts outside my emotional reactions.
Schuyler: I can't keep up with all the sites
RVB: In fact, when I posted on AL about conference raffles/auctions helped a lot. I thought I was in a distinct minority in
my thoughts about it. That's good learning for me.
JennyC: me either Schuyler!
adreanaline: (hi all, joining a bit late)
Schuyler: I can, but it seems to pull me in too many places and I get all confused
JennyC: ooo Robin, that's you RVB, HI!
SandraDodd: ~katherand is helping me look at it to see what we can do. Possibly I'll eventually move the forum to my
own site and let the other pages go. Or maybe we'll figure out how to work it and spruce it up and leave it there
Zamozo: The risk of letting it be abandoned is that some unseemly type could open up shop under that shingle and give
unschooling a bad rap?
SandraDodd: I see all the sites as one big thing
SandraDodd: Yes, Chris, and they're linked from all over the place
Schuyler: I hadn't even thought about it from that side
SandraDodd: Thank you for that donation, Schuyler..
Zamozo: I see
Schuyler: My pleasure
adreanaline: I agree with Zamozo -- I lost one of my sites to an unfavorable linky thing
Schuyler: It made me feel like part of the big thing
SandraDodd: I've been thinking of setting up a bakesale page, and selling stuff I have, and cookies, and letting people buy
stuff from there on PayPal.
Schuyler: Like donating to PBS
RVB: I'll buy!
JennyC: paypal would be a nice addition, it's something that I use a lot
SandraDodd: With a price range, like the low end would cover my expenses or not be totally nothingness, and then have a
high end price. Like a book, and sell it for $5 to $10. Let them decide, and if it's at least $5 I'll mail it on out,.
And I could also find some good homes for some of my interesting toys and little sculpture things I've collected and
loved, but that I can't keep forever.
I'm still thinking, but it seems possible.
I have lots and lots of little-kid books.
JennyC: Me too, lots of little kid books
Zamozo: Autographed used books - not autographed by the author but by you!
JennyC: nobody reads them here, but nobody will let me get rid of them
SandraDodd: I had also thought people could donate that way too, by agreeing to mail something they made or baked, if
someone donated to my site.
RVB: Gotta go. Thanks, Schuyler. Looking forward to seeing you and yours in May!!
SandraDodd: It was one of those wild fantasies that settles down into "hey, that's actually a possibility"
JennyC: bye Robin
Schuyler: Bye, I'm getting more and more excited
adreanaline: It's better to have more ideas than not enough
JennyC: me too!
SandraDodd: Not enough has never been my problem.
AlexPolyKow: Well I got to go too!!!!!! Love you Schuyler!
Thank you Sandra you rock!
More by and about Schuyler: /schuylerwaynforth
SandraDodd: socal, I'll add that to the follow-up page for this too, that Addams family episode.
[The video is gone, but there is one at the bottom of Your House as a Museum.]