The show has been uploaded so that you can listen to it when you get a chance. It was very inspiring—I must say, quite a few people have told me they were inspired too. . . Thanks again,
Thanks for tipping me off about the radio interview. I enjoyed listening to it! Wow--what insights! —Ymelda
I finally had a chance last night to listen to the radio show you did and LOVED it (I've been forwarding the link to all my friends and relatives!). It's not only wonderfully wise, but you have such a nice voice...very soothing and convincing....just right to help my dh 'get' radical unschooling even better :)
Thanks so much for the link to Sandra's radio show. I LOVED it. As usual, it came at JUST the right time. —[friend of friend]
Hi Sandra,
I want you to know I've quoted you in my blog just now 5/4/05: www.lifemedia.ca/wendy/blog.html
Thanks for the insight!
Wendy Priesnitz, Editor
Life Learning Magazine
A subsequent letter to the editor appears below.
wed. march 16, 2005
Improving Unschooling
Interview: Sandra Dodd
music: Pete Seeger; Bronwyn Kay-original composition
edit: Beatrice Ekwa Ekoko
"Why do people take or keep their children out of school? Mostly for three reasons; they think that raising their children is their business, not the government’s; they enjoy being with their children and watching them and helping them learn, and don’t want to give that up to others; they want to keep them from being hurt mentally, physically and spiritually." —John HoltRADIO FREE SCHOOL was an all volunteer show by, for and about Un-schoolers/Home Learners. (The website is gone.)
The show aired regularly on several stations in Canada, the U.S. and Japan (and there were links to):
MORE on parenting considerations for unschoolers
and unschooling
with lots of links to ideas, lists and testimonials from unschooling parents