Modern Mythology

What about historical, revered, and embedded slogans?

On facebook, someone I know from another interest than unschooling, posted:
I'd like to conduct a quick survey. Please answer yes or no if you know the rest of this phrase: "We hold these truths..." No spoilers please!!-- and NO LOOKING IT UP ON GOOGLE!!
I responded:
I do, yes, but...

- _





_spoiler below





This doesn't work as well on a computer screen as in a facebook window.

_or irritant







What good is asking yes or no without checking another factor? Age? Geography?

Phrase, yes, but the rest of the sentence? The next couple of concepts?

And without a philosophical "but..." it's fluff anyway.
It's mythology. Beautiful wishful-thinking myth.

It never was truth. Even in the form it was stated, there is a condition. "We hold...." It's almost an "It seems."
"We believe (and will defend)..."

The author(s) didn't believe it either, unless a key term is very narrowly defined.

I think every new populist government builds a scaffolding of attractive truths that people will want to help support and maintain. They build an identity that will inspire and enfold.

I told Keith that I have the freedoms I have because my parents conceived me in the U.S. and I haven't gone very far from where I popped out. I had mentioned that refugees in Calais didn't have the rights we have. If Trump loses us the country, we might lose our house, and freedom.

Keith says that where I am along that thread, I'm expected to have devout appreciation for what my ancestors did.

Myths can be true, or not. It's not the same as fiction.

Slogans and why they can be a problem

Phrases to hear and avoid Principles, rather than rules Clarity