Long illustrated letter by Mary Ann Beck

This letter is a pretty big deal. It was typed on an IBM Selectric typewriter, with the eraser of a pencil strapped to the back of Mary Ann's hand. Each capital involved caps lock, the letter, and then caps off. Working the text around the painting, or leaving room for the paintings (I wasn't there so I don't know for sure which way that went) was lots of work.

The brush for the paintings was also used with the back of her hand, and I don't know who was setting the paints up for her in those days. But when you read it don't think computer and word processing, because it's not, at all.

Then there's the sweetness and the humor. Not many people would have been as energetic and creative through all that.

It's a glorious letter and I'm glad to be able to share it.

—Sandra Dodd
Click any page to enlarge and examine:

The part that fell off said "The tense is up to you, but if it
helps untense things, I do plan to send you a Christmas card this year!

That would have been a really great letter even if it had been typed with ten fingers at 80 wpm, but to remember that it was letter by letter, one by one, makes me feel bad that I didn't share it with more people long ago.

I have other letters, too, but none as pretty as this one, nor maybe as entertaining to others. Some are about people we knew in school, or relatives or friends who are long gone away.

(Note about "all my other weddings": I have been married twice; the first was an odd arrangement and a long story, but Mary Ann went to Santa Fe with the best man to be my bridesmaid and witness. It was in a judge's office on a weekday. —Sandra)

More of Mary Ann Beck