A little film by two unschooling families in South Wales:

Learning all the time

I received these notes by e-mail, in 2009:

I have recently made a film showing autonomous home ed in action

My own son and a friend's son have an interest in movie making and wanted to do a free course which became available locally. As part of their learning they learned how to conduct interviews (which you will see on film) and which were totally unscripted. The children interviewed each other and us. I was also involved in filming and took responsibility for the editing which created the finished product. You see me on film talking about the dilemma of filming a process which is internal and which goes on all the time anyway! Other footage was filmed at a couple of home ed meets where, again, nothing scripted or staged took place, I simply filmed the children being their natural selves. I think what comes through is a strong sense of freedom and joy. Reactions over here have been very positive and I would like, if possible, for the film to be seen by unschoolers across the water.

It has been watched by many people in the U.K., but is just as beautiful and applicable in other places. I hope it will become more widely known and appreciated. It's wonderful.

—Sandra Dodd


That was really lovely for us to watch especially as we are Brits living in Florida, it was nostalgic for us in a nice way, also very encouraging to know that unschooling is accepted in the UK; as before we left six years ago, I had never even heard of homeschooling being very acceptable, much less unschooling.

What I liked most of all in the video was to see children and parents, being together, naturally—not children playing with children whilst parents sat at a safe distance away talking about whatever it is they talk about .......school? grades? plans for summer camp? Excuse my cynicism.


Thank you for that. It made me feel so much better to see what I feel deep down inside is right for my family being reflected in those children.
