Kirby Dodd
Kirby was born in 1986. His full name is Kendall Kirby Dodd, after his grandfathers, Kendall Dodd and Kirby Adams. (Really, he wasn't named after that pink Nintendo character, nor that silvery vacuum cleaner.)
IN CHARACTERTeaser for a full-length film (not yet released) in which Kirby's a... character/actor. (bottom of this page)
SCA:Lord Magnus Gunwaldtsson, born while his parents were king and queen of the Outlands; squired to Earl Cathyn Fitzgerald; award of arms received from TRM Bela and Elizabeth, May 25, 2002This'n'That:
Played L5R for a few years and went to kotei No Graduation for Kirby (mom-article on the unschooling site)