Children do not need to be made to learn to be better, told what to do or shown how. If they are given access to enough of the world, they will see clearly enough what things are truly important to themselves, and to others, and they will make for themselves a better path into that world than anyone else could make for them. —John Holt
A person's freedom of learning is part of his freedom of thought, even more basic than his freedom of speech. If we take from someone his right to decide what he will be curious about, we destroy his freedom of thought. We say, in effect, you must think not about what interests and concerns you, but about what interests and concerns us. —John Holt
Deb Lewis is the mom of grown up, always unschooled Dylan, and wife to David. She lives, works, plays and learns in Montana.
Teach Your Own
A Life Worth Living
The article above appeared in the Spring 2015 issue of The Homeschooler magazine, a now-defunct publication of The Homeschool Association of California.