I finally got the cooking over with, had a shower, even got dressed. Did I mention that the "lovely" in-laws dropped by with their "delightful" pomeranian to pick up some of my horse manure for their plants, looked horrified with my daughter in nothing but her diaper (her choice, not mine) and left. (Yaay)
When everything that could be done was done and my husband left for work, I asked my son if he wanted to go down the road to the regional park at the river. We decided to do this. How perfect!!! No one else was at the place, and we walked to the river's edge and threw rocks and sticks. We listened to the birds, the wind, the water. My daughter walked in the water with her shoes on. At first I tried to stop her, but, wise child that she is, she ignored me. She simply continued to delight in the rocks, water, wind, sticks and birds. My son enjoyed the sound of a stick whipping in the air, water, dirt. We found rocks with cracks, stripes, colors. The same stick formation his dear friend built last year was still there. We talked about the friend, who has since moved. We looked at the swimming hole, saw minnows, deer poop, compared it with the moose poop.
A magical afternoon right when a tired frazzled mom needed it. Again and again my kids can catch me when I am falling, and help me see the wonder of the small things. I feel so blessed to have this time with them, and to have their help in preserving my sense of awe at the world.
This list has done this for me as well. I don't often post because so many
times people have already said what I wanted to say, only better. Keep it
coming everyone, don't hold back. This is what is changing my life, the
support and discussion I read every day.