
Resources for Christian Unschoolers

Christian Radical Unschoolers on facebook

Christian Unschooling on Facebook since 2015 (visible without joining)

Christian-Unschooling.com—Discovering God's world in freedom and joy

Cathy Koetsier, the site owner, wrote:

My hope with the website/discussion list is that it help interested homeschooling Christians to gain deeper insight into the difference between the (very few) ‘have tos’ and the many societal and cultural and religious expectations that pose as ‘have tos’. I am always saddened by the idea so prevalent amongst Christians that education equals force and control in the name of ‘character building’.

The longer we live unschooling, the more I realise that the similarities between secular and Christian expressions of unschooling are much greater than the differences. However, the differences are important, and can cause a lot of confusion. Enough to stop people exploring the possibility of taking hold of the freedom that is theirs. This always seems a terribly sad thing. Gal 5:1 comes to mind.

So I have tried, am trying to create a context in which people can explore these important differences, and discover that yes, they can unschool their children and still live as Christians, ie that there is no compromising required.

Here is a great unschooling FAQ from a Christian point of view (and so includes the question Christians probably get most, which is whether it's possible for Christians to unschool).

FAQ What is unschooling? by Jennifer McGrail
At the same blog, there is a great post with a busy, happy, answer to the socialization question: Why My Kids Will Never Be Socialized

Christian Unschooling.comEncouragement and resources for Christian unschooling, relaxed/eclectic home educating families living in freedom in Christ.

The site is gone, but here is an archived link: ChristianUnschooling.com (archived site from late 2023; most links seem to work)

Unschooling Catholics

Parenting in Jesus' Footsteps

Christians for Nonviolent Parenting

An attachment parenting site for Christians, sent by Abi: Gentle Christian Mothers

More on Sandra Dodd.com:

Ideas and Links concerning Christianity and Unschooling

Different Perspectives: The Christian Homeschooling Movement

Mary Feeding Jesus Grapes

Mindful Parenting

Parenting Peacefully