
More Cowbell, about how a comedy sketch moves quickly into the language (and even into World of Warcraft).

The Cowbell Project, a site that lets you look up songs utilizing cowbell, and to add any they might have missed. The site is gone, but The Wayback Machine can find part of it. Click here for a list of songs with cowbell, as of 2007. "Little Red Corvette" is listed twice. [That has cowbell!?]

Ben's Bells, a project in Tucson, involving windchimes, kindness, and honoring generosity. Very cool. (Thanks, Heather, for letting me know about this project!)

The Churchbells of Kent—sometimes technical, but there are photos and some sound recordings.

Wikipedia's page on bells, with photos and sections on church and temple bells, musical bells, famous bells, bellmaking and bell towers...

Handbell choirs—this leads to one non-traditional piece, and there are links on the side to others of all sorts.

Google Image Search for Bells

History Trivia, most would say
Music Games and trivia