Dia Garland

> So, Dia... do you want a law preventing mothers of young children from
> working?

No, I think the government is more than involved enough in our lives as it
is. Mothers will only stop working when they recognize the harm it is doing
to their children, and realize that mothering is a noble profession, one
worthy of their full attention. You cannot legislate beliefs, they must
come from the heart.

Trisha Sides

Well Dia, I have to say that I agree with you on this one. I'm sure that
more moms would stay at home if they were given the respect they deserve.
There's kind of a stigma attached to being a "housewife" Not to mention ,
has anyone ever sat down what you would be owed if you were paid a salary?
My husband would go bankrupt paying me! Allthat laundry , food service,
childcare, yardwork, If you itemized everything and charged the going rate
for these services- can you imagine? tee hee.

> >
> >
> > So, Dia... do you want a law preventing mothers of young children from
> > working?
>No, I think the government is more than involved enough in our lives as it
>is. Mothers will only stop working when they recognize the harm it is
>to their children, and realize that mothering is a noble profession, one
>worthy of their full attention. You cannot legislate beliefs, they must
>come from the heart.

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