Michelle Harper

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 10:23 AM
Subject: re:changing friends etc...

Hi All, was reading your posts on friends fading away after the decision to home/unschool...or growing families...I just haven't had anything like that happen.  Almost all of my friends are traditional public schoolers, and we still get along great..I'll be honest, at first it was as if some of them felt like because I was home/unschooling for my family that somehow, I felt that their decisions were not good, but that just was not the case, and so we got over it....but I could feel that initial defense, from friends, but as they realized that I was still the same non-judgemental person i have always been, and that I respect that everyone makes the choices that are best for them and their family, just as I expect they respect mine.  Now I kind of jokingly, as I consider just about every outing a home/unschooling experience, when we are doing things together, I say"  hey this is homeschooling experience" because my opinion lies in the fact that we are all learning from our environments, and off school time , is just as valuable .......and we all smile, cause  inside, they too are enjoying their time with their children, and if I define it as "home/unschooling" that 's fine with them, cause they would like to get ina  little home/unschooling themselves, and this makes them feel included, rather than excluded.  But I have had long time friendships fade over time, not for schooling reasons, but for other reasons, and I see this sort as a natural flow of things, when something has given , and received all it can from one source it moves on, sometimes......things are merely shifting.  But it's the friends I've had , well the one friend, I've had for 10 + years that lets me know, that some friendships last forever, and this is a huge comfort when a another friendship is dwindling.  well it's a huge comfort, at all times.  I find that a couple real good friends is all I really need.  Just my 5 cents.     Many Blessings, Michelle