Andrea Burlingame

I wanted respond to so many of the posts, because they both really helped me with some useful (and sometimes obvious--doh! shoulda thought of that!--advice) and sparked me to ask more questions This is so good for me! Life is so busy here, though, it's almost more than I can do to just read all the posts, much less respond. So I wanted to say thank you to everyone. The lightbulb above my head is glowing brighter these days, and I'm having many success and happy moments at home because of what I'm learning here.

So even though we have been having financial difficulties for at least 2 years and my car has been broken for 3 weeks and I'm on my period and out of pads and yesterday my 3 year old punctured her knee deeply on a rusty nail outside and I had to take the last running bus at 5:30 to the hospital ER 15 miles away for a tetanus shot, hoping that we'd be able to find a way home that didn't mind taking a check since I had no cash (how nice that someone from the hospital gave us a ride home!), I'm not a screaming lunatic and we are all feeling more secure and happier as a family. Really. Thanks so much for all the insight.


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