Michelle Harper

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 4:29 PM
Subject: OT: Hi Brynn!

Hi Brynn, We did speak via e-mail a while back, and we were gonna meet at a park, but after I got my computer back up I coulnd't seem to reach you.....still have those tomatoes?, would love to see your garden still......and actually, if you wanna....we're having Zain's Birthday party next month on JUly 15, (he'll be 5)a Saturday.....we'll be having a Potluck(for the folks), and a magician for the kids....nothing formal, just for fun...if you're not busy you're welcome to come...we will have kids of all ages from babies to teenagers, most kids will be in between though.....maybe your family can make it.......Many Blessings.......Michelle  (P.S....if you do come, and you still have those tomato plants, which are probably pretty big by now....I could use one or two....my tomatoes didn't come up this year.....I think it was my methods...they wanted to be babied...ya know)w/b