Trisha Sides

This was a great idea, Michelle!

We homeschool for a number of reasons such as my own negative experiences
with public school, and my stubborn refusal to let anyone else raise my
child. But I,m always adding new and better reasons, for instance, reading
everyone else's posts I find myself saying over and over- yeah, I agree with

I have just the one son so far-Gary age 6.

Gary has been VERY into bugs since before he could walk, and recently he,ms
gotten interested in Spanish,and how electricity works(which has stumped me,
I have no idea how to explain this to a 6 year old without boring him to
tears,I have looked on the web, but most of what I found is a little too
advanced as he doesn't read much yet.)

We live in Topeka,Kansas, and I,m actually very satisfied with the laws.

We currently have 2 Dachsunds, and 2 cats, although in the past year or so
we've also had ,cockateils, Anoles, Red eared sliders and various species of
fish, not to mention,dozens of varieties of insects in jars!

We are rather eclectic spiritually. We are practising Wiccans, and I also
attend a UU felowship, would like to be a member of CUUPS but we have no
chapter here.

I don't always have time to post, somedays it's al I can do to read my
e-mail, but I too adore this list, I have learned alot from it.

That's all I can think of.
Blessings, Trisha
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