[email protected]

On 7 Jun 00, at 9:56, bjackson wrote:

> Farm moms, we watched our very first newly hatched baby chick yesterday and
> it was quite an experience for all of us. The mama hen is ignoring it while
> she is still setting on her other eggs. Right now, I have it inside under a
> lamp, but don't know how/what to get it to eat and drink. Please advise.

The chicks usually sit under the mama hen while she's waiting for
the others to hatch, it should all take around 24 hours till she's
satisfied that all that are going to hatch have done so, then she will
take her babies off in search of food. Chicks don't need any food
or water for over 24 hours, in fact I generally leave mine in the
hatcher for about a day.

If you have taken that one away you may not be able to return it to
her, but she may accept it. If you need to feed it a little rolled oats
is a good food to start it on. We feed ours laying pellets instead of
chick starter as we are avoiding medications.

Good luck with the chick,


The Winona Farm in Minnesota Welcomes Unschoolers All Year Round
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"To believe in something, and not to live it,
is to be dishonest." -Mahatma Gandhi


Thanks for your helpful advice on music lessons and reading, ladies.

Farm moms, we watched our very first newly hatched baby chick yesterday and
it was quite an experience for all of us. The mama hen is ignoring it while
she is still setting on her other eggs. Right now, I have it inside under a
lamp, but don't know how/what to get it to eat and drink. Please advise.

Liz, or anyone from Arkansas, do you know if there's any way to get those
notice of intent forms without going to the local public school? I got one
mailed to me last year, but don't remember where I called. Also, do we have
to actually write down that we have school for 6 or 7 hours a day? It bugs
me to even have to say that, since she'll only be a first grader. By the
way, I'm in the southwest part of the state (Polk County).---Becky