[email protected]

In a message dated 6/5/00 11:12:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
mjcmbrwn@... writes:

<< "Oh hell, no! But you know those little $#@%&s made me suffer so much in
childbirth that I decided there and then that I'd make them suffer too!
So I keep them home and deprive them of all that neat stuff at school
just to pay them back for all that childbirth pain. I torture them
daily, and I beat them several times a week to remind them what will
happen when we get home if they don't look real happy when we're out.
Yes sir, I'm having a wonderful time making them pay for all that pain"
ROTFL!!!! I read this 10 minutes ago, and I am still chuckling. I have to
remember this one!


Bonnie Painter

that was just toooo funny...

>From: Brown <mjcmbrwn@...>
>Reply-To: [email protected]
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Top 10 homeschooling answers...
>Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 15:11:17 +1200
>I loved these, Gayle.
>Does anyone else get asked, in ever such a nice, concerned, caring voice
>"Are you sure you're doing the right thing for your kids by
>homeschooling them?" This has got to be my most hated question of all,
>from all my 14 years of homeschooling. It is soooo rude. Do they really
>think I'm such a creep I'd do it if I didn't think it was for the best?
>But I've perfected the answer:
>"Oh hell, no! But you know those little $#@%&s made me suffer so much in
>childbirth that I decided there and then that I'd make them suffer too!
>So I keep them home and deprive them of all that neat stuff at school
>just to pay them back for all that childbirth pain. I torture them
>daily, and I beat them several times a week to remind them what will
>happen when we get home if they don't look real happy when we're out.
>Yes sir, I'm having a wonderful time making them pay for all that pain"
>When I finally pause to draw breath, the questioner invariably blushes
>and says "I guess that was a silly question, wasn't it?" And sometimes
>we even go on to have a meaningful discussion about education!

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